Making Sailfish OS Word-Perfect: Community Translations

Dear Community,

We are thrilled to introduce an exciting way to contribute to Sailfish OS in the true spirit of Doing-It-Together, this time reaching out to the language enthusiasts!

On the path of making Sailfish OS sound, we are rolling out our translation service, where you will be able to localise the new UI strings just a week before they enter the next software release candidate!

You might say “Hey, but I want to help out more often than just for one week between updates!” Yet you have already been contributing by using TJC  to inform us about translation and validation errors — whether it be typos, better wording, or not fitting the layout. From now on you’ll be able to suggest corrections of past updates quicker and easier — straight into translation tool!

We are still going to use TJC, but mainly for announcements and per-language discussions.

This first rollout phase will let you translate into 15 Sailfish OS core languages, however we are already electing community languages for the next phase: click here for more info!

Happy L10ning! And to conclude whilst rephrasing a song by Dido, “All you want / Is right here in this link. Make sure you get intimately acquainted with the whole article, as it describes how, where, and when to translate, as well as how to keep up with all the important news!

Last but not least, I would like to thank Jolla’s L10n team: our polyglot linguist Jarkko Ahonen, infra expert Pami Ketolainen, all the rest of the sailors for chipping in as well as our jolly hand-picked squad of community beta testers.



Sim a.k.a. sledges


The post Making Sailfish OS Word-Perfect: Community Translations appeared first on Jolla Blog.

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