Maandelijks archief mei 2018

31.05.2018 – Firmware Update (Mouhijoki) – early access

Firmware Update (Mouhijoki) – early access   Ein neues Firmware Update mit dem Namen „Mouhijoki“ bzw. in der Version ist soeben für early access User erschienen. Das Update erhalten zunächst alle Jolla Geräte (Jolla 1 und Jolla C). Besitzer von Xperia X werden heute ein wenig gedulden müssen, denn die Freigabe erfolgt in …

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SailfishOS Mouhijoki arriveert

De volgende versie van SailfishOS is onderweg naar de downloadservers van Jolla. Versie gaat door onder de naam Mouhijoki. De update brengt vanzelfsprekend tal van verbeteringen. Hoogtepunten in deze release zijn (aldus Jolla)...

SailfishOS 2.2.0 in aantocht

Het is alweer een tijdje stil rondom releases bij Jolla. SailfishOS 3 is ‘beloofd’ voor later dit jaar, SailfishOS 2 is nog steeds in ontwikkeling. Maar de regelmaat is soms wat ver te zoeken....

Top 3 mobile phones

When purchasing a new mobile phone, there are hundreds of models to choose from and, there are dozens of “excellent” or top-rated brands to consider. Therefore, it can be difficult to know what you are getting. Buying the phone upfront, on contract or buying a smartphone on finance are all options that need to be […]

Jolla at the Critical Communications World 2018 in Berlin

Jolla will be attending the Critical Communications World (CCW) in the Finnish pavillon presenting Sailfish OS, the “worlds only independent, privacy-focused, secure and customizable mobile OS”. The event takes place from May 15-17 and...

Best speakers available

When choosing new speakers there are many brands, sizes and models you can choose from. Whether you are on a budget or simply want the top name/quality it is important to know what to look for when buying new speakers. Before you invest consider a few of these products. For more information, visit UE […]