Maandelijks archief mei 2016

Sailfish OS released

Today marks the public availability of Sailfish OS Taalojärvi. This release of Sailfish OS is considered to be primarily a bug fix release, however it also manages to pack a plethora of new features in as well. Let’s go over some highlights of this release! New features Sharing options in Sailfish OS have been […]

PRESS: Jolla secures $12 million in financing + news roundup

Antti Saarnio BRICS

Before we dive into this new press release, I’d like to briefly introduce myself. I’m Topias Vainio, an IT student from Finland. I’m your typical nerd interested in tech stuff and games and also a huge fan of Jolla and Sailfish. Some may already know me as the founder of Jolla Fan Club group on […]

Jolla verkrijgt voldoende financiering om door te gaan

Jolla heeft vandaag bekend gemaakt dat het sinds de laatste financiering 12 miljoen euro heeft binnengehaald voor de verdere ontwikkeling van SailfishOS. Daarmee is voldoende geld beschikbaar voor ontwikkeling tot in elk geval het...