Testversie Verla (4.2.0) beschikbaar

Jolla heeft een nieuwe versie van SailfishOS vrijgegeven, waarmee we aankomen bij versie 4.2.0. De Release Notes hebben het over de volgende highlights:


  • Errors related to creating/removing Telepathy-based accounts fixed. For instance, removed XMPP accounts do not appear on “Settings > Presence” anymore.
  • Connection to Office 365 Exchange server failing due to provisioning defect fixed (provisioning inactive time)
  • Facebook removed from the available account types as the Facebook services had practically faded out. Facebook account remains over OS updates but won’t appear on devices to which 4.2.0 is installed/flashed.


  • UI components got a fix to follow the colouring of the new ambiences (4.0.1 regression)

Android App Support (Xperia XA2, 10 and 10 II)

  • “Settings > System > Android App Support > Show licences” fixed
  • Camera bridged to Android App Support more elegantly
  • Android app settings pages now display the app icon
  • If App Support is not running, a notification is shown about launching the App Support to start the app. The notification was improved to show the app name and icon
  • Internet connections of Android apps via WLAN improved
  • Updated to security patch level

Audio recorder

  • Active cover layout now better aligns with platform style

Backup & Restore

  • User is notified to sign in again after restoring a backup from a cloud account


  • Close button removed from the toolbar
  • OAuth2 helper API for hybrid web app developers added
  • Settings and toolbar improved:
    • Choosing the download directory is possible now
    • History item added
    • Adding a web page to add grid appears in the toolbar conveniently now
    • Dialogue for checking your usernames/passwords of various web pages added
  • Usage of home page fixed – restarted browser takes you to the home page now (unless you have had tabs open)
  • Regression in saved passwords modification dialogue fixed
  • Tapping the downloaded file now opens the viewer app instead of taking you to the transfers
  • Opening a file from transfer notification supported
  • Signing in to captive portals with Sailfish Browser improved

CalDAV & CardDAV

  • Redirects from http to https (or vice versa) fixed – they used to be detected as circular and aborted
  • Last modified timestamp of calendar sync fixed


  • Color-coded calendar indications on Calendar main page month grid added
  • Replying to event participants from Calendar made possible
  • Opening of iCalendar .ics email attachments fixed
  • Robustness of signing in to Exchange account improved
  • Enabling/disabling calendars in Calendar app now committed when minimizing the app (previously required closing the “Manage calendars” page)


  • Scene mode and the support for multiple cameras on Xperia 10 II
  • Camera API bug fixes for 3rd party
  • Drop camera launch action from rarely used empty state cover


  • Signal strength of 5 GHz WiFi access points fixed on Xperia 10 II
  • When joining a new WiFi network the IPv6 address is assigned to the interface now
  • Ensured that Internet sharing works on Xperia 10 II despite the dual Wi-Fi/STA+AP mode

Contacts – see People


  • Documents Calligra engine upgraded (17 fixes)


  • More robust attachment handling
  • Support for sending email to calendar event organiser or participants
  • Crash in Exchange account creation fixed
  • Android storage exposed to Gallery, i.e., Android pictures and videos are shown in Gallery. Note, currently only shows pictures under Android Pictures folder, no content on app-specific folders

Home screen

  • App Grid supports sticky mode for easier one-handed use. While halfway opening App Grid you can now hold a finger for a moment to pin App Grid in place and then continue to tap the app you want to launch
  • Lockscreen edge indicators don’t anymore move with the unlock gesture issue fixed
  • Dismissing OS update notifications at Events view now possible


  • Bluetooth and wired headset media keys (play, pause, next etc.) are handled via the MPRIS framework now. This makes those keys available for Android apps, too


  • Grouping of non-repliable service SMS messages fixed
  • Sending text messages on some devices (Jolla C) fixed


  • Stability and playback quality improved


  • Tapping birthday on a contact card opens the Calendar now
  • Size of attachment file fixed while sharing contacts over email
  • Recent contacts now show both called and messaged contacts in Phone and Messages (used to only show either)
  • Memory leak in contacts backend fixed
  • Avatars painted outside their area in active cover fixed


  • Routing phone call voice to Bluetooth headsets improved (with some headsets it may still fail)

Sandboxing (app isolation)

  • Plenty if improvements to clarity and robustness
  • Adjustments to permissions
  • Permissions listed in Settings > Apps > App are sorted alphabetically


  • Vulnerabilities fixed:
  • bluez 5.58: CVE-2020-27153
  • connman 1.32: CVE-2021-33833
  • curl 7.77.0: CVE-2021-22890, CVE-2021-22876
  • glibc 2.30: CVE-2020-27618
  • gstreamer 1.18.4: CVE-2019-9928, CVE-2021-3522, CVE-2021-3497, CVE-2021-3498
  • libjpeg 2.1.0: CVE-2020-13790
  • openjpeg 2.4.0: CVE-2019-12973, CVE-2019-6988
  • python3-lxml 4.6.3: CVE-2021-28957


  • App settings now show the app icon
  • Transfer notification icon updated for better legibility
  • Fingerterm terminal no longer plays haptics on both press and release
  • Serial number of the device added to About product page


  • The file-sharing UI was reimplemented as system dialogue, no longer done inside the sharing applications.


  • Permission to control access to external storage added
  • Possibility to encrypt the phone by using an inserted SD card as temporary storage. If the device isn’t encrypted and an SD card is in the device, the option to utilize the SD card during encryption appears in “Settings > Encryption”. Once the encryption is started, the UI for copying user data appears. If the data is copied correctly to the card, the device gets encrypted. After encryption, the data is copied back to the home directories.

Text input

  • Predictive text input is available for Xperia 10 II, too, from Jolla Store (licence required)

UI components

  • Context menu closing stuttering cases fixed


  • Plenty of improvements

Device specific improvements

Xperia 10 II

  • Signal strength indication of 5 GHz WiFi fixed
  • Signal strength indication of 3G fixed
  • Internet sharing fixed
  • Unnecessary system messages blocked
  • Kernel updated
  • Homescreen now recovers from crashes
  • Phone behaviour at low memory cases improved
  • The mic of wired headsets is now used correctly (a workaround used on 4.1.0 was removed). Hardware adaptation of Xperia 10 II updated because of this.
  • Support for all three cameras (shown with buttons 0.6, 1.0 and 2.0 in the viewfinder)

Gemini PDA

  • Audio functions fixed

Sailfish OS Forum and T.J.C: Issues reported by the community and fixed in this update


Jarno is oprichter en bijdrager van JollaNL.org. Daarnaast in het dagelijks leven druk bezig met internet als Frontend Developer.

2 reacties

  1. Kea schreef:

    Update ging soepel en leverde verder geen problemen op. De officiële camera-app doet het nu beter. Helaas nog geen verbeterde GPS en ook is het nog niet mogelijk om links te delen van apps naar bv. Piepmatz. Weet iemand hoe je een link van NedNieuws naar Piepmatz krijgt?

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