SailfishOS update 2.0.1 (Taalojärvi) vrijgegeven


We hebben er even op moeten wachten, maar zojuist is er dan eindelijk een nieuwe versie van SailfishOS vrijgegeven. De update was al enige tijd in de maak als early-access. Sinds 19 januari dit jaar om precies te zijn. Niet eerder had Jolla zoveel tijd nodig om van early-access tot final te komen. Helaas geeft Jolla erg weinig informatie vrij over het hoe en waarom. Het zal wel horen bij de vele strubbelingen waar het bedrijf de afgelopen maanden mee te maken had.

De release-notes vertellen ons:

Upgrade version history

  • 2016-01-19: Early access release
  • 2016-04-28: Early access update to address critical incoming call issue and to provide latest security updates
  • 2016-05-09: Roll-out to all users.

Release Highlights

  • Share pictures to your Dropbox or OneDrive account
  • Sailfish sharing options added into Android sharing menu
  • Past communication events displayed on contact cards
  • Allow toggling password text visibility in password fields across the OS
  • Access to Events settings from Events View shortcuts menu
  • Flicking between Homescreen views made easier
  • Allow installing untrusted software without Jolla account
  • Tablet: Landscape support for Bluetooth pairing and file transfer dialogs

Bug fixes:

Android Support:

  • Fixed an issue where System UI has stopped while running Android app
  • Improved restart handling for Android runtime
  • Support for lockscreen media controls on Tablet
  • SMS sending support
  • Camera issues with Android apps fixed
  • Fixed an issue where Android applications (such as file managers) could not access path /media/sdcard


  • Added support for Aptoide’s tablet version
  • Fix virtual keyboard opening in
  • Fix focus handling after user has closed virtual keyboard with a gesture
  • Don’t request location permission if GPS is disabled


  • Improved day view layout
  • Fixes Google calendar sync from device to cloud


  • Fixes for image metadata
  • Make video playback consistent with Gallery


  • Hidden network’s name is now shown when typing it
  • Bug fixes from upstream

Developer mode:

  • Fixed an issue where app might quit automatically if started from command line when display is off

Events view:

  • Fixed brightness-setting overlapping quick actions on events view’s “pull down settings”


  • Fixed crash when minimizing and restoring gallery app while playing a video


  • Reordering apps on app grid folder works again
  • Random texture is sometimes drawn when application is activated from launcher
  • Fixed peeking an app while receiving an alarm
  • Shutdown view displays “Goodbye” instead of Jolla logo


  • Hindi keyboard
  • Keyboard sounds no longer break Bluetooth sound in silent mode


  • Documents placeholder text layout fixed for languages with long translations like Finnish
  • PDF document crash fixes


  • Added communication history.


  • Multiple fixes to call dialog getting stuck
  • Better error handling of USSD requests while in flight mode
  • Fix issue where incoming call gets sometimes automatically silenced after 2 seconds


  • Updated company address in About page


  • Report same logicalDotsPerInchApp when launching from command line and app grid
  • Allow use of QtQml.Models 2.1 in apps
  • Allow use of in apps


  • Fix CVE-2015-5986, CVE-2015-5722, CVE-2015-5477, CVE-2015-4620, CVE-2015-8126, CVE-2015-7981, CVE-2015-7547, CVE-2016-0800.

Startup wizard:

  • Tapping on check mark highlights but does not change state
  • Launcher edge indicator is shown correctly in Tutorial

Als altijd geldt, maak een backup voordat je upgrade! De update moet theoretisch de komende dagen automatisch worden aangeboden op je toestel, maar via de Instellingen kun je de update versneld ontvangen.

Heb je de update geïnstalleerd? We zijn heel benieuwd naar je mening over deze release. Goede verbeteringen, of maakt Jolla juist verkeerde keuzes?


Jarno is oprichter en bijdrager van Daarnaast in het dagelijks leven druk bezig met internet als Frontend Developer.

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