31.10.2018 – Firmware Update (Lemmenjoki) – early access

Sailfish OS 3 wurde mit einer kleinen Verspätung endlich veröffentlicht! Zumindest für die Early Access Teilnehmer. Allerdings will Jolla bis zum 08.11.18 es für jeden freigeben.

Nach dem Update wird man direkt von SFOS3 begrüßt und bekommt die Information angezeigt was sich so geändert, näheres weiter unten.

Die größte visuelle Veränderung bringt das neue Top-Menü (Oberes Menü) dar. Es ist nun möglich von überall die Kurzbefehle aufzurufen, ähnlich wie bei Android OS. Somit erspart man sich den Weg zur Ereignisübersicht. Dadurch ändert sich „etwas“ die Methode eine App zu schließen. Die Gesten Steuerung können auch nicht mehr wie zuvor angepasst werden. Das Top-Menü ist auch hier individuell anpassbar.


Das Update bringt auch vier weitere Ambiente mit: Sailfish 3, Glazial, Luftig und Rollend.



Das Update bringt jedoch noch nicht alle Features mit, was Jolla versprochen hat. Diese werden dann nach und nach erscheinen. Beispiel: QT5.9 und schnelleres Multitasking, sprich wechseln zwischen zwei Apps. QT5.9 soll wohl im nächsten Update 3.0.1 integriert werden, dass Anfang/Mitte Dezember erscheinen wird. Dennoch! Diese Version bringt so einiges mit sich.


Kommen wir zu den Highlights des Updates:

  • Mobile Device Management (MDM).
  • Vollständig integrierte VPN-Lösungen.
  • WiFi-Enterprise Unterstützung.
  • neues Top-Menü: Schnelle Einstellungen und Verknüpfungen können jetzt überall aufgerufen werden
  • System-Performance hat sich verbesser.
  • Light Ambiente Themen.
  • Datenverschlüsselung: Speicherkartenverschlüsselung ist jetzt verfügbar. Die Verschlüsselung des Gerätedateisystems wird in den nächsten Versionen veröffentlicht.
  • neue Tastaturgesten: Tastaturlayout schnell mit einem Wisch wechseln.
  • USB On-The-Go-Speicher: Zum Anschließen verschiedener externer Speichergeräte. (OTG)
  • Kamera-Verbesserungen: Mit der neuen Funktion „Sperrbildschirm“ man die soeben aufgenommenen Fotos überprüfen, ohne das Gerät zu entsperren.



Und wie immer, hier die volle Changelog:


Update version history

  • 2018-10-31 : was released to Early Access subscribers (Jolla devices and Xperia X).
  • 2018-mm-dd : 3.0.0.y to be released to all Jolla customers having the following devices: Jolla1, Jolla C, Jolla Tablet, Xperia X (f5121 and f5122) and for various Xperia XA2, XA2 Ultra and XA2 Plus models (we will list them here later).

Installable images for Xperia X devices are not available yet – they will be added when we publish 3.0.0 to all users.

Size of update

The download size of the update depends on the device type and on the OS version currently in the device. Some typical values below:
– Jolla 1 from to 3.0.0: about 350 MB
– Jolla C from to 3.0.0: about MB
– Jolla C from to 3.0.0: about 390 MB
– Xperia X from to 3.0.0: about 360 MB

Release Highlights

This list contains examples of new features (and some bug fixes) added to Sailfish OS, compared to the previous public release 2.2.1. The release notes of 2.2.1 can be found here: https://together.jolla.com/question/187284/release-notes-221-nurmonjoki/

The instructions for installing Sailfish OS to Sony Xperia X devices are here – covering Windows, Linux and Mac computers.


  • Support for XA2 coming soon!
  • No changes for other products


  • Light Ambiences introduced: New fresh look for Sailfish OS.
  • New Sailfish 3 ambiences added: Sailfish 3, Glacial, Airy, Rolling
  • The ambiences are sorted in recent order so there is less need for favoriting (to reflect this current favorites were downgraded to normal)
  • You can still use favoriting to pin your most favourite ambiences to the beginning of the list


  • Remorse timer for „close all tabs“ added


  • Lock Screen Camera gained camera roll, allowing you to review the photos you just took without unlocking the device


  • Page margins tuned for landscape orientation (tablet)

Corporate API / Device Management (MDM)

  • Policy API improved
  • Fixes to Applications API
  • OS Update API split: OS update architecture decoupled from Jolla Store to allow externally-hosted OS update infrastructure

CSD (built-in test tool)

  • WLAN scan status added


  • Email messaging framework updated to the latest upstream (QMF)
  • Jolla Phone (Jolla 1): Move to newer Exchange Active Sync plugin to bring in the latest e-mail features also for Jolla1 Jolla Phone users: Please remove your Exchange account from your Jolla Phone before installing 3.0.0. Once done and 3.0.0 installed, get the new version of Exchange from Jolla Store and install it. Then sign in to your Exchange account. This is the recommended order, however, deleting the old incompatible account afterwards should be possible, too.
  • Screenshots are now collected to a dedicated folder „Screenshots“

Hardware adaptation

  • Support for Sony Xperia XA2 (single SIM, dual SIM), Sony Xperia XA2 Ultra (single SIM, dual SIM) and for Sony Xperia XA2 Plus (single SIM, dual SIM) added
  • Improved support for MediaTek chipsets
  • Improved support for Spreadtrum chipsets
  • Improved support for Android 8 based drivers with libhybris


  • New Top Menu introduced, combining quick actions and shortcuts from Events, and ambiences from the old Top Menu
  • Close app gesture is now triggered from the top edge corners to allow accessing Top Menu anywhere
  • Events and Lock Screen device lock backgrounds are now blurred
  • Fixed issue where multiple WLAN access points made the Homescreen unresponsive


  • New gesture introduced: Swipe the keyboard horizontally to quickly switch between the keyboard layouts – this makes it quick to change the input language (e.g. English to Emoji)
  • Old keyboard switch popup is still available, activated by long-pressing the spacebar key
  • Small transition added to highlight the selected input language after the switch


  • Recent contacts listing limited to 5 contacts


  • Landscape support added for cellular Tablets
  • Call avatar is now brighter on dark ambience style

Sailfish OS updates

  • OS update pictures present Finnish national parks in Sailfish 3
  • OS Update API split: OS update architecture decoupled from Jolla Store to allow externally-hosted OS update infrastructure
  • Package Management updated, including RPM, Zypper and PackageKit

Security – vulnerabilities fixed:

  • openssl (v. 1.0.2o) : CVE-2016-6306, CVE-2016-2181, CVE-2016-2179, CVE-2016-2178, CVE-2016-2177, CVE-2016-2180, CVE-2016-2182, CVE-2016-6302, CVE-2016-6303, CVE-2016-2183, CVE-2016-6304, CVE-2016-7052, CVE-2016-7055, CVE-2017-3732, CVE-2017-3731, CVE-2017-3735, CVE-2017-3736, CVE-2017-3737, CVE-2017-3738, CVE-2018-0739
  • openssh (v. 7.7p1) : CVE-2016-6210, CVE-2015-8325, CVE-2018-15473, CVE-2017-15906, CVE-2016-6515, CVE-2016-3115, CVE-2016-1908, CVE-2016-10708, CVE-2016-10012, CVE-2016-10011, CVE-2016-10009
  • boost (v. 1.53) : CVE-2013-0252
  • Jolla Phone, Jolla C, Jolla Tablet: kernel : CVE-2017-10661


  • Remorse timer delay removed from Flight Mode
  • Setting for Quick App Closing removed (it is always on now) – see Top Menu below at „UX“
  • EULA viewable at Settings > About product


  • External storage devices can now be accessed over USB On-The-Go
  • Formatting of SD cards improved
  • Encryption of SD cards supported now; the necessary passphrase dialogs added
  • It is also possible to format an encrypted card
  • Read more about SD cards below under the heading „About SD cards“


  • Top Menu introduced — make it visible by pulling down from the top (in the middle of the device top) — always available, regardless of the sate of the UI — new toggle switches: momentary on/off labels, filled icon means an active connection — long-press a switch to access respective settings pages (opens context menu) — shortcuts and Quick Actions under one view
  • New way to quickly close an app: swipe down from the top but near either of the corners – this is „always on“ (no setup item for this any more)
  • Sailfish 3 welcome screen appears during the first boot up after installing the OS update
  • App launch times improved hundreds of milliseconds through optimizations and smarter transitions (on average 25% faster on Xperia X)
  • In-app view launch times improved hundreds of milliseconds by loading the views during the transition (on average 33% faster on Xperia X)


  • VPN changes are mostly architectural to increase robustness of the connections
  • Saving of VPN settings has improved: VPN connection is now updated properly instead of removing the old and creating new with updated content
  • When removing a connected VPN from UI all the content related to that VPN is properly removed


  • Weather details layout polished for landscape orientation (tablet)
  • Instruct user to type more when under 3 character location search limit (note finding 1-2 character length place names still works)


For detailed changelog, see https://together.jolla.com/question/191507/changelog-300-lemmenjoki/ .

Updating your device

Your device must be connected to the Internet and signed into your Jolla account. If your Jolla account is registered for Early Access releases you should receive an OS update notification when an update is available. If you have decided not to take the Early Access registration then you will get the OS update typically one week later.

We warmly recommend making some 3-4 GB of free space to the internal storage of your device before starting the update. Move your pictures and videos to the SD card (or to your PC or cloud service). After the upgrade turn on the option to save pictures and videos directly from the camera to the memory card (Settings > Apps > Camera). This is important particularly in case of „Jolla Phone“ devices (product name „Jolla“ in Settings > About product).

This is the usual drill before attempting to update your devices:

Take a backup of your data before attempting to update your device and save the backup to an SD card or to some other off-device location (PC, your cloud service). Note that videos and images are not included in cloud-based backups. Do not reboot the device while the update is in progress. Do keep the phone connected to a battery charger during the whole process. Device screen may blank out during the update process; you may waken the display by a short press on the power key to monitor the progress.

For detailed instructions on updating software, visit Zendesk: https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/201836347

Notification concerning apps from Open Repos

  • If you use Phonehook or Callrecorder from OpenRepos, uninstall it before upgrading
  • If you use oFono from OpenRepos, revert to the official oFono before upgrading
  • If you use Patchmanager, revert all applied patches before upgrading.

About Exchange email account on Jolla Phones

Jolla Phone users: There is a Exchange Active Sync plugin for Jolla Phones in 3.0.0. Please remove your Exchange account from your Jolla Phone before installing 3.0.0. Once done and 3.0.0 installed, get the new version of Exchange from Jolla Store and install it. Then sign in to your Exchange account. This is the recommended order, however, deleting the old incompatible account afterwards should be possible, too.

About SD cards

  • Encrypted cards must be both unlocked and mounted by the user to make them available for Sailfish applications.
  • Non-encrypted cards are mounted automatically when the device is turned on.
  • Make sure that you unmount the card before taking the option to format it or else the card may malfunction in the Sailfish device. Should this happen, format the card with a PC first.
  • Encrypted cards can be formatted only when they are locked. Formatting removes the encryption in this case (the card becomes unencrypted and unmounted). You can then format it again with the option to encrypt, if needed.

Known issues

  • Bluetooth pairing and audio connections may still fail in some circumstances
  • Some Facebook services (syncing FB events to calendar; uploading pictures to FB from gallery) do not work (independent of your OS release) due to some changes at the FB end. We will figure out how to fix this.
  • Light ambience concept of Sailfish 3 needs polishing and tuning up. There are still issues with the colours of different objects when using the ambiences that have light background colours.

Known issues specific to Xperia X

  • NFC not working
  • Issues with mobile data persist on some SIM cards. Turn the Flight mode on and off to reset the network setup. Reverting the device to Android and re-installing Sailfish X has often helped. See our support article: https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004283713
  • Manual network/carrier search lists all networks by the same name (the name of the SIM provider). Use automatic search. If not possible, you need to try several items in the manual search results, unfortunately. The top most item is not necessarily the one that can serve you (still valid with most SIM cards)
  • [camera] Force autofocus mode for photos, and continuous for video. After this, camera focus is still not ideal – as the camera stays out of focus when it starts until you either tap or try to take a shot – but the pictures seem to be better focused now
  • Xperia X does not power up when alarm time has elapsed
  • Bluetooth: Still problems with car equipment, some audio devices and computers.
  • Waking up the device by double-tap does not work
  • Loudspeaker volume level cannot be adjusted high enough (but echo cancellation was added to the audio path in 2.1.4)
  • Sensors:
    • Not working: barometer, step counter, NFC
  • FM radio missing
  • Not all SD cards are recognised and mounted.

Known issues specific to Xperia XA2

  • Fingerprint support not working
  • NFC not working
  • Bluetooth not working (initial basic support only)
  • Display wake-up flashes old UI content
  • Startup wizard is showing noise before actual language selection UI
  • FM radio not implemented
  • XA2 does not power up when alarm time has elapsed
  • Display blanking is unstable during phonecalls or alarms (due to proximity sensor).



Packages removed (10)


  • as-daemon-tests – 0.8.18-1.2.3.jolla, as-daemon-ts-devel – 0.8.18-1.2.3.jolla, as-daemon – 0.8.18-1.2.3.jolla


  • as-daemon-all-translations – 0.5.0-1.3.3.jolla, as-daemon-all-translations-pack – 0.5.0-1.3.3.jolla


  • as-daemon-l10n-kn – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-ja – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-es – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-hi – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-pl – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-sl – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-ml – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-te – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-es_ES – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-cs – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-de – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-et – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-sv – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-zh_TW – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-ta – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-nb – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-zh_CN – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-hu – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-bn_IN – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-da – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-tr – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-ko – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-fr – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-it – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-mr – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-tt – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-gu – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-fi – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-en_GB – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-el – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-pt_BR – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-all-translations – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-zh_HK – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-pa – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-ru – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-nl – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-en_US – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-pt – 1.21-1.3.6.jolla


  • feature-eas – 0.0.11-1.2.8.jolla


  • libas-common-utils-devel – 0.4.14-1.2.1.jolla, libas-common-utils – 0.4.14-1.2.1.jolla, libas-common-utils-tests – 0.4.14-1.2.1.jolla


  • libas-protocol – 0.5.17-1.1.15.jolla, libas-protocol-doc – 0.5.17-1.1.15.jolla, libas-protocol-devel – 0.5.17-1.1.15.jolla, libas-protocol-tests – 0.5.17-1.1.15.jolla


  • qmf-activesync-plugin-ts-devel – 0.1.59-1.2.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-tests – 0.1.59-1.2.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin – 0.1.59-1.2.3.jolla


  • qmf-activesync-plugin-all-translations – 0.5.0-1.2.4.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-all-translations-pack – 0.5.0-1.2.4.jolla


  • qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-gu – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-tr – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-el – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-en_GB – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-zh_HK – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-hu – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-es – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-bn_IN – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-et – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-ko – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-pa – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-ta – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-ja – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-tt – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-en_US – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-sl – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-pl – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-sv – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-es_ES – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-nl – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-pt_BR – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-zh_TW – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-all-translations – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-cs – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-it – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-fr – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-te – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-fi – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-pt – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-mr – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-nb – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-de – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-kn – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-ml – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-da – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-hi – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-zh_CN – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-ru – 1.65-1.4.3.jolla


  • sdk-dummy-dependencies – 0.0.5-1.3.9.jolla

Packages modified (265)


  • Updated : 1.1.9-1.3.3.jolla — 1.1.9-1.5.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: libzypp.so.1702, libzypp.so.1702(ZYPP_plain)
  • [PackageKit] Disable GPG signature checking on temporary local repositories created to install local packages from file.


  • Updated : 2.0.3-1.2.1.jolla — 2.0.3-1.3.1.jolla
  • [sdl] Fix „unresponsible application“ issue. Contributes MER#1934


  • Updated : 2.2.51-1.1.4.jolla — 2.2.53-1.2.1.jolla Binaries removed : acl-docs, acl-locale
  • [acl] Update to 2.2.53-2 version and switch to sub module.


  • Updated : 0.5.0-1.3.3.jolla — 0.6.0-1.5.1.jolla
  • [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
  • [l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.


  • Updated : 0.5.0-1.4.3.jolla — 0.6.0-1.5.3.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: sailfish-minui-l10n-sv, sailfish-minui-l10n-fr, sailfish-minui-l10n-de, sailfish-minui-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-minui-l10n-en_GB, sailfish-minui-l10n-da, sailfish-minui-l10n-fi, sailfish-minui-l10n-sl, sailfish-minui-l10n-gu, sailfish-minui-l10n-it, sailfish-minui-l10n-mr, sailfish-minui-l10n-kn, sailfish-minui-l10n-ko, sailfish-minui-l10n-zh_CN, sailfish-minui-l10n-et, sailfish-minui-l10n-pt_BR, sailfish-minui-l10n-es, sailfish-minui-l10n-ru, sailfish-minui-l10n-en_US, sailfish-minui-l10n-cs, sailfish-minui-l10n-ta, sailfish-minui-l10n-el, sailfish-minui-l10n-ml, sailfish-minui-l10n-te, sailfish-minui-l10n-hu, sailfish-minui-l10n-pl, sailfish-minui-l10n-pa, sailfish-minui-l10n-zh_HK, sailfish-minui-l10n-es_ES, sailfish-minui-l10n-tt, sailfish-minui-l10n-nb, sailfish-minui-l10n-tr, sailfish-minui-l10n-hi, sailfish-minui-l10n-ja, sailfish-minui-l10n-nl, sailfish-minui-l10n-pt, sailfish-minui-l10n-bn_IN
  • [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
  • [l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.


  • Updated : 0.29.1-1.5.2.jolla — 0.29.7-1.8.4.jolla
  • [ambienced] Fix unintentional change of color scheme when editing the favorite property.
  • [ambience] Use silica APIs to derive highlight colors.
  • [ambienced] Fix ambience timestamps.
  • [ambienced] Fix failing test on tst_ambiencemanager.
  • [ambiences] Introduce color scheme property to the ambiences.
  • [ambienced] Ensure database upgrades complete before the homescreen accesses the database.
  • [ambienced] Show more recently modified ambiences first.
  • [ambienced] Update ambience timestamp when certain changes are made.


  • Updated : 1.86.1-1.10.1.jolla — 1.90.1-1.13.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched apkd from version 1.90
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 45 of 45 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : — 0.0.10-1.6.1.jolla
  • [audioflinger] Correct method signatures for Android 7.0.0.
  • [arch] detect_build_targets can take 2nd argument for android arch, but use droid-make or droid-cmd if available.
  • [arch] Temporarily fix android arch detection.
  • [arch] Temporarily fix android arch detection.


  • Updated : 1.51.0+git2-1.2.1.jolla — 1.66.0-1.3.2.jolla Binaries added : boost-atomic – 1.66.0-1.3.2.jolla, boost-log – 1.66.0-1.3.2.jolla, boost-stacktrace – 1.66.0-1.3.2.jolla, boost-container – 1.66.0-1.3.2.jolla, boost-exception – 1.66.0-1.3.2.jolla, boost-type_erasure – 1.66.0-1.3.2.jolla Binaries removed : boost-context, boost-build, boost-jam
  • Unmet requirements: libboost_chrono.so.1.66.0, libboost_date_time-mt.so.1.66.0, libboost_thread-mt.so.1.66.0, boost-log = 1.66.0-1.3.2.jolla, libboost_filesystem-mt.so.1.66.0, libboost_system-mt.so.1.66.0, boost-exception = 1.66.0-1.3.2.jolla, boost-container = 1.66.0-1.3.2.jolla, libboost_chrono-mt.so.1.66.0, libboost_timer-mt.so.1.66.0, boost-atomic = 1.66.0-1.3.2.jolla, libboost_regex-mt.so.1.66.0, libboost_timer.so.1.66.0, boost-type_erasure = 1.66.0-1.3.2.jolla, boost-stacktrace = 1.66.0-1.3.2.jolla, libboost_system.so.1.66.0, libboost_regex.so.1.66.0
  • [boost] Fix ld script.
  • [boost] Switch BuildRequires to pkgconfig where possible.
  • [icu] Loosen build dependency on ICU to allow for version changes.
  • [package] Update to upstream Boost 1.66.0.
  • [rpm] Fix inaccurate week days because new RPM actually checks that.
  • [rpm] Remove temporary doc dir for new RPM.
  • [boost] Set include files as non-executable.
  • [package] Update to upstream Boost 1.60, incorporating recent patches
  • [update] Removed obsolete patches.
  • rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes
  • bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)
  • use the real version number to point to the shared libs
  • rebuild


  • Updated : 0.4.22-1.2.3.jolla — 0.5.1-1.3.1.jolla
  • [build] Adjust sub-mts-fsstorage-tests build dependencies.
  • [build] Document top level build targets
  • [build] Reorder top level build targets
  • [mtpresponder] Activate transporter after enumerating storages.


  • Updated : 0.1.46-1.3.3.jolla — 0.1.47-1.4.1.jolla
  • [buteo-sync-plugin-caldav] Recover incidence with missing uri and etag. Contributes to MER#1944


  • Updated : 0.0.16-1.2.3.jolla — 0.1.0-1.3.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: libQmfClient.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5(Qt_5)
  • [buteo-sync-plugins-email] Adapt to qmf changes.


  • Updated : 3.6.2-1.1.6.jolla — 3.11.4-1.2.3.jolla
  • [boost] Update cmake to 3.11.4 to properly detect latest Boost.


  • Updated : 0.8.14-1.3.2.jolla — 0.8.15-1.4.1.jolla
  • [commhistoryd] Added error message for IM message failure.


  • Updated : 1.59.1-1.5.1.jolla — 1.63.1-1.8.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched commhistory-daemon from version 1.63
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 38 of 38 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 0.11.34-1.3.1.jolla — 0.11.35-1.4.1.jolla
  • [connectionagent] Add plugins.qmltypes.


  • Updated : 1.32+git27.7-1.15.1.jolla — 1.32+git35.1-1.16.1.jolla
  • [1] https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git/commit/?id=41662f5cc55335807d39404371cfcbb1909304c4
  • [connman] Don’t skip cellular services in auto_connect_service().
  • [connman] Make tethering work with newer kernels.
  • [vpn] Save provider conf when properties are changed.
  • [vpn] Add remove function callback to VPN driver.
  • [vpn] Reset flags for vpn_newlink() if interface was up.
  • [1] https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=902fefb82ef72a50c78cb4a20cc954b037a98d1c
  • [connman] Removed disconnect_vpn_service().
  • [vpn] Don’t touch AutoConnect flag on VPN connection state changes.
  • [connman] Add service.c unit test.
  • [connman] Bookkeeping of VPN connections.
  • [connman] Check default route in service list sort.
  • [connman] Default service change checks simplified.
  • [connman] Do not update preferred order if VPN is as default.
  • [connman] Improve default service selection logic.
  • [connman] Improve service autoconnection.
  • [connman] Increase service online state checks.
  • [connman] Remove unnecessary VPN autoconnect.
  • [connman] Restructure code from default change to sorting.
  • [connman] Service autoconnect: use service type and reason.
  • [connman] Traverse service list only with debug.
  • [connman] Use DNS of depending non-default route VPN.
  • [connman] User connect request resets VPN auto connect timeout.
  • [connman] Use transport service of VPN in compare.
  • [connman-vpn] Improve auto connection of VPNs.
  • [connman-vpn] Increasing delay in VPN autoconnect.
  • [connman] Check active flag when updating gateway.
  • [connman] Set/unset active flag if changing gw.
  • [connman] cherry-picks from upstream for dnsproxy
  • [connman] Increased WIFI_AUTOSCAN_RESTART_MS to 1 sec.
  • [ofono] Fixed network registration state tracking
  • [unit] Removed test-dnsproxy
  • [connman] Make net.connman.Service.Connect work for VPN services
  • [connman] Turn VPN autoconnect if user cancels the connection.
  • [openvpn] Avoid closing management socket twice
  • [vpn] Let connman know if user canceled the connection.
  • [vpn] Use longer timeout for Connect D-Bus call
  • [connman-vpn] Set autoconnect off if dialog canceled.
  • [openvpn] Don’t create pipes that we don’t use.


  • Updated : 1.2.8-1.4.3.jolla — 1.2.12-1.8.1.jolla
  • [connman-qt] Added NetworkManager::connectedWifi property.
  • [connman-qt] Clear all service lists when connman disconnects.
  • [connman-qt] Optimize service list queries.
  • [libconnman-qt] Use for range-loop instead of Q_FOREACH.


  • Updated : 1.38-1.3.6.jolla — 1.39-1.5.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 5 of 5 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 1.14.1-1.4.1.jolla — 1.14.2-1.5.1.jolla
  • [crash-reporter] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().


  • Updated : 3.18+git1-1.1.5.jolla — 4.14+git1-1.2.1.jolla
  • [Packaging] Update to 4.14 .Fixes MER#1969
  • [Packaging] Update to 4.14. Fixes MER#1969


  • Updated : 0.14.3-1.11.8.jolla — 0.14.8-1.16.2.jolla
  • [csd] Adapt LCD tests to light ambience.
  • [csd] Remove unused network connectivity type.
  • [csd] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
  • [csd] Add Galileo support.
  • [csd] Fix identifier typo(s) in satellite system detection.
  • [csd] Added WiFi information.


  • Updated : 1.64-1.6.3.jolla — 1.68-1.11.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 484 of 484 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.14.8
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 484 of 484 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.14.6
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 484 of 484 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.14.4
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.14.5
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 484 of 484 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.14.3


  • Updated : 7.58.0-1.3.3.jolla — 7.61.1+git1-1.5.1.jolla
  • [curl] update to version 7.61.1 Fixes MER#1966
  • [curl] update to version 7.60.0 Fixes MER#1931
  • [curl] update to version 7.61.0


  • Updated : 0.3.5-1.5.1.jolla — 0.3.7-1.7.1.jolla
  • [sharing] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
  • [sharing] Wait for sharing method model to load before showing add account item.
  • [declarative-transferengine] Add plugins.qmltypes.


  • Updated : 1.77.1-1.10.1.jolla — 1.79.1-1.12.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched declarative-transferengine-qt5 from version 1.79
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 24 of 24 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 1.1.6-1.7.3.jolla — 1.1.9-1.9.1.jolla
  • [flashing] Update flashing instructions Sony URLs.
  • Use workaround to prevent segfault on quit.

  • [configs] Load droid modules earlier.
  • [flashing] Make flashing-README up-to-date.
  • [configs] Update PulseAudio module-role-ducking arguments.


  • Updated : 1.1.6-1.7.2.jolla — 1.1.9-1.9.1.jolla
  • [flashing] Update flashing instructions Sony URLs.
  • Use workaround to prevent segfault on quit.

  • [configs] Load droid modules earlier.
  • [flashing] Make flashing-README up-to-date.
  • [configs] Update PulseAudio module-role-ducking arguments.


  • Updated : 0.9.3-1.5.3.jolla — 0.9.4-1.5.6.jolla
  • [tbj] Enable Headset in bluetooth as workaround.


  • Updated : 0.4-1.4.1.jolla — 0.4.3-1.5.1.jolla
  • [kernel/sony/msm] Fix build failure due to CONFIG_MEMCG configs.
  • [manifest] Addition of reference.xml for speeding up source build
  • [dhd] Fix build packages in SDK since Sailfish OS 2.2.0. MER#1924
  • [hybris/mer-kernel-check] Recommend CONFIG_MEMCG starting from 3.10 kernels.
  • [kernel/sony/msm] Use renamed configs according to mer-kernel-check.
  • [rpm] disable /dev/cpuctl mouting since it fails and leaves systemd in degraded state.


  • Updated : 0.0.85-1.6.1.jolla — 0.0.86-1.7.1.jolla
  • [l500d-kernel] Upstream patch for CVE-2017-10661.
  • [manifest] Update manifest for bitbucket urls.


  • Updated : 0.0.41-10.3.1.jolla — 0.0.42-1.4.1.jolla
  • [kernel-check] Recommend CONFIG_MEMCG starting from 3.10 kernels.
  • [manifest] Update manifest for bitbucket urls.
  • [tbj-kernel] Upstream patch for CVE-2017-10661.


  • Updated : 0.20180626.1-1.10.4.jolla — 0.20180924.1-1.12.1.jolla
  • [camera] Disable ‚media.metrics‘ service as it depends on a Java service.
  • [codec] Add constants for OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar. MER#1959leleiva
  • [arch] Find droid-cmd and droid-make on adaptations where they aren’t in the android root dir.
  • [arch] detect_build_targets can take 2nd argument for android arch, but use droid-make or droid-cmd if available.
  • [droidmedia] Temporarily fix android arch detection.
  • [android8] Initial Android 8 support. Fixes MER#1923
  • [properties] set properties required for hybris per default.


  • Updated : 1.20-1.3.3.jolla — 1.21-1.5.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 15 of 15 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 5.42.0+git1-1.1.2.jolla — 5.47.0-1.2.2.jolla
  • [boost] Update cmake to detect latest Boost.


  • Updated : 0.0.6-1.2.9.jolla — 0.0.7-1.4.1.jolla
  • [feature] Clean up pattern from feature ini.


  • Updated : 1.3.6-1.1.9.jolla — 1.3.7-1.3.1.jolla
  • [fingerterm] More pleasant visual bell and more configurability.


  • Updated : 0.2.17-1.5.14.jolla — 0.2.19-1.6.2.jolla
  • [geoclue-providers-hybris] Fix compilation for old devices (Android 4) after Android 8 support was added.
  • [geoclue-providers-hybris] Fix compilation for old devices (Android < 8) after Android 8 support was added.
  • [geoclue-providers-hybris] Unify spec files.
  • [geoclue-provider-hybris] Add libgbinder based backend. MER#1942
  • [geoclue-provider-hybris] Split adaptation code to backend. MER#1942


  • Updated : 0.0.19-1.6.2.jolla — 0.1.0-1.7.1.jolla
  • [geoclue-provider-mlsdb] Prevent unnecessary MLS queries.
  • [geoclue-provider-mlsdb] Reduce position calculation frequency.
  • [mls] Require 5 mandatory cell info fields.
  • [mls] Require BSSID for wlan AP’s.
  • [mls] Require more than one wlan ap.


  • Updated : 2.48.0+git3-1.1.5.jolla — 2.56.1+git2-1.2.2.jolla
  • [glib] Reinstate mtab patch, so tracker can see SD cards again.
  • [glib2] Update to 2.56.1.


  • Updated : 2.0.4-1.2.3.jolla — 2.0.4-1.3.2.jolla
  • [gnupg] Correct signing issues in pkglue.c, contributes to MER#1748 and MER#1780
  • [gnupg2] Add missing automake build dependency. Contributes to MER#1780


  • Updated : 1.48.0-1.2.3.jolla — 1.56.1+git1-1.3.1.jolla
  • [gobject-introspection] Update to 1.56.1.


  • Updated : 0.20180503.0-1.6.3.jolla — 0.20181004.1-1.8.2.jolla
  • [codec] Remove stagefright mp3 codec support.
  • [camera] Query photography parameters from the Android HAL instead of using the config file.
  • [codec] Add quirk to prevent using libI420colorconvert binary. MER#1959
  • [vdec] Add support for format OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar. MER#1959


  • Updated : 1.14.1-1.3.1.jolla — 1.14.1+git2-1.4.1.jolla
  • [camera] Lost the actual patch application in the rebase 🙁
  • [camera] EOI patch needed to detect rotation on some cameras.
  • [Packaging] Remove unneeded requires. Fixes MER#1964


  • Updated : 1.3.0-1.1.5.jolla — 1.8.4-1.2.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: libharfbuzz-subset.so.0
  • [harfbuzz] Update to 1.8.4.


  • Updated : 1.1.1-1.1.18.jolla — 1.1.2-1.3.1.jolla
  • [gen_init_cpio] Prioritize installed binary over local one.
  • [rpm] Bump version to 1.1.2
  • [rpm] Package all needed binaries.


  • Updated : 0.10.2-1.3.4.jolla — 0.10.6-1.4.1.jolla
  • [hybrisadaptor] Deal with sensor type aliasing changes.
  • [hybrisadaptor] Provide fallback sensor maxDelay value.
  • [hybrisadaptor] Provide fallback values for sensor types.
  • [hybrisadaptor] Provide fallback values for select sensors.
  • [hybrisadaptor] Refactor sensor start/stop logic
  • [hybrisadaptor] Subject sensor type specific actions to common policy
  • [logging] Allow printf style logging similarly as qDebug() does


  • Updated : 0.13.4-1.1.9.jolla — 0.13.6-1.3.4.jolla
  • [actdead] Adapt to renamed color scheme API.
  • [ambiences] Don’t follow light style ambiences.


  • Updated : 0.2.1-1.2.1.jolla — 0.2.2-1.3.1.jolla
  • [alarm] Fix showing as an alarm window with Qt 5.9.


  • Updated : 0.5.0-1.3.3.jolla — 0.6.0-1.5.1.jolla
  • [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
  • [l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.


  • Updated : 0.2.18-1.4.1.jolla —
  • [jolla-calculator] Avoid coloring field item labels when not pressed.
  • [jolla-calculator] Don’t use highlight color for buttons.


  • Updated : 0.5.0-1.3.3.jolla — 0.6.0-1.5.1.jolla
  • [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
  • [l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.


  • Updated : 1.57-1.6.3.jolla — 1.59-1.9.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 4 of 4 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 0.7.5-1.6.3.jolla — 0.7.8-1.9.1.jolla
  • [calendar] Increase events view delegate’s color bar thickness on light ambience.
  • [calendar] Don’t use translated cache dir name.
  • [calendar] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().


  • Updated : 0.5.0-1.3.3.jolla — 0.6.0-1.5.2.jolla
  • [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
  • [l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.


  • Updated : 1.126-1.7.3.jolla — 1.130.1-1.12.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched jolla-calendar from version 1.130
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 91 of 91 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.7.6
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.7.7
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 91 of 91 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 0.4.39-1.6.8.jolla — 1.0.1-1.9.2.jolla
  • [camera] Have lighter highlight color on light ambience.
  • [jolla-camera] Always use light labels on viewfinder.
  • [jolla-camera] Add simple camera roll to Lock Screen Camera.
  • [camera] Always display the viewfinder grid in light colors.
  • [jolla-camera] Don’t show black background on Camera sub-pages.
  • [jolla-camera] Don’t invert camera viewfinder colors.


  • Updated : 1.147.1-1.7.1.jolla — 1.153.1-1.11.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched jolla-camera from version 1.153
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 50 of 50 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.1
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 50 of 50 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.43
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 48 of 48 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 0.4.11-1.4.1.jolla — 0.4.12-1.5.1.jolla
  • [clock] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().


  • Updated : 0.5.0-1.3.3.jolla — 0.6.0-1.5.2.jolla
  • [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
  • [l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.


  • Updated : 1.94-1.4.3.jolla — 1.97.1-1.8.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched jolla-clock from version 1.97
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 38 of 38 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 0.5.20-1.8.1.jolla — 0.5.22-1.10.1.jolla
  • [contacts] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
  • [contacts] Avoid flickering empty state placeholder until vcard index model has been populated.


  • Updated : 1.135.1-1.9.1.jolla — 1.139.1-1.13.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched jolla-contacts from version 1.139
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 152 of 154 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.22
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 152 of 154 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.21


  • Updated : 0.5.1-1.4.1.jolla — 0.5.2-1.5.1.jolla
  • [jolla-developer-mode] Protect signals handlers a bit more.


  • Updated : 0.4.2-1.9.2.jolla — 0.4.5-1.10.1.jolla
  • [jolla-email] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
  • [jolla-email] Do not attach original email attachments to a forwarded meeting invitation.
  • [jolla-email] Scale email view onPortraitChanged.


  • Updated : 0.5.0-1.4.2.jolla — 0.6.0-1.5.2.jolla
  • [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
  • [l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.


  • Updated : 1.167.3-1.12.1.jolla — 1.174.1-1.15.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched jolla-email from version 1.174
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 172 of 172 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.5
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 172 of 172 strings translated (0 need review).
  • Updated : 0.2.16-1.5.5.jolla — 0.2.19-1.8.4.jolla
  • Fix broken multi-selection deletion.

  • Use the new PageStack animatorPush().

  • [jolla-gallery] Add Screenshots folder.
  • Updated : 0.2.7-1.3.1.jolla — 0.2.17-1.8.1.jolla
  • [ambience] Add translations for ambience style combobox.
  • [ambiences] Fix incorrect secondary highlight for user defined ambience color.
  • [ambiences] Re-instate gradient so title label is visible.
  • [ambiences] Ensure modifed ambience colors have the correct brightness.
  • [ambience] Use the correct primary color scheme when editing ambiences.
  • [settings-networking] Don’t allow ambience page link to be favorited.
  • [ambiences] Support light ambiences.
  • [ambience] Fix ambience dialog opening.
  • [ambience] Remove duplicate Wallpaper duplication.
  • [ambiencelist] Remove favorite status actions from ambience settings.
  • [gallery-ambience] Refer to „favorites“ instead of „top menu“.
  • [ambiencelist] Don’t animate ambience list delegates during page opening.
  • [ambiences] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
  • Updated : 1.87.1-1.7.1.jolla — 1.101.1-1.11.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched jolla-gallery-ambience from version 1.101
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 37 of 37 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.18
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 37 of 37 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.17
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 34 of 34 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.14
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.15
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 34 of 34 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.12
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 34 of 34 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.10
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 34 of 34 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.8
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.9
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 34 of 34 strings translated (0 need review).
  • Updated : 0.2.2-1.4.2.jolla — 0.2.4-1.6.1.jolla
  • [gallery-extensions] Migrate omitted page pushes to animatorPush.
  • [gallery-extensions] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
  • Updated : 1.29-1.8.3.jolla — 1.30-1.10.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 13 of 13 strings translated (0 need review).
  • Updated : 0.1.3-1.3.2.jolla — 0.1.5-1.5.1.jolla
  • [jolla-gallery-facebook] Don’t invert gallery overlay graphics.
  • [gallery-facebook] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
  • Updated : 1.56-1.5.3.jolla — 1.58.1-1.9.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched jolla-gallery-facebook from version 1.58
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 14 of 14 strings translated (0 need review).
  • Updated : 1.110.1-1.9.1.jolla — 1.120.1-1.13.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched jolla-gallery from version 1.120
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 15 of 15 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.18
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.19
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 15 of 15 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.17


  • Updated : 0.6.20-1.6.2.jolla — 0.7.1-1.9.1.jolla
  • [jolla-keyboard] Add timer to key release.
  • [jolla-keyboard] Cancel layout drag with more than one touch point.
  • [jolla-keyboard] Preload additional layouts to make transition more fluent.
  • [jolla-keyboard] Add swipe gesture for layout switch.
  • [jolla-keyboard] Fix flicker caused by autocaps and sym view.
  • [jolla-keyboard] Flash language indicator after transition.
  • [jolla-keyboard] Give better directional sense to layout switch.
  • [keyboard-settings] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().


  • Updated : 1.48-1.6.3.jolla — 1.55.1-1.12.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched jolla-keyboard from version 1.55
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 16 of 16 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.7.0
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 16 of 16 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 0.3.28-1.4.3.jolla — 0.4.2-1.7.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: libtotem-plparser.so.18(LIBTOTEM_PL_PARSER_MINI_1.0)
  • [media] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
  • [jolla-media] Refresh current playlist when updated.
  • [mediaplayer] Avoid creating audio control panel on app launch.
  • [mediaplayer] Avoid creating Media Player active cover on app launch.
  • [mediaplayer] Avoid flickering empty state UI on app launch.
  • [mediaplayer] Improve app launch.
  • [mediaplayer] Only display playlist labels once we know what to show.
  • [mediaplayer] Pre-reserve space for recent playlists grid.


  • Updated : 0.5.0-1.4.1.jolla — 0.6.0-1.5.2.jolla
  • [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
  • [l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.


  • Updated : 1.94.1-1.9.1.jolla — 1.97.1-1.12.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched jolla-mediaplayer from version 1.97
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 62 of 64 strings translated (2 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.2
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 64 of 64 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.0
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.1


  • Updated : 0.1.16-1.4.3.jolla — 0.1.17-1.5.1.jolla
  • [mediaplayer-radio] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().


  • Updated : 0.5.0-1.3.4.jolla — 0.6.0-1.5.1.jolla
  • [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
  • [l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.


  • Updated : 1.46-1.5.3.jolla — 1.49-1.9.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 11 of 11 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.17
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 0 of 11 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 0.6.67-1.8.1.jolla — 0.7.2-1.11.1.jolla
  • [jolla-messages] Don’t translate applicationName.
  • [messages] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
  • [messages] Wait for OfonoModemManager to fetch SIM data before fading in Messages settings.
  • [messages] Create page component before trying to create the object
  • [messages] Refresh attached page contacts once the page activates
  • [messages] Remember to clear previous numbers when populating recipient list.


  • Updated : 1.136.1-1.8.1.jolla — 1.139-1.10.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 89 of 89 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.7.0
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.7.1
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.7.2
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 89 of 89 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 0.9.11-1.6.1.jolla — 0.9.12-1.7.1.jolla
  • [notes] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().


  • Updated : 0.5.0-1.3.4.jolla — 0.6.0-1.5.1.jolla
  • [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
  • [l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.


  • Updated : 1.71-1.5.3.jolla — 1.75-1.10.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 19 of 19 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.9.12
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 19 of 19 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 0.12.37-1.4.10.jolla — 0.13.23-1.12.3.jolla
  • [settings] Share base grid component with App Grid.
  • [settings] Share launcher grid component with App Grid.
  • [jolla-settings] Reduce on/off label timeout to 1500ms.
  • [jolla-settings] Wait toggle icon change until „ON“/“OFF“ state goes by.
  • [jolla-settings] Reduce settings toggle heigth and move toggle towards top.
  • [settings] Add TreeItem::shortTitle for abbreviated setting titles.
  • [jolla-settings] Don’t bind SettingsToggled enabled to busy, and add SettingsErrorNotification.
  • [jolla-settings] SettingsToggle: don’t set enabled=!busy.
  • [jolla-settings] Protect topmenu switches for long on/off texts.
  • [jolla-settings] Add SettingsSlider.
  • [jolla-settings] Bump silica dependency.
  • [settings] Support an „action“ setting type.
  • [jolla-settings] Fix invalid reference.
  • [jolla-settings] Add SettingsControl.
  • [jolla-settings] FavoritesModel: make grid_favorites_page filter respect allow_favorite parameter.
  • [jolla-settings] Improve showAmbienceSettings() behavior.
  • [jolla-settings] Rename SettingsToggle toggleChecked->toggled.
  • [jolla-settings] SettingsToggle: don’t trigger onClicked on press+hold.
  • [jolla-settings] SettingsToggle: show ‚on‘ and ‚off‘ text.
  • [jolla-settings] Reduce width of setting toggle a bit.
  • [jolla-settings] Load translations for the jolla settings plugin.
  • [jolla-settings] Use highlight color for checked/active coloring.
  • [jolla-settings] Add SettingsToggle default context menu.
  • [jolla-settings] Add some dbus calls for top menu features.
  • [jolla-settings] Remove SettingsToggle ‚description‘.
  • [jolla-settings] Restrict TopMenu actions when device is locked.
  • [topmenu] Restrict TopMenu actions when device is locked.
  • [jolla-settings] Rename SettingsSwitch to SettingsToggle and use HighlightImage.
  • [rpm] Bump version to 0.13.7
  • [jolla-settings] Allow two-line labels in settings switches.
  • [jolla-settings] Add SettingsSwitch for TopMenu switches.
  • [jolla-settings] Remove unused json entry types and their related QML types.
  • [jolla-settings] Rework SwitchSetting to use it for TopMenu switches.
  • [settings] Don’t translate applicationName.
  • [jolla-settings] Revert unrelated code lines from animatorPush commit.
  • [settings] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
  • [settings] Don’t use horizontalPageMargin in the middle of two-column settings main page.
  • [jolla-settings] Add logging category „org.sailfishos.settings.framework“.
  • [jolla-settings] Fix crash when calling SettingsModel::objectForPath with invalid tree.
  • [jolla-settings] Use var instead of variant.
  • [spec] Use _smp_mflags instead of jobs macro.


  • Updated : 0.3.46-1.8.9.jolla — 0.3.48-1.10.5.jolla
  • [jolla-settings-accounts] Remove contact sync scopes from Facebook Sync.
  • [jolla-settings-accounts] Remove deprecated rsvp_events scope.
  • [settings-accounts] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().


  • Updated : 1.188.2-1.11.1.jolla — 1.195.1-1.14.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-accounts from version 1.195
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 335 of 336 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.47
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 336 of 336 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 0.1.11-1.3.3.jolla — 0.2.7-1.7.1.jolla
  • [settings-bluetooth] Fix hanging top menu bluetooth toggle.
  • [settings-bluetooth] Don’t allow bluetooth page link to be favorited.
  • [settings-bluetooth] Adapt to SettingsToggle API changes.
  • [settings-bluetooth] Set SettingsToggle name and activeText.
  • [settings-bluetooth] Auto-start discovery when required.
  • [settings-bluetooth] Customize SettingsToggle context menu.
  • [settings-bluetooth] Restrict TopMenu actions when device is locked.
  • [settings-bluetooth] Update dependencies.
  • [settings-bluetooth] SettingsSwitch is now SettingsToggle.
  • [settings-bluetooth] Avoid placeholder flicker when main settings page loads.
  • [rpm] Update version and dependencies.
  • [settings-bluetooth] Update labels in settings switches.
  • [settings-bluetooth] Use SwitchSetting for Bluetooth switch.
  • [settings-bluetooth] Improve connection title calculation.
  • [settings-bluetooth] Add BluetoothConnectionTitle.
  • [settings-bluetooth] Remove unnecessary container item in bluetooth switch


  • Updated : 1.80-1.4.3.jolla — 1.90.1-1.10.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-bluetooth from version 1.90
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 14 of 14 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.0
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.4
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.5
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 14 of 14 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.12
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.13


  • Updated : 1.66-1.5.3.jolla — 1.82.2-1.11.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 18 of 18 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [l10n] Branched jolla-settings from version 1.82
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 18 of 18 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.13.22
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 18 of 18 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.13.19
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 12 of 12 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.13.14
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.13.15
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 12 of 12 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.13.11
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.13.13
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 10 of 10 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.13.4
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.13.9
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 9 of 9 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.13.0


  • Updated : 0.4.20-1.8.1.jolla — 0.5.24-1.18.1.jolla
  • [multisim] Show sim card icon in the „SIM cards“ sub page.
  • [settings-networking] Use icon to indicate current data SIM.
  • [settings-networking] Use new icons.
  • [rpm] Update jolla-settings requirement.
  • [settings-networking] Always enable tethering switch.
  • [settings-networking] Use errorNotification from SettingsToggle.
  • [settings-networking] Use FadeAnimation for large areas instead of using animator.
  • [settings-networking] Fixed spelling of VPN AutoConnect property.
  • [settings-networking] VPN toggle needs to update AutoConnect flag.
  • [settings-networking] Prevent some page settings from being favorited.
  • [settings-networking] Fix EnableSwitch for mobile data.
  • [settings-networking] Adapt to SettingsToggle API changes.
  • [settings-networking] Set SettingsToggle name and activeText.
  • [settings-networking] Show WLAN strength in SettingsToggle.
  • [settings-networking] Add missing operator name for mobile data toggle.
  • [settings-networking] Add notification for mobile data toggle (switch).
  • [settings-networking] Send error notification from flight mode toggle when toggle not available.
  • [settings-networking] Send error notification from tethering when on flight mode/disabled by MDM.
  • [settings-networking] Send error notification from vpn toggle when no connectivity.
  • [settings-networking] Send error notification from wlan toggle when disabled by MDM.
  • [settings-networking] Customize SettingsToggle context menus.
  • [vpn] Make VPN page behaviour consistent with WLAN page.
  • [settings-networking] Ensure mobile data switch name/description are not duplicated.
  • [settings-networking] Remorse remove flight mode remorse popup.
  • [settings-networking] Remove double opacity from tethering toggle switch.
  • [settings-networking] Restrict TopMenu actions when device is locked.
  • [settings-networking] Update dependencies.
  • [settings-networking] SettingsSwitch is now SettingsToggle.
  • [settings-networking] Update jolla-settings dependency.
  • [settings-networking] Update labels in settings switches.
  • [settings-networking] Pull WiFi network name from the right place.
  • [jolla-settings-networking] Provide mobile data icon kludge.
  • [rpm] Update jolla-settings requirement
  • [settings-networking] Use SwitchSetting for all settings switches.
  • [jolla-settings-networking] Provide mobile data icon kludge.
  • [networking] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
  • [vpn] Fix page replacement failing after OpenVPN import re-try
  • [jolla-settings-networking] Provide mobile data icon kludge.
  • [datacounters] Suppress mobile data counter height animation during page opening.
  • [mobiledata] Only fade in mobile network settings once OfonoModemManager has fetched SIM data.
  • [performance] Fix flickering issues in Network Settings page opening transitions.
  • [settings-networking] Localize SIM label (if necessary)
  • [tethering] Only fade in Internet sharing settings once OfonoModemManager has fetched SIM data.
  • [vpn] Fix Enter Key focus movement in advanced VPN settings pages
  • [vpn] Follow dynamic content height instead of using fixed VPN list item height.
  • [vpn] Hide redial settings fields when the L2TP redial has been disabled
  • [wlan] Don’t flicker error label on page opening.
  • [settings-networking] Use SIM label instead of the slot number
  • [wlan] Reset domainsConfig and nameserversConfig if DHCP is selected.
  • [wlan] Add „Disconnect“ menu item for connected WiFi networks.
  • [settings-networking] Add connectionTitle() functions to various switches.
  • [settings-networking] Signal strength value is reported in percent.
  • [settings-networking] Add real time strength value.


  • Updated : 1.216.1-1.11.1.jolla — 1.247.2-1.17.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 399 of 399 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-networking from version 1.247
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 399 of 399 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.20
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.21
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 397 of 397 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.18
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 397 of 397 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.14
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.15
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 399 of 399 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.0
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.1
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.11
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.12
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.13
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.4
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.9
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 399 of 399 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.23
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.24
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.25
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 397 of 397 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.22
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 397 of 397 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.21


  • Updated : 0.2.2-1.6.7.jolla — 0.2.5-1.9.2.jolla
  • [settings-sailfishos] Always show white icons on top of the upgrade header.
  • [settings-sailfishos] Use light foreground colors on top of the version image.
  • [settings-sailfishos] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().


  • Updated : 1.73-1.5.3.jolla — 1.76.1-1.9.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-sailfishos from version 1.76
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.5
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.3
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 1.48-1.3.6.jolla — 1.49-1.5.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 23 of 23 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 0.37.0-1.11.8.jolla — 0.39.7-1.20.2.jolla
  • [settings-system] Move top menu actions under top menu settings path.
  • [settings] Short title for orientation lock switch in top menu.
  • [usb] Indicate charging despite undefined usb-mode.
  • [settings-system] Fix volume slider dimensions.
  • [settings-system] Bump silica dep.
  • [settings-system] VolumeSlider label should follow the slider handle position.
  • [settings-system] Use portrait / landscape label for orientation lock.
  • [settings-networking] Move ErrorNotification to jolla-settings.
  • [jolla-settings-system] Add remorse to Remote Connection switch.
  • [location] Update to new location icon.
  • [settings-system] Bump jolla-settings dependency.
  • [settings-system] Use new icons.
  • [settings-system] Use SettingsSlider for brightness setting in top menu.
  • [settings-storage] Add error notifications for the sd card states.
  • [pin] Tune PIN input colors for light ambience.
  • [settings-system] Remove „Apps“ section header on top menu settings.
  • [settings-system] Rename top-menu icon name.
  • [settings-system] Adjust to quick action model changes.
  • [settings-system] Bump jolla-settings dep.
  • [settings-system] Move section entries into categories.json.
  • [settings-system] Remove shortcut actions from lockscreen settings.
  • [settings-system] Fix topmenu sliders having bad heights.
  • [settings-system] Add context menu to ringtone and brightness sliders in top menu.
  • [settings-system] Rework sections in top menu settings UI.
  • [settings-system] Add default icon-system-warning for toggle error notification.
  • [settings-networking] Adapt to SettingsToggle API changes.
  • [settings-system] Set SettingsToggle name and activeText.
  • [settings-system] Fix location switch settings path.
  • [settings-system] Add common error notification.
  • [settings-system] Send error notification from gps toggle when disabled by mdm.
  • [settings-system] Remove quick app close option from settings.
  • [topmenu] Add translation for settings layout files.
  • [settings-system] Restrict TopMenu actions when device is locked.
  • [settings-system] Update dependencies.
  • [settings-storage] Let storage circle animate forever when busy.
  • [settings-storage] Let storage circle animate forever when formatting.
  • [settings-storage] Disable formatting of an unlocked encrypted device.
  • [settings-system] SettingsSwitch is now SettingsToggle and uses HighlightImage.
  • [jolla-settings-system] Fix top menu description color and some wordings.
  • [jolla-settings-system] Separate top-menu settings out of events settings.
  • [rpm] Integrate Sailfish3 and update rpm dependencies.
  • [settings-system] Update labels in settings switches.
  • [settings-system] Use SwitchSetting for all settings switches.
  • [topmenu] Polish Top Menu settings page.
  • [jolla-settings-system] Fix top menu description color and some wordings.
  • [jolla-settings-system] Separate top-menu settings out of events settings.
  • [rpm] Update systemsettings requirement.
  • [settings-storage] Add context menu option to lock an encrypted device.
  • [settings-storage] Don’t show old device label on format page.
  • [settings-storage] Fix error in formatting text.
  • [settings-storage] Hide invalid warning text when formatting encrypted device.
  • [settings-storage] Use device paths for format, mount, unmount.
  • [jolla-settings-system] Fix fading of long device label.
  • [settings-storage] Support creating an encrypted sd card on device.
  • [settings-storage] Support creating an encrypted storage device.
  • [settings-system] Fix regression in Location settings page opening.
  • [settings-system] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
  • [settings-storage] Show busy state for a storage when unlocking.
  • [settings-storage] Show encrypted mass storage as valid.
  • [settings-storage] Do not show „Format“ option in the directory pages.
  • [about] Avoid flickering IMEI when maximising About page.
  • [jolla-settings-system] Use all operations through partition model.
  • [sounds] Play the ringtone when the volume slider is being adjusted
  • [settings] Allow overriding presence list item horizontal margins.
  • [about] Avoid flickering IMEI detail on page opening.
  • [performance] Fix flickering issues in System Settings page opening transitions.
  • [sounds] Don’t animate volume slider value during page opening.


  • Updated : 1.291.2-1.12.1.jolla — 1.335.2-1.17.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 484 of 484 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-system from version 1.335
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 458 of 484 strings translated (19 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.39.4
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.39.5
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.39.6
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 483 of 483 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.39.3
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 484 of 484 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.25
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.26
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.39.0
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.39.1
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.39.2
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 477 of 477 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.21
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.23
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.24
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 478 of 478 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.20
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 480 of 480 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.18
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 470 of 480 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.17
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 480 of 480 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.13
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.14
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 479 of 479 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.12
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 462 of 478 strings translated (1 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.10
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.9
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 478 of 478 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.37.12
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.7
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 474 of 474 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.37.10
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.37.8
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.37.9
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 473 of 473 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.37.7
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.37.5
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 470 of 470 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.37.1
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.37.2
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.37.4
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 470 of 470 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : — 0.4.0-1.11.4.jolla
  • [startup-wizard] Implement compositor D-Bus service.
  • [startupwizard] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
  • [startupwizard] Make sure columns calculated by ApplicationsGridView are respected.


  • Updated : 1.153.2-1.11.1.jolla — 1.159.1-1.14.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched jolla-startupwizard from version 1.159
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 45 of 45 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.47
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 45 of 45 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.46
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 45 of 45 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 0.4.61-1.2.9.jolla — 0.5.0-1.3.5.jolla
  • [vault] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().


  • Updated : 1.107-1.5.3.jolla — 1.111.1-1.10.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched jolla-vault from version 1.111
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 85 of 85 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.0
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 85 of 85 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 4.10.2+9git16-1.3.1.jolla — 4.10.2+9git17-1.4.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: libicalvcal.so.3, libical.so.3, libicalss.so.3
  • [kcalcore] Remove deprecated libical API . Fixes MER#1941


  • Updated : —
  • [sbj] Upstream patch for CVE-2017-10661.


  • Updated : 2.14+git1-1.2.1.jolla — 2.19+git1-1.2.1.jolla Binaries added : libblockdev-part – 2.19+git1-1.2.1.jolla, libblockdev-part-devel – 2.19+git1-1.2.1.jolla
  • [libblockdev] Upgrade to 2.19.


  • Updated : 1.9.35-1.3.1.jolla — 1.9.37-1.4.1.jolla
  • [libcommhistory] Emit resolving change after model is ready.
  • [libcommhistory] Add plugins.qmltypes.


  • Updated : 0.1.9-1.3.1.jolla — 0.1.10-1.4.1.jolla
  • [libcontact] Fix recursive resolve never finishing.


  • Updated : 1.0.29-1.3.2.jolla — 1.0.32-1.6.1.jolla
  • [glibutil] Added gutil_idle_pool_add_strv function
  • [glibutil] MER#1437
  • [test] Unit test for gutil_idle_pool_add_strv
  • [glibutil] Added GUtilData type and functions
  • [glibutil] MER#1437
  • [test] Tests for new GUtilData functions
  • [glibutil] Added gutil_parse_int function
  • [glibutil] MER#1437
  • [test] Unit test for gutil_parse_int


  • Updated : 1.0.24-1.4.1.jolla — 1.0.25-1.5.3.jolla
  • [libgrilio] Added grilio_parser_get_nullable_utf8
  • [libgrilio] Introduced GRilIoTransport interface.


  • Updated : — Binaries added : libhybris-libsf –, libhybris-libsf-devel –
  • Unmet requirements: libgralloc.so.1
  • [rpm] add provides libsf-devel to libhybris-libsf-devel.
  • [rpm] update packaging for android 8 aware libhybris. TODO: wifi, nfc, …


  • Updated : 1.0.1-1.1.4.jolla — 3.0.3-1.2.2.jolla Binaries added : libical-glib – 3.0.3-1.2.2.jolla, libical-glib-devel – 3.0.3-1.2.2.jolla
  • [libical] Update to 3.0.3. Fixes MER#1940


  • Updated : 1.25-1.3.6.jolla — 1.26-1.5.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 6 of 6 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 0.6.1-1.2.6.jolla — 0.6.2-1.4.1.jolla
  • [libngf-qt] Declare typeinfo in qmldir.
  • [libngf-qt] Do not hardcode version number in sources.


  • Updated : 1.0.21-1.2.3.jolla — 1.0.23-1.5.1.jolla
  • [libqofonoext] Cleaned up onPresentSimListChanged mess. MER#1954
  • [libqofonoext] Add „slot“ role to OfonoExtSimListModel.


  • Updated : 1.1-1.2.3.jolla — 1.3-1.3.1.jolla
  • [sbc] Update to 1.3 Fixes MER#1939


  • Updated : 0.1.0-1.1.4.jolla — 0.6.34-1.2.2.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: libsolv.so.0(SOLV_1.2)
  • [packaging] Build from submodule.
  • [update] Update to libsolv upstream version 0.6.23.
  • [update] Update to libsolv upstream version 0.6.34.
  • [update] Upgrade to 0.6.34.
  • Upgrade to upstream version 0.6.8
  • Removed add-mipsel.patch (added upstream)
  • Removed fix-armv7tnhl-typo.patch (fixed upstream)
  • [packaging] Update to upstream version 0.6.8
  • [spec] Conflict with old libzypp versions
  • Add support for mipsel


  • Updated : 12.2.0+git6-1.2.1.jolla — 17.3.1-1.4.3.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: libboost_thread-mt.so.1.66.0
  • [packaging] Switch to patched upstream.
  • [update] Update packaging for libzypp 16.2.2.
  • [update] update to upstream 16.2.2
  • [zypp] Update to 17.3.1.
  • [mic] Reintroduce missed patch adding .netrc support for auth while building images.
  • [upstream] Sync to version 14.35.0
  • [zypp] Add patch: Use GPG_BINARY in PublicKey.cc
  • [rebuild] Bug reference in changelog
  • [upstream] Sync to version 14.35.0
  • [zypp] Add patch: Use GPG_BINARY in PublicKey.cc
  • [spec] Require libsolv 0.6.8
  • [zypp] Support for *.check files in the systemCheck.d directory
  • [zypp] Support for /etc/zypp/systemCheck.d
  • [rpm] Fix compatibility with RPM < 4.12.x
  • [libzypp] Set download.use_deltarpm.always=true .
  • [libzypp] Set rpm.install.excludedocs = yes. Save space on mobile devices.
  • [deltarpm] Ensure that the destination path for applying the delta rpm exists.
  • [license] Unify open source licenses.
  • [packaging] Require ‚lsof‘.


  • Updated : — 0.7.4+git3-1.2.2.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: libzypp.so.1702, libzypp.so.1702(ZYPP_plain)
  • [python] Include SolvableType after RepoInfo and Repository, as it uses them.
  • [python] Include SolvableType after RepoInfo and Repository, as they are used there.
  • [zypp] Fix spec.
  • [zypp] Fix spec. remove cd in %setup, and correct version number.
  • [zypp] Update to 0.6.4.
  • [mic] Reinstate one part of meego-add-more-class.patch.
  • [swig] Compatibility workaround for SWIG 2.0.4 (Fixes MER#1048)
  • [rpm] Remove changes file, as it’s misformatted


  • Updated : — 1.0.31-1.18.2.jolla
  • [notifications] Always align icon with top of notification banner.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Scale also home wallpaper always.
  • [compositor] Delay Sailfish 3 welcome screen until ambience is ready.
  • [homescreen] Blur the wallpaper on the events view a little.
  • [homescreen] Blur the wallpaper on the events view.
  • [lipstick-jolla] Add paddingLarge to the PeekFilter.boundaryHeight.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Improve scaling of App Grid phone layout.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Share common grid component with browser and settings-side icon grids.
  • [lipstick-jolla] Make X icon on quick close always color white.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show Top Menu hint after Sailfish 3 Welcome screen.
  • [topmenu] Fix sim selector inner margin after sha1 11b4674cfa.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Define drag thresholds for app grid, topmenu, and home.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Limit Sailfish 3 Welcome screen body text height increase.
  • [topmenu] Introduce peek filter boundary height for opening of top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Make Top Menu column count dynamic.
  • [lipstick-jolla] Lighten light ambience notification preview.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Improve legibility of Sailfish 3 welcome screen.
  • [topmenu] Bind outer handle to the TopMenuLayer’s content opacity when closing from edge.
  • [topmenu] Don’t show top menu hint in partnerspace apps.
  • [topmenu] Keep top menu expanded when peeking away from it.
  • [lipstick-jolla] Move apps/ settings actions under top menu path.
  • [topmenu] Reduce settings shortcut height and remove extra space from sliders.
  • [homescreen] Don’t hide the background if the displayed is turned back on during a call.
  • [topmenu] Don’t pan lock screen when peeking from top menu.
  • [topmenu] Avoid passing touch events to apps beneath the top menu.
  • [homescreen] Increase the contrast behind the status bar.
  • [homescreen] Reload the application wallpaper when the overlay color changes.
  • [homescreen] Don’t delay ambience changes indefinitely while the top menu is open.
  • [topmenu] Use short titles for quick actions in top menu.
  • [topmenu] Align default top menu shortcuts as per design.
  • [lipstick-home] Fix top menu settings opening with long press.
  • [topmenu] Make sure that handle is visible on the TopMenuWindow side when needed.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix Sailfish 3 welcome screen to match active ambience.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Hide top menu when requesting connection selector.
  • [homescreen] Fix vignette flicker when changing color scheme.
  • [topmenu] Fix positioning of settings context menu in top menu.
  • [storage] Add error notifications for memory card unlocking.
  • [topmenu] Ensure effect of power button press is visible in top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show Sailfish 3 Welcome Screen after the upgrade.
  • [topmenu] Don’t change the top menu y while the orientation transition is running.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Align Top Menu housekeeping remove buttons.
  • [homescreen] Don’t animate the raising of hidden windows.
  • [lipstick-jolla] Fix settings app margins.
  • [lipstick-jolla] Fix settings app margins.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Translation description fix for „Got it“.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust accept margin to (screen.width – topMenu.width)/2 on tablet ui.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Disable app close gesture hint when system gestures are disabled.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show close app hint for two apps.
  • [bluetooth] Adapt Bluetooth dialogs to light-ambience style.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Align app grid hint with top menu hint.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Allow status bar hinting only in normal position.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Dim lockscreen camera icon when top menu exposed.
  • [lockscreen] Remove QuickActionsModel from LockItem.
  • [topmenu] Bump dependencies.
  • [topmenu] Change quick actions config format and merge actions into page shortcuts.
  • [topmenu] Fix top menu settings context menu position.
  • [lipstick-jolla] Remove all but app shortcuts from lockscreen pulley.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show close app gesture hint when opening application.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add handle for the top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Improve TopMenu housekeeping.
  • [homescreen] Delay changing ambience color until the UI has faded out.
  • [lipstick-jolla] Fix location indicator staying on screen.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Follow light ambience style in App Grid.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Hide top menu when changing window.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Top menu should not steal focus from current window.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Align toggles to the horizontal center of an ambiece.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Remove unsed x-jolla.lipstick.connectionmobile notification category.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Disable dynamic/temporary toggles for now.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix ambience selector clipping in inverted landscape.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix typo from GlassBackground.
  • [homescreen] Vignette for light backgrounds.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Remove weather and alarm from top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Brighten light covers, show more of the blurred wallpaper.
  • [topmenu] Show switch context menu on press+hold.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Remove quick app close dconf.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add labels for shortcuts.
  • [ambiences] Support light ambiences.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Clip ambience selector list always on large screen.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Clip ambience selector list on large screen.
  • [topmenu] Fix top menu housekeeping and expanded height
  • [topmenu] Restrict TopMenu actions when device is locked.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add multi sim selector to the top menu.
  • [homescreen] Remove duplicate background glass shader.
  • [ambiences] Use dark visual style in app grid folders.
  • [homescreen] Replace uses of PressEffect with the Silica HighlightImage.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Suppress peek layer changes when TopMenu is visible.
  • [lipstick-jolla] Define fallback screenshot path. Contributes to MER#1915
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fetch connection status from NetworkTechnology.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Pull WiFi signal strength from the right place.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Use FileWatcher for WeatherIndicatorLoader.
  • [homescreen] Add applications in folders to the switcher when launched externally.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Improve traffic detection.
  • [homescreen] Fix peek filter crash in the tutorial.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Disable quick switching functionality.
  • [lipstick-jolla] Avoid applicationName on notifications.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Cleanup old shortcuts from events view.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Ensure TopMenu loads when Sailfish.Weather is not installed.
  • [topmenu] Remove overlay switch implementation for favorite switch settings.
  • [homescreen] Limit the close gesture to edges of the screen.
  • [homescreen] Limit the close gesture to edges of the screen.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add dynamic switches to the top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add titles below dynamic switches in top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Align code structure to new top menu design.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Avoid odd section clipping in TopMenu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Cleanup one FavoriteSettingsDelegate image decoding error.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Cleanup undefined references from FavoriteSettingsDelegate.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Disable events housekeeping upon top and bottom peek.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Disable quick app toggling for now.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Disable switcher housekeeping upon top and bottom peek.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Do not reserve space for ambience if there are no favorites.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Enable events housekeeping (clear notifications).
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Enable switcher housekeeping (close all apps).
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don’t fit the view.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Hide top menu always when raising an application.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Hide TopMenu when switcher item needs to be visible and when raising window.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Improve TopMenu ambience configuration.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Integrate with topmenu settings.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Introduce housekeeping mode to the TopMenuLayer.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Label ambiences in the top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Launch Weather through switcher.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Limit clipped sections in TopMenu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Move quick action/favorite loaders and sim selector components to TopMenu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Move TopMenu ambience code into AmbienceSelector.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Improve TopMenu ambience configuration.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Avoid odd section clipping in TopMenu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Limit clipped sections in TopMenu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Disable quick app toggling for now.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add dynamic switches to the top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add titles below dynamic switches in top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Align code structure to new top menu design.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Cleanup one FavoriteSettingsDelegate image decoding error.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Cleanup undefined references from FavoriteSettingsDelegate.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Disable events housekeeping upon top and bottom peek.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Disable switcher housekeeping upon top and bottom peek.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Do not reserve space for ambience if there are no favorites.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Enable events housekeeping (clear notifications).
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Enable switcher housekeeping (close all apps).
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don’t fit the view.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Hide top menu always when raising an application.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Hide TopMenu when switcher item needs to be visible and when raising window.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Integrate with topmenu settings.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Introduce housekeeping mode to the TopMenuLayer.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Label ambiences in the top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Launch Weather through switcher.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Move quick action/favorite loaders and sim selector components to TopMenu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Move TopMenu ambience code into AmbienceSelector.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Label ambiences in the top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Move TopMenu ambience code into AmbienceSelector.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Disable events housekeeping upon top and bottom peek.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Disable switcher housekeeping upon top and bottom peek.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Enable events housekeeping (clear notifications).
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Enable switcher housekeeping (close all apps).
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add dynamic switches to the top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add titles below dynamic switches in top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Align code structure to new top menu design.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Cleanup one FavoriteSettingsDelegate image decoding error.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Cleanup undefined references from FavoriteSettingsDelegate.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Do not reserve space for ambience if there are no favorites.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don’t fit the view.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Hide top menu always when raising an application.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Hide TopMenu when switcher item needs to be visible and when raising window.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Integrate with topmenu settings.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Introduce housekeeping mode to the TopMenuLayer.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Launch Weather through switcher.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Move quick action/favorite loaders and sim selector components to TopMenu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Launch Weather through switcher.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add dynamic switches to the top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add titles below dynamic switches in top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Align code structure to new top menu design.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Cleanup one FavoriteSettingsDelegate image decoding error.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Cleanup undefined references from FavoriteSettingsDelegate.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Do not reserve space for ambience if there are no favorites.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don’t fit the view.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Hide top menu always when raising an application.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Hide TopMenu when switcher item needs to be visible and when raising window.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Integrate with topmenu settings.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Introduce housekeeping mode to the TopMenuLayer.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Move quick action/favorite loaders and sim selector components to TopMenu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Hide TopMenu when switcher item needs to be visible and when raising window.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Cleanup undefined references from FavoriteSettingsDelegate.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Align code structure to new top menu design.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Cleanup one FavoriteSettingsDelegate image decoding error.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Do not reserve space for ambience if there are no favorites.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don’t fit the view.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Hide top menu always when raising an application.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Integrate with topmenu settings.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Introduce housekeeping mode to the TopMenuLayer.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Move quick action/favorite loaders and sim selector components to TopMenu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Integrate with topmenu settings.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Align code structure to new top menu design.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Cleanup one FavoriteSettingsDelegate image decoding error.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Do not reserve space for ambience if there are no favorites.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don’t fit the view.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Introduce housekeeping mode to the TopMenuLayer.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Move quick action/favorite loaders and sim selector components to TopMenu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Align code structure to new top menu design.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Do not reserve space for ambience if there are no favorites.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don’t fit the view.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Introduce housekeeping mode to the TopMenuLayer.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Move quick action/favorite loaders and sim selector components to TopMenu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Align code structure to new top menu design.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Use FileWatcher from Nemo.FileManager.
  • [rpm] Bump version and update requirements
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Do not reserve space for ambience if there are no favorites.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don’t fit the view.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don’t fit the view.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don’t fit the view.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don’t fit the view.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don’t fit the view.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don’t fit the view.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don’t fit the view.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don’t fit the view.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don’t fit the view.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
  • [lipstick-jolla] Avoid applicationName on notifications.
  • [launcher] Don’t show an uninstall icon for system apks.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Don’t store weather banner height in dconf
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Show notification when external storage inserted.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Speed up the app launch transition.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Pull serviceProviderName directly from the model.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Prevent abort in lipstick-security-ui-helper.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Register polkit agent with suffixed locale name.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Call showScreenshots() when screenshot notification is clicked.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Remove four covers in a row limitation.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Call showScreenshots() when screenshot notification is clicked.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Add Singleton ConnectionManager aka NetworkManager.
  • [lipstick-jolla-home] Cleanup unwanted NetworkService and NetworkTechnology tier downs.


  • Updated : 1.234.1-1.11.1.jolla — 1.267.2-1.16.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 221 of 222 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [l10n] Branched lipstick-jolla-home-qt5 from version 1.267
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 222 of 222 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.23
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.24
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.27
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 221 of 222 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.18
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 220 of 222 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.10
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.2
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.3
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.6
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.8
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 194 of 215 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.41.2
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.41.4
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.41.9
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.0
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.1
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 192 of 195 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.41.1
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 196 of 197 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.41.0
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 194 of 195 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.40.74
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 194 of 195 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.40.73
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 192 of 193 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.40.52
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.40.56
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 186 of 192 strings translated (1 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.40.51
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 191 of 192 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.40.42
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.40.45
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 191 of 192 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.40.40
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 188 of 188 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.1
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 183 of 183 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.37.3
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.37.9
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 183 of 183 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 0.32.21-1.5.8.jolla —
  • [lipstick] Scale hwcimage to the requested texture size.
  • [lipstick] Update the status of a HwcImage when updating an property which affects its appearance.
  • [lipstick] screenshotservice return fail if can’t save screenshot. Fixes MER#1915
  • [lipstick] Fix configuration dir changing by language.


  • Updated : 1.68-1.5.3.jolla — 1.72.1-1.10.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched lipstick-qt5 from version 1.72
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 26 of 26 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.32.22
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 26 of 26 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 2.02.115+git6-1.1.4.jolla — 2.02.177+git1-1.2.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_106), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_133), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_107), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_131), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_104), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_141), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_110), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_100), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_113), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_138), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_135), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_101), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_98), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_128), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_105), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_97), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_129), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_103)
  • [lvm2] Upgrade to 2.02.177 upstream version.


  • Updated : 0.99.1-1.2.1.jolla — 0.99.1-1.3.1.jolla
  • [maliit] Don’t block touch events outside the visible part of the keyboard.


  • Updated : 0.0.7-1.2.1.jolla — 0.1.0-1.3.1.jolla
  • [booster] Remove Qt4 support fixes MER#1937
  • [booster] Remove Qt4 support. Fixes MER#1937


  • Updated : — 1.95.3-1.10.1.jolla
  • [display] Workaround state machine freeze on unblank.
  • [suspend] Expose suspend type within mce.
  • [radiostates] Rewrite active/saved radio states handling.
  • [als] Avoid using DATAPIPE_USE_CACHED in brightness re-evaluation.
  • [datapipe] Add datapipe_value().
  • [datapipe] Add name property for datapipes.
  • [datapipe] Detect and mitigate recursive datapipe execution.
  • [datapipe] Drop unused DATAPIPE_DATA_DYNAMIC enumeration value.
  • [datapipe] Drop unused DATAPIPE_USE_CACHED enumeration value.
  • [datapipe] Drop useless datapipe_data_t enumeration type.
  • [datapipe] Drop useless datapipe_use_t enumeration.
  • [datapipe] Fix datapipes incorrectly marked as dynamic.
  • [datapipe] Make cache control property of datapipe.
  • [datapipe] Make datapipe_exec_output_triggers() static.
  • [datapipe] Make internal functions static.
  • [datapipe] Mass rename datatypes.
  • [datapipe] Mass rename functions.
  • [datapipe] Refactor datapipe execution.
  • [datapipe] Remove dead code.
  • [datapipe] Use const pointers in datapipe.
  • [mce] Use array based datapipe binding.
  • [mce] Use datapipe_exec_full() for all datapipe actions.
  • [fingerprint] Add settings for controlling fingerprint wakeups.
  • [fingerprint] Implement fingerprint wakeup.
  • [fingerprint] Suspend proof timer and idle callbacks.
  • [fingerprint] Work around fp scanner on power key issues.
  • [mce] Expand also intra-line tabs
  • [mce-lib] Add suspend proofed glib timeout lookalikes
  • [settings] Fingerprint wakeups are disabled by default.
  • [tklock] Keep tklock submode and lockscreen state in sync.
  • [tklock] Move cached datapipe values in one place
  • [tklock] Unblank and tkunlock when device gets unlocked.
  • [usbmode] Do not assume „busy“ means connected.
  • [datapipe] Add datapipe for requesting ngfd event playback
  • [fingerprint] Add support for debug led patterns
  • [powerkey] Add „nop“ powerkey action
  • [tklock] Delay tklock removal until exit from LPM state is finished
  • [tklock] Exit from LPM on device unlock.
  • [tklock] Sync ipc state with submode changes
  • [als] Enable sensor before requesting notifications.
  • [mce] Parse static config before probing for fb device.


  • Updated : 1.12.1-1.2.13.jolla — 1.12.3-1.5.1.jolla
  • [hybris-fb] Tolerate having a v0 hw composer hal.
  • [hybris-fb] Add support for blank/unblank via hw composer.


  • Updated : 0.44.0-1.1.2.jolla — 0.44.0-1.2.1.jolla
  • [meson] Require ccache to work around autodetection failure on OBS.


  • Updated : 0.14+git5-1.2.4.jolla — 0.14+git6-1.4.1.jolla
  • [zypp] Disable GPG signature checking.
  • [zypp] Remove check for patched in functions, as they’re now present upstream.


  • Updated : 0.3.30-1.2.1.jolla — 0.4.2-1.5.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: libicalvcal.so.3, libical.so.3, libQmfClient.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5(Qt_5), libicalss.so.3
  • [mkcal] Adapt to messaging framework changes.
  • [mkcal] Run astyle on the code.
  • [mkcal] Enabled invitation plugins compilation.


  • Updated : 20131125+git65-1.1.3.jolla — 20131125+git66-1.2.1.jolla
  • [mbpi] Fix MMS proxy IP for Telenor SE.
  • [mbpi] Fix MMS proxy IP for Telenor Sweden. MER#902
  • [mbpi] Specify auth protocol for Telenor Sweden MMS access point. MER#902


  • Updated : 0.3.3-1.5.1.jolla — 0.3.5-1.7.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: libicalvcal.so.3, libical.so.3, libicalss.so.3
  • [nemo-qml-plugin-calendar] Correction update list of actual calendars in Calendar application.
  • [nemo-qml-plugin-calendar] Avoid 100% cpu with agendamodel without start date.


  • Updated : 0.1.4-1.4.3.jolla — 0.1.6-1.7.1.jolla
  • [nemo-connectivity] Add MobileDataConnection::serviceProviderName.
  • [nemo-connectivity] Improve MobileDataConnection subscriberIdentity connections.
  • [nemo-connectivity] React on cellularServicesChanged rather than servicesListChanged.


  • Updated : 2.1.19-1.4.3.jolla — 2.1.20-1.6.1.jolla
  • [nemo-dbus] Pass dbus error and error message as errorCallback arguments.


  • Updated : 0.3.4-1.5.3.jolla — 0.4.1-1.8.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: libQmfMessageServer.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5(Qt_5), libQmfMessageServer.so.5(Qt_5)
  • [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Properly set the charset of newly built email. Fixes MER#1957
  • [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Adapt to updated messagingframework.
  • [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Adding accounts update support for EmailMessageListModel.


  • Updated : 0.3.4-1.5.8.jolla — 0.4.0-1.6.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: libQmfMessageServer.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5(Qt_5), libQmfMessageServer.so.5(Qt_5)
  • [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Adapt to updated messagingframework.
  • [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Adding accounts update support for EmailMessageListModel.


  • Updated : 0.1.8-1.5.1.jolla — 0.1.9-1.6.1.jolla
  • [nemo-filemanager] Create QFileSystemWatcher for FileWatcher on demand.


  • Updated : — 0.4.30-1.14.1.jolla
  • [systemsettings] Disable autoconnect before removing VPN.
  • [settings-system] Make VPN model modifyConnection only to set properties.
  • [nemo-systemsettings] Stay in formatting state until filesystem/encrypted interface appear.
  • [nemo-systemsettings] Don’t duplicate already unlocked block device to the model.
  • [partitionmodel] Allow locking of mounted/unmounted ecrypto device.
  • [partitionmodel] Change lock, unlock, mount, unmount to devicePath based.
  • [partitionmodel] Expose cryptoBackingDevicePath.
  • [vpn] Forward local AutoConnect property changes to connman.
  • [systemsettings] Expose isEncrypted role from partition model.
  • [systemsettings] Pass „take-ownership“ flag when formatting a storage.
  • [systemsettings] Expose isSupportedFileSystem role from partition model.
  • [systemsettings] Expose objectPath lookup from partition model.
  • [systemsettings] Add a role to partition that tells whether partition is encrypted.
  • [systemsettings] Updated udisks2 defines and add it to devel package.
  • [systemsettings] Expose more statuses through partitionmodel.
  • [nemo-qml-plugin-systemsettings] Support lock/unlock in udisks2monitor.
  • [systemsettings] Fix initial FileSystem interface reading.
  • [systemsettings] Follow udisks2 File System and Encrypted interface changes.
  • [systemsettings] Make Udisks monitor to track „org.feedesktop.UDisks2.Filesystem“ interface changes.
  • [nemo-qml-plugin-systemsettings] Support formatting encrypted partitions.
  • [systemsettings] Cleanup unwanted partitions.
  • [vpn] Also remove cached configuration files when deleting VPN connection.
  • [vpn] Remove credentials when deleting VPN connection.
  • [vpn] Remove provisioned files when deleting VPN connection.
  • [nemo-systemsettings] Add plugins.qmltypes.
  • [vpnmodel] Cleanup pending connection / disconnect handling.
  • [vpnmodel] Update autoConnect upon connect/disconnect.
  • [vpnmodel] VPN disconnects should go through connman.
  • [systemsettings] Expose format, unmount, and mount from partitionmodel.
  • [certificatemodel] Fixed compilation error
  • [vpnmodel] Ask connman to establish VPN connection.


  • Updated : 0.3.6-1.3.1.jolla — 0.3.8-1.5.1.jolla
  • [thumbnailer] Allow NemoThumbnailCache to be re-used for different caches.
  • [thumbnailer] Declare typeinfo in qmldir.


  • Updated : 1.33-1.5.3.jolla — 1.34.1-1.8.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched nemo-transferengine-qt5 from version 1.34
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 9 of 9 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 1.0.7-1.5.7.jolla — 1.0.9-1.8.1.jolla
  • [patterns] Require buteo-mtp-qt5 instead of sync plugin.
  • [patterns] Require udisks2 and busybox-symlinks-dosfstools from middleware.


  • Updated : 1.21+git26-1.10.2.jolla — 1.21+git33-1.16.1.jolla
  • [ril] Disconnect stray data calls.
  • [ril] Don’t take LTE caps away from the only SIM
  • [ril] Respect state restrictions.
  • [ril] Fix incoming call indication on mtk2 vendor.
  • [ril] Improved cell info debug log.
  • [ofono] Add interface for RIL transport plugins.
  • [ril] Added confirmRadioPowerOn configration entry
  • [ril] Added radioPowerCycle configration entry.
  • [ril] Do not submit unnecessary radio power requests
  • [ril] Do not wait for radio power request to complete
  • [ril] Fix broken QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK packets.
  • [ril] Housekeeping
  • [ril] Pull phone number type from SUPP_SVC_NOTIFICATION event
  • [ofono] Allow to filter existing calls.


  • Updated : 1.4.5-1.3.8.jolla — 1.4.6-1.5.2.jolla
  • [dbus] Reduce debug level log spam.
  • [media] Fix automatic resource acquiring with simultaneous streams.
  • [signaling] Don’t log signals not meant for us.
  • [signaling] Fix compiler warning.


  • Updated : 7.1p2+git2-1.1.5.jolla — 7.7p1+git3-1.3.1.jolla
  • [sftp] Reinstate the ’noreplace‘ of the sshd config file, as the file was correct in the previous version.
  • [sftp] Fix path to sftp-server, and set the config to overwrite.
  • [cve] Update to 7.7p1.
  • [cve] Update to 7.7p1. Switch to submodule.
  • [git] Switch to submodule build.


  • Updated : 1.0.2h-1.2.2.jolla — 1.0.2o-1.3.1.jolla
  • [openssl] update to version 1.0.2o Fixes MER#1898
  • [openssl] Fix patches to apply to hobbled 1.0.2o source.
  • [openssl] Add no-asm for aarch64 build. Fixes MER#1560
  • [security] Upgrade to 1.0.2h. Fixes MER#1580
  • [rpm] Remove undefined macro causing errors in new RPM.
  • [rpm] Remove unneeded Provides tag containing undefined macro that causes errors in new RPM.
  • [openssl] Remove more unneeded patches. Contributes MER#1503
  • [openssl] Remove unneeded patches. Contributes MER#1503
  • [security] Upgrade openssl to 1.0.2g. Fixes MER#1534
  • [security] Upgrade to 1.0.2f. Fixes MER#1503
  • [openssl] Remove unneeded patches. Contributes MER#1503
  • [security] Upgrade to 1.0.2f. Fixes MER#1503
  • [openssl] Remove more unneeded patches. Contributes MER#1503


  • Updated : 1.40.1-1.1.5.jolla — 1.42.3-1.2.1.jolla Binaries added : pango-tests – 1.42.3-1.2.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: libfribidi.so.0, pkgconfig(fribidi)
  • [pango] Update to 1.42.3.


  • Updated : 1.0.7-1.5.9.jolla — 1.0.9-1.8.1.jolla
  • [patterns] Require buteo-mtp-qt5 instead of sync plugin.
  • [patterns] Require udisks2 and busybox-symlinks-dosfstools from middleware.


  • Updated : 11.1.68-1.5.1.jolla — 11.1.74-1.8.1.jolla
  • [card] Free config after use.
  • [card] Use common pattern of getting hw module.
  • [common] Add function to duplicate configuration.
  • [common] Add quirk unload_call_exit.
  • [common] Be less verbose about missing config.
  • [common] Duplicate config for hw module.
  • [keepalive] Update state properly.
  • [README] Add description for unload_call_exit quirk.
  • [sink] Free config after use.
  • [source] Free config after use.
  • [common] Make sure QCOM_HARDWARE is defined when needed.
  • [build] Install common headers and pc file properly.
  • [common] Check for primary flag instead of string.
  • [common] Check for SPEAKER_DRC_ENABLED_TAG directly.
  • [common] Combine output and input configurations.
  • [common] Move public headers to include/droid
  • [common] Remove sllist implementation to own header.
  • [common] Remove unused config functions.
  • [common] Use global include with public headers.
  • [config] Refactor hw module creation.
  • [config] Reorder configuration file search locations.
  • [modules] Update includes.
  • [packaging] Remove obsolete header and pc file installs.
  • [README] Add note about xml parsing.
  • [xml-parser] More generic channel mask direction workaround.
  • [common] Use uint32_t for input flags.
  • [parser-xml] No need to idfef input flags.
  • [sbj] Add empty input flag struct.
  • [build] Add workaround for SBJ HAL headers.
  • [conversion] Disable input flags for API 1 and 2.
  • [sbj] Add missing include.
  • [sbj] Disable xml explicitly.
  • [build] Add test for expat.
  • [build] Use expat.
  • [common] Split configuration parsing to multiple files.
  • [config] Allocate config in parsing functions.
  • [conversion] Add workarounds for format and device parsing.
  • [legacy-parser] Allocate config in parser.
  • [module-droid-sink] Include conversion header.
  • [modules] Update contact information.
  • [packaging] Build requires expat.
  • [sink] Include conversion header.
  • [source] Include conversion header.
  • [xml-parser] Add workaround for certain config error.
  • [xml-parser] Drop include parsing for now.
  • [xml-parser] New parser for xml style configuration.
  • [xml-parser] Placeholder for xml parser implementation.


  • Updated : 11.1.68-1.5.2.jolla — 11.1.74-1.8.1.jolla
  • [card] Free config after use.
  • [card] Use common pattern of getting hw module.
  • [common] Add function to duplicate configuration.
  • [common] Add quirk unload_call_exit.
  • [common] Be less verbose about missing config.
  • [common] Duplicate config for hw module.
  • [keepalive] Update state properly.
  • [README] Add description for unload_call_exit quirk.
  • [sink] Free config after use.
  • [source] Free config after use.
  • [common] Make sure QCOM_HARDWARE is defined when needed.
  • [build] Install common headers and pc file properly.
  • [common] Check for primary flag instead of string.
  • [common] Check for SPEAKER_DRC_ENABLED_TAG directly.
  • [common] Combine output and input configurations.
  • [common] Move public headers to include/droid
  • [common] Remove sllist implementation to own header.
  • [common] Remove unused config functions.
  • [common] Use global include with public headers.
  • [config] Refactor hw module creation.
  • [config] Reorder configuration file search locations.
  • [modules] Update includes.
  • [packaging] Remove obsolete header and pc file installs.
  • [README] Add note about xml parsing.
  • [xml-parser] More generic channel mask direction workaround.
  • [common] Use uint32_t for input flags.
  • [parser-xml] No need to idfef input flags.
  • [sbj] Add empty input flag struct.
  • [build] Add workaround for SBJ HAL headers.
  • [conversion] Disable input flags for API 1 and 2.
  • [sbj] Add missing include.
  • [sbj] Disable xml explicitly.
  • [build] Add test for expat.
  • [build] Use expat.
  • [common] Split configuration parsing to multiple files.
  • [config] Allocate config in parsing functions.
  • [conversion] Add workarounds for format and device parsing.
  • [legacy-parser] Allocate config in parser.
  • [module-droid-sink] Include conversion header.
  • [modules] Update contact information.
  • [packaging] Build requires expat.
  • [sink] Include conversion header.
  • [source] Include conversion header.
  • [xml-parser] Add workaround for certain config error.
  • [xml-parser] Drop include parsing for now.
  • [xml-parser] New parser for xml style configuration.
  • [xml-parser] Placeholder for xml parser implementation.


  • Updated : 1.5.1-1.1.9.jolla — 1.5.1+git2-1.3.1.jolla
  • [pyotherside] Include qmltypes.


  • Updated : 0.2.2-1.6.5.jolla — 0.3.0-1.7.2.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: libQmfMessageServer.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5(Qt_5), libQmfMessageServer.so.5(Qt_5)
  • [activesync] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
  • [qmf-eas-plugin] Adapt to qmf changes.


  • Updated : 0.5.0-1.3.5.jolla — 0.6.0-1.5.2.jolla
  • [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
  • [l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.


  • Updated : 1.29-1.6.3.jolla — 1.32.1-1.10.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched qmf-eas-plugin from version 1.32
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 68 of 68 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 0.1.9-1.2.3.jolla — 0.2.0-1.3.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: libQmfMessageServer.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5(Qt_5), libQmfMessageServer.so.5(Qt_5)
  • [qmf-notifications-plugin] Adapt to qmf changes.


  • Updated : 0.5.0-1.3.3.jolla — 0.6.0-1.5.1.jolla
  • [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
  • [l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.


  • Updated : 1.36-1.3.6.jolla — 1.37-1.5.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 0 of 6 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 6 of 6 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.0


  • Updated : 0.0.8-1.2.3.jolla — 0.1.0-1.3.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: libQmfClient.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5(Qt_5)
  • [base-qmf-oauth2-plugin] Adapt to qmf upstream changes.


  • Updated : 4.0.4+git63-1.3.3.jolla — 4.0.4+git101-1.5.2.jolla Binaries removed : qmf-qt5-doc, qmf-qt5-tests
  • Unmet requirements: libQmfClient.so.5(Qt_5_PRIVATE_API), libQmfClient.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5(Qt_5)
  • [messageingframework] Rebase to upstream and drop merged patch.
  • [messagingframework] Update upstream to current master.


  • Updated : —
  • [backend] include unistd for close to fix build.


  • Updated : 5.2.0+git5-1.1.9.jolla — 5.2.0+git6-1.3.1.jolla Binaries added : qt5-qtfeedback-doc – 5.2.0+git6-1.3.1.jolla
  • [packaging] Fixes to documentation packaging.


  • Updated : 1.13.29-1.2.1.jolla — 1.13.31-1.3.1.jolla
  • [qtmozembed] Fix Qt 5.9 build.
  • [qtmozembed] Use test profile in unit tests.


  • Updated : 0.0.23-1.2.1.jolla — 0.1.0-1.3.1.jolla
  • [quickfeedback] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().


  • Updated : 0.0.4-1.3.1.jolla — 0.1.0-1.4.1.jolla
  • [archive] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().


  • Updated : 1.6-1.2.3.jolla — 1.9.1-1.6.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched sailfish-archive from version 1.9
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 7 of 7 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.0
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 7 of 7 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 1.16.10-1.5.10.jolla — 1.17.7-1.12.3.jolla
  • [browser] Use shared icon grid component in favorites grid.
  • [browser] Use lighter tab item text/icon color on light ambience.
  • [sailfish-browser] Cleanup old overlay active handling.
  • [browser] Color tab item controls always light on dark.
  • [sailfish-browser] Use lightPrimaryColor with opaque background.
  • [sailfish-browser] Check foreground from browser window visibility instead of Qt.application.active.
  • [sailfish-browser] Create background for each page if doesn’t background exists.
  • [browser] Fix Qt 5.9 compatibility issues.
  • [sailfish-browser] Add remorse popup for closing all tabs.
  • [browser] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().


  • Updated : 1.128-1.5.3.jolla — 1.135.1-1.10.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched sailfish-browser from version 1.135
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 1.17.5
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 1.17.2
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 1.17.1
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 1.17.0
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 52 of 52 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 0.2.13-1.5.3.jolla — 0.2.16-1.7.1.jolla
  • [sailfish-components-accounts] Show username for obsolete accounts.
  • [sailfish-components-accounts] Allow exposing obsolete accounts in AccountModel.
  • [sailfish-component-accounts] Allow to pass QJSValue type to setConfigurationValue().


  • Updated : 1.55-1.5.3.jolla — 1.56-1.7.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 10 of 10 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 0.2.11-1.3.1.jolla — 0.2.12-1.4.1.jolla
  • [bluetooth] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().


  • Updated : 1.66-1.5.3.jolla — 1.67-1.7.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 34 of 34 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 0.2.13-1.7.1.jolla — 0.2.16-1.9.1.jolla
  • [components-contacts] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
  • [components-contacts] Assume recent list has content to reduce flicker on page startup.
  • [components-contacts] Reduce recent list limit, assume recent list has content to reduce flicker on page startup.
  • [components-contacts] Disallow deleting contacts in recent contacts list.


  • Updated : 1.114-1.5.3.jolla — 1.118.1-1.10.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-contacts-qt5 from version 1.118
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 122 of 122 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.16
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 122 of 122 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.14
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.15


  • Updated : 1.50-1.5.3.jolla — 1.51.1-1.8.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-email-qt5 from version 1.51
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 3 of 3 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 0.1.19-1.4.3.jolla — 0.2.0-1.6.1.jolla
  • [components-filemanager] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
  • [files] Avoid flickering empty state placeholder until directory model has been populated.


  • Updated : 1.36.2-1.10.1.jolla — 1.41.1-1.13.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-filemanager from version 1.41
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.0
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).
  • Updated : 0.2.5-1.4.3.jolla — 0.3.1-1.10.1.jolla
  • Allow hiding ambience action from GalleryOverlay.

  • Paint gallery overlay icons always white.

  • [component-gallery] Fix regression with photo edit page opening.
  • [components-gallery] Migrate omitted page pushes to animatorPush.
  • [components-gallery] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
  • [sailfish-components-gallery] Make sure that pageStack._noGrabbing is not left enabled.
  • Updated : 1.87.1-1.8.1.jolla — 1.95.1-1.11.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-gallery-qt5 from version 1.95
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.7
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.9
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.6


  • Updated : 0.3.4-1.4.1.jolla — 0.3.5-1.5.1.jolla
  • [pickers] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().


  • Updated : 1.75-1.5.3.jolla — 1.79.1-1.10.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-pickers-qt5 from version 1.79
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 39 of 39 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.5
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 39 of 39 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 0.1.0-1.3.1.jolla — 0.1.3-1.6.1.jolla
  • [sailfish-telephony] Add default inner margin for Sim Selector.
  • [components-telephony] Add horizontalMargin property that is applied between sim cards.
  • [components-telephony] Add shortSimDescription() and longSimDescription() formatters.
  • [components-telephony] Simplified check for default voice modem.


  • Updated : 1.21-1.4.3.jolla — 1.23-1.7.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 14 of 14 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.1
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 0 of 14 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 0.1.2-1.1.7.jolla — 0.1.3-1.3.1.jolla
  • [textlinking] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().


  • Updated : 1.65-1.4.3.jolla — 1.66-1.6.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 691 of 691 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 0.4.2-1.5.2.jolla — 1.0.0-1.8.2.jolla
  • [sailfish-components-weather] Improve legibility of selected weather forecast item.
  • [sailfish-components-weather] Mark directory ownership.
  • [sailfish-components-weather] Tune weather details layouts on landscape a bit.


  • Updated : 0.5.0-1.4.1.jolla — 0.6.0-1.5.2.jolla
  • [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
  • [l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.


  • Updated : 1.38.1-1.10.1.jolla — 1.41.1-1.13.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-weather-qt5 from version 1.41
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 65 of 65 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.0
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 65 of 65 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.3


  • Updated : 0.0.22-1.5.3.jolla — 0.1.0-1.6.4.jolla
  • [webview] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().


  • Updated : 1.18-1.4.3.jolla — 1.19-1.6.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 34 of 34 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 0.0.1-1.1.6.jolla — 0.0.2-1.3.2.jolla
  • [suspendplugin] fix use of uninitialized variables.
  • [suspendplugin] Rework netlink message handling.


  • Updated : 0.4.16-1.4.2.jolla — 1.0.2-1.7.1.jolla Binaries added : sailfish-content-ambiences-default-rolling – 1.0.2-1.7.1.jolla, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-airy – 1.0.2-1.7.1.jolla, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-breeze – 1.0.2-1.7.1.jolla, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-sailfish3 – 1.0.2-1.7.1.jolla, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-glacial – 1.0.2-1.7.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: sailfish-content-ambiences-default-sailfish3
  • [ambiences] Clear favorites before installing Sailfish3 ambience set.
  • [ambiences] Add new preloaded ambiences for Sailfish 3.
  • [ambiences] Set Sailfish 3 ambience as default when upgrading.
  • [ambiences] Remove device specific ambience configurations.
  • [ambiences] Tweak ambience timestamps to sort platform before community.
  • [ambiences] Introduce one prototype light ambience.
  • [ambiences] Add Sailfish 3 ambience and make it the sole default favorite ambience.


  • Updated : 0.4.16-1.4.2.jolla — 1.0.2-1.7.1.jolla
  • [ambiences] Clear favorites before installing Sailfish3 ambience set.
  • [ambiences] Add new preloaded ambiences for Sailfish 3.
  • [ambiences] Set Sailfish 3 ambience as default when upgrading.
  • [ambiences] Remove device specific ambience configurations.
  • [ambiences] Tweak ambience timestamps to sort platform before community.
  • [ambiences] Introduce one prototype light ambience.
  • [ambiences] Add Sailfish 3 ambience and make it the sole default favorite ambience.


  • Updated : 1.23.2-1.8.1.jolla — 1.38.3-1.11.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 24 of 24 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [l10n] Branched sailfish-content-ambiences-default from version 1.38
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 24 of 24 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.0
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 21 of 21 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [l10n] New files added from Jolla localisation based on templates
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.14.8
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 20 of 20 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [l10n] New files added from Jolla localisation based on templates
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.17


  • Updated : 0.9.12-1.8.1.jolla — 1.0.10-1.14.1.jolla
  • [lightambiences] Provide dark variant of call recording icon.
  • [lightambiences] Provide dark variants of colored mime-type icons.
  • [theme] New data sim icons.
  • [theme] Fix naming of landscape and portrait images.
  • [topmenu] Add new Top Menu icons.
  • [topmenu] Updated top-menu icon.
  • [topmenu] Add top menu icon.
  • [topmenu] Remove rounded background from Top Menu power actions.


  • Updated : 0.3.1-1.5.4.jolla — 0.4.0-1.7.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: libQmfClient.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5(Qt_5)
  • [sailfish-eas] Adapt to qmf changes.
  • [sailfish-eas] Correction update list of actual calendars in Calendar application.


  • Updated : 1.1.4-1.3.3.jolla — 1.2.0-1.5.1.jolla
  • [fpdevice] Suspend proof fingerprint hal event processing.
  • [mrcontrol] Make wakelocking durations configurable.
  • [settings] Add daemon side configuration parsing
  • [wakelock] Move raw wakelock handling to common sysfs module


  • Updated : 1.1.4-1.2.4.jolla — 1.2.0-1.4.1.jolla
  • [fpdevice] Suspend proof fingerprint hal event processing.
  • [mrcontrol] Make wakelocking durations configurable.
  • [settings] Add daemon side configuration parsing
  • [wakelock] Move raw wakelock handling to common sysfs module


  • Updated : 1.1.35-1.5.1.jolla — 1.2.3-1.8.1.jolla
  • [sailfish-maps] Move topmenu action under new place.
  • [sailfish-maps] Adjustments for light ambience.
  • [maps] Add org.sailfishos.maps.json.
  • [maps] Migrate org.sailfishos.maps.conf to JSON format.
  • [maps] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().


  • Updated : 0.5.0-1.3.4.jolla — 0.6.0-1.5.1.jolla
  • [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
  • [l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.


  • Updated : 1.82-1.5.3.jolla — 1.86-1.8.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 89 of 89 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 1.2.0


  • Updated : 0.2.78-1.8.10.jolla — 0.2.82-1.10.5.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: libQmfMessageServer.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5
  • [sailfish-mdm] Avoid linking every libsailfishpolicy user to systemsettings.
  • [mdm-examples] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
  • [sailfish-mdm] Adapt to qmf changes.
  • [libsailfishmdm] Fix copypaste error with pending packages store.
  • [libsailfishmdm] Check if package was resolved successfully.


  • Updated : 0.2.0-1.4.36.jolla — 0.2.1-1.5.11.jolla
  • [mdm-demo] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().


  • Updated : 1.8-1.4.3.jolla — 1.13.1-1.9.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched sailfish-mdm from version 1.13
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 4 of 4 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 1.0.6-1.4.5.jolla — 1.0.7-1.6.2.jolla
  • [mdm-ofono-plugin] gprs_filter should react to rule_removed signal
  • [mdm-ofono-plugin] Housekeeping
  • [mdm-ofono-plugin] Improved mdm_imsi_filter test coverage
  • [mdm-ofono-plugin] Re-apply voicecall filter when rules change.


  • Updated : 0.0.3-1.3.3.jolla — 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla Binaries added : sailfish-minui-gallery-resources-z1.75 – 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla, sailfish-minui-gallery – 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla, sailfish-minui-gallery-resources-z2.0 – 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla, sailfish-minui-gallery-resources-z1.25 – 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla, sailfish-minui-resources-z1.0 – 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla, sailfish-minui-resources-z1.5 – 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla, sailfish-minui-ts-devel – 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla, sailfish-minui-gallery-resources-z1.0 – 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla, sailfish-minui-resources-z1.25 – 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla, sailfish-minui-resources-z1.5-large – 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla, sailfish-minui-resources-z1.75 – 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla, sailfish-minui-gallery-resources-z1.5-large – 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla, sailfish-minui-gallery-resources-z1.5 – 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla, sailfish-minui-resources-z2.0 – 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla
  • [minui] Add an item hierarchy and more built in types.


  • Updated : 1.3.15-1.7.2.jolla — 1.4.0-1.9.1.jolla
  • [office] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
  • [office] Avoid flickering empty state placeholder on app startup.


  • Updated : 0.5.0-1.4.1.jolla — 0.6.0-1.5.1.jolla
  • [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
  • [l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.


  • Updated : 1.96.1-1.8.1.jolla — 1.99-1.11.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 57 of 57 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 1.4.0
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 57 of 57 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 1.3.16


  • Updated : 0.1.23-1.5.3.jolla — 0.2.1-1.6.1.jolla
  • [sailfish-secrets] Add parameters to the key generation QML bindings.
  • [sailfish-secrets] Bump version.
  • [sailfish-secrets] Export lists to QML from PluginInfoRequest.
  • [sailfish-secrets] Add a helper constructIdenifier() function to be able to set it in DeleteStoredKeyRequest and StoredKeyRequest from QML.
  • [sailfish-secrets] Add a helper constructIdentifier() to be able to set the identifier in QML requests.
  • [sailfish-secrets] Add health check request.
  • [sailfish-secrets] Add health check to tool.
  • [sailfish-secrets] Allow to create filterData for secrets.
  • [sailfish-secrets] Better error messages.
  • [sailfish-secrets] Data corruption notification.
  • [sailfish-secrets] Deal with data corruption by deleting corrupted data for now.
  • [sailfish-secrets] Declare the proper type for Secrets::Request::Status for QML.
  • [sailfish-secrets] QML binding for HealthCheckRequest.
  • [sailfish-secrets] Wrap the FindSecretsRequest to be able to list identifiers in QML.


  • Updated : 1.11.1-1.4.1.jolla — 1.17.1-1.9.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched sailfish-secrets from version 1.17
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 49 of 49 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.0
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 0 of 46 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 0.0.12-1.3.4.jolla — 0.1.0-1.4.2.jolla
  • [secrets-ui] Add SecretsResetter component.
  • [secrets-ui] Deal with data corruption on UI.
  • [secrets-ui] Don’t request stored keys twice on component completed.
  • [secrets-ui] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().


  • Updated : 1.11.1-1.4.1.jolla — 1.16.1-1.7.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched sailfish-secrets-ui from version 1.16
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 54 of 54 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.0


  • Updated : 0.9.12-1.1.9.jolla — 0.9.13-1.3.1.jolla
  • [silica-background] Initialize the blur parameters based on the dconf settings.


  • Updated : 0.2.3-1.2.7.jolla — 0.2.4-1.4.1.jolla
  • [icons] Make z1.5 launcher icons a bit larger.
  • [svg2png] Add support for building inside Sailfish SDK (Qt Creator).


  • Updated : 0.1.39-1.4.2.jolla — 0.2.3-1.8.1.jolla
  • [tutorial] Fix close button and cover text for light ambience.
  • [tutorial] Use dark style pulleys.
  • [tutorial] Adapt to renamed color scheme API.
  • [tutorial] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().


  • Updated : 1.55.1-1.8.1.jolla — 1.60.1-1.12.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched sailfish-tutorial from version 1.60
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 88 of 88 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.2
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 88 of 88 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.39


  • Updated : 0.1.0-1.4.3.jolla — 0.1.1-1.5.4.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: sailfish-minui-resources-z1.75, sailfish-minui-resources-z2.0, sailfish-minui-resources-z1.5-large, sailfish-minui-resources-z1.0, sailfish-minui-resources-z1.25, sailfish-minui-resources-z1.5
  • [upgrade-ui] Adapt to API changes in sailfish-minui.


  • Updated : 1.11-1.5.3.jolla — 1.13.1-1.9.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched sailfish-upgrade-ui from version 1.13
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 3 of 3 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.1


  • Updated : 0.5.0-1.3.3.jolla — 0.6.0-1.5.1.jolla
  • [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
  • [l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.


  • Updated : 1.51-1.4.3.jolla — 1.53-1.7.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 19 of 19 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 2.2.1-1.6.18.jolla — 3.0.0-1.8.5.jolla
  • [version] Change name for 3.0.0 (Porvoonjoki).
  • [version] Change name for 3.0.0 (Lemmenjoki).
  • [version] Change name for 2.2.2 (Oulujoki).


  • Updated : 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla — 0.2.6-1.4.1.jolla
  • [weather] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
  • [weather] Load online part of the model asynchronously to not block app launch transition.
  • [weather] Instruct user to type more when under 3 character location search limit.


  • Updated : 0.5.0-1.3.3.jolla — 0.6.0-1.5.1.jolla
  • [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
  • [l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.


  • Updated : 1.23-1.4.3.jolla — 1.29-1.9.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 24 of 24 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.4


  • Updated : — 1.0.15-1.19.1.jolla
  • [sailfishsilica] Avoid creating Theme inside Theme constructor.
  • [silica] Add a simple cache for icon paths.
  • [silica] Add dark icon variant support to theme icon resolver.
  • [silica] Add textColor for CoverPlaceholder.
  • [silica] Support null patterns and rendering to full screen textures in GlassBackground.
  • [sailfishsilica] Provide base grid component for app settings, home launcher and browser favorites.
  • [silica] Fix ContextMenu x offset calculation.
  • [silica] Fix icon colors not being updated in hidden windows.
  • [sailfishsilica] Fix hint coloring.
  • [silica] Allow overriding the color of a context menu highlight bar.
  • [silica] Fix test failure.
  • [silica] Add a private type for background gradients.
  • [silica] Fix SliderValueLabel initialization and add to Private lib.
  • [sailfishsilica] Improve legibility of pulley busy animation.
  • [sailfishsilica] Improve light ambience style legibility
  • [sailfishsilica] Improve remorse visibility on light ambience style.
  • [silica] Add private SliderBase.
  • [sailfishsilica] Don’t highlight menu item during context menu opening.
  • [silica] Fix inverted user highlight colors.
  • [silica] Fix delayed primary color update of non-atlas theme icons.
  • [silica] ContextMenu: fix menu positioning and changes to parent flickable.
  • [sailfishsilica] Polish time picker glass items for light-style ambiences.
  • [silica] Adjust the implicit highlight color for light ambiences.
  • [sailfishsilica] Improve legibility of switch busy state in light ambience style.
  • [silica] Ensure the primary and secondary colors are correct if the color scheme is overwritten.
  • [silica] Adjust font rendering depending on the color scheme.
  • [silica] Specify the minimum required version of silica-background.
  • [ambiences] Add public API for deriving highlight colors.
  • [silica] Further polish glass items for light ambiences.
  • [silica] Add some contrast to the glass item with light backgrounds.
  • [silica] Add some API to coordinate the timing of ambience changes.
  • [silica] Ensure all colors are updated when changing color scheme.
  • [silica] ExpandingSectionGroup: fix contentY and height animations.
  • [sailfishsilica] Start dimming the pages already when context menu opens.
  • [sailfish-silica] Change touch interaction hint loops to alias.
  • [silica] Fix scaling of aligned highlight images.
  • [silica] Reload theme icons when the style changes.
  • [silica] Allow overriding Slider colors.
  • [silica] Paint DismissButton always white.
  • [sailfishsilica] Try to match Wallpaper with current ApplicationWallpaper.
  • [ambiences] Support light ambiences.
  • [silica] Add a caching image provider for blurred background images.
  • [silica] Import the glass background shader effect from homescreen.
  • [sailfishsilica] Introduce static light and dark variants of primary and secondary color.
  • [silica] Make HighlightImage a public type.
  • [silica] Remove unused method.
  • [sailfish-silica] Deactive context menu when destroyed.
  • [sailfishsilica] Make sure page fade in transition always completes.
  • [sailfishsilica] Don’t animate DockedPanel position during page orientation or or panel height changes.
  • [silica] Update ContextMenu for smaller, horizontally-scrolled containers.
  • [sailfishsilica] Group push transition parameters to reduce risk to off-by-one indexing errors.
  • [sailfishsilica] Allow pages to be created during page transition.
  • [silica] Fix crash with remorse items.
  • [sailfishsilica] Provide earlyClick() for enable loading content during pulley menu selection transition.
  • [silica] Fix unicode parser tests.
  • [silica] Make sure the part Dialog header parts follow the same positioning.
  • [silica] Make sure PanelBackground gradient matches item’s dimensions.
  • [slider] Allow disabling slider handle animation.
  • [sailfishsilica] Add section about SVG to scalability documentation.
  • [silica] Modifying the pattern for phone number for supporting telephone numbers which is started start like: 8 ( 800 )
  • [silica] Modifying the patterns for Phone number and Url address.
  • [sailfishsilica] Make sure two rows of active covers always fit comfortably on landscape tablet home.


  • Updated : 1.95.2-1.9.1.jolla — 1.101.1-1.12.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched sailfishsilica-qt5 from version 1.101
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 105 of 105 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.4
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 104 of 105 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.27.2
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.27.4
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.27.6
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 85 of 105 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.27.0
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 84 of 104 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 0.12.5-1.6.2.jolla — 0.12.6-1.7.1.jolla
  • [eas] Obsolete old eas and add repository for sailfish-eas.


  • Updated : 1.0.1-1.3.11.jolla — 1.0.2-1.4.4.jolla
  • [version] Drop sbj-release, keep just hw-release.
  • [version] Drop _target_cpu information from hw-release.


  • Updated : 1.48.8-1.3.1.jolla — 1.48.10-1.6.1.jolla
  • [harbour-validator] Allow providing application() capability.
  • [harbour-validator] Add 172×172 to recommended icon sizes.


  • Updated : 1.2.17-1.7.1.jolla — 1.2.25-1.12.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: p7zip-full
  • [sdk-manage] Add support for .tar.7z archives.
  • [sdk-manage] Verbosely block while acquiring lock.
  • [sdk-manage] Add –mode option.
  • [sdk-manage] Let Qt Creator know the path of Linguist binaries.
  • [sdk-manage] Manage the user-targets repository.
  • [sdk-assistant] Fix listing unused toolings.
  • [sdk-assistant] List targets grouped by toolings.
  • [mb2] Add option to not update target dependencies.
  • [mb2] Build version field more safely.
  • [mb2] Build version field more safely.
  • [sdk-motd] Initial commit.


  • Updated : 0.7.3-1.3.1.jolla — 0.7.4-1.4.1.jolla
  • [sdk-webapp] Add italic fonts
  • [sdk-webapp] Do not allow removing installer-managed objects.
  • [sdk-webapp] Update fonts


  • Updated : 0.18-1.2.1.jolla — 0.19-1.4.1.jolla
  • [webapp] Update default provider URL.


  • Updated : 0.10.2-1.5.1.jolla — 0.10.6-1.6.1.jolla
  • [hybrisadaptor] Deal with sensor type aliasing changes.
  • [hybrisadaptor] Provide fallback sensor maxDelay value.
  • [hybrisadaptor] Provide fallback values for sensor types.
  • [hybrisadaptor] Provide fallback values for select sensors.
  • [hybrisadaptor] Refactor sensor start/stop logic
  • [hybrisadaptor] Subject sensor type specific actions to common policy
  • [logging] Allow printf style logging similarly as qDebug() does


  • Updated : 0.1.67-1.5.4.jolla — 0.1.68-1.6.1.jolla
  • [sociald] Organizer of the event shouldn’t be in the attendees list.


  • Updated : 0.43.9-1.5.1.jolla — 0.43.11-1.7.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: libzypp.so.1702, libzypp.so.1702(ZYPP_plain)
  • [ssu] Add plugins.qmltypes.
  • [ssu] Proper d-bus adaptor/interface generation
  • [ssu] Provide list repos over dbus
  • [ssu] Provide list repos over dbus. Fixes MER#1933
  • [ssu] Use SsuRepo struct for listRepos


  • Updated : — 0.15.3-1.12.5.jolla
  • [store-client] Tune release cover image still a bit.
  • [store-client] Tune release cover image for 3.0.0.
  • [store-client] Release cover image for 3.0.0.
  • [store-client] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
  • [jolla-store] Refresh installed package list for startup wizard.
  • [store] Don’t flicker PageHeader when transitioning to WelcomePage.
  • [store-client] Release cover image for 2.2.2.


  • Updated : 1.137.1-1.9.1.jolla — 1.143.1-1.13.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched store-client from version 1.143
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 142 of 142 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.15.0
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 142 of 142 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.14.8
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 142 of 142 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 2.0.4-1.1.4.jolla — 3.0.12+git1-1.2.1.jolla Binaries removed : swig-doc
  • [swig] Use byacc and remove empty doc subpackage.
  • [zypp] Update to 3.0.12.
  • [packaging] Upgrade to swig 2.0.12 (Fixes MER#365)


  • Updated : 3.10.7-1.1.10.jolla — 3.26.1-1.3.1.jolla
  • [totem-pl-parser] Update to 3.26.1 and use meson to build.


  • Updated : 1.93.1-1.9.1.jolla — 1.94-1.10.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 61 of 61 strings translated (0 need review).


  • Updated : 2.7.5+git13-1.6.1.jolla — 2.8.0+git3-1.8.1.jolla
  • [udisks2] Loosen up polkit rules to work from another seat.
  • [rpm] Fix build, missing dependency.
  • [udisks2] Upgrade to 2.8.0.
  • [udisks] Fix internal memory card encryption.
  • [udisks2] Treat partition type setting as success if blockdev part it’s not supported.


  • Updated : 0.86.0+mer24-1.4.3.jolla — 0.86.0+mer27-1.1.1.jolla
  • [worker] Enable android usb before starting mtpd.
  • [appsync] Exclude problematic timer from compilation.
  • [appsync] Use module prefix also for static variables
  • [build] Silence warnings about unused parameters
  • [common] Do not implicitly map fallback charging mode to ask on D-Bus
  • [config] Never return NULL mode setting
  • [control] Make internal module state data static
  • [dbus] Deal with NULL strings on D-Bus signal broadcast attempts
  • [dbus] Deny mode change requests while busy.
  • [dbus] Use module prefix also for static variables
  • [devicelock] Use device_lock_xxx instead of devicelock_xxx
  • [modesetting] Replace questionable async timer with sleep loop.
  • [udev] Switch local variable from static to auto
  • [usb-moded] Move synchronous mode switch to worker thread.
  • [usb-moded] Normalize typedefs
  • [usb-moded] Normalize use of return statement
  • [usb-moded] Normalize use of sizeof operator
  • [usb_moded] Refactor startup and exit
  • [usb-moded] Remove redundant include statements
  • [usb_moded] Use accessor functions for diag mode toggle
  • [usb_moded] Use accessor functions for modelist
  • [usb_moded] Use accessor functions for pc cable connect delay
  • [usb_moded] Use accessor functions for rescue mode toggle
  • [worker] Adjust mtp daemon start/stop timeouts
  • [worker] Make internal module state data static
  • [worker] Undo partially executed mode switch on failure
  • [worker] Use module prefix also for static variables
  • [android] Normalize numerical id-values to lower case hex.
  • [android] Refactor android usb handling module.
  • [android] Use wrapper function for all sysfs writes.
  • [configfs] Add support for mass-storage mode.
  • [dyn-config] Align config parsing for readability
  • [dyn-config] Drop unused softconnect keys
  • [dyn-config] Drop unused syfs_path and sysfs_reset_value attributes
  • [modesetting] Fix memory leak in modesetting_report_mass_storage_blocker()
  • [modesetting] Refactor mass-storage mode handling
  • [mtp-mode] Require buteo-mtp-qt5
  • [trigger] Fix resource leaks
  • [trigger] Use trigger_xxx prefix for variable naming
  • [udev] Ignore stale events received while blocked in mode transition
  • [usb_moded] Add configfs support.
  • [usb_moded] Arrange a route for signaling mode switch failures.
  • [usb_moded] Do not track pc / charger connect separately.
  • [usb_moded] Drop –android-bootup-function option.
  • [usb_moded] Explicitly start/stop mtp daemon.
  • [usb_moded] Expose mode switch as „busy“ during transition
  • [usb_moded] Fix mode-switch failure handling
  • [usb_moded] Move connect/disconnect signaling to udev
  • [usb_moded] Normalize multiline comments
  • [usb_moded] Refactor entering/leaving usb mode.
  • [usb_moded] Reject mtp_mode if mtp daemon can’t be started
  • [usb_moded] Tweak mode selection dialog related D-Bus signaling
  • [usb_moded] Use common code for evaluating „can-export“ state


  • Updated : 3.11.0-1.1.10.jolla — 3.13.0+git1-1.3.1.jolla Binaries removed : valgrind-doc
  • [valgrind] Update to 3.13 with git upstream.


  • Updated : —
  • [voicecall-ui] Brighten call avatar on dark ambience style.
  • [voicecall-ui] Use custom colors to improve incoming call pulley contrast.
  • [voicecall-ui] Use TogglePlayPause for call control as well.
  • [voicecall] Adjust the incoming call colors for light ambiences.
  • [voicecall-ui-jolla] Create dialer during pulley menu click transition.
  • [voicecall-ui] Improve SIM presense tracking.
  • [voicecall] Replace the glass background image provider with the Silica Wallpaper type.
  • [voicecall-ui] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
  • [messages] Wait for OfonoModemManager to fetch SIM data before fading in Phone settings.
  • [voicecall-ui] Add basic landscape orientation support.


  • Updated : 1.178.2-1.11.1.jolla — 1.185.1-1.14.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched voicecall-ui-jolla from version 1.185
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 207 of 207 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.11.6
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.11.7
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.11.8
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 207 of 207 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.11.4
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 207 of 207 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.10.28
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.11.0
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.11.1
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.11.3
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 207 of 207 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.10.27
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 207 of 207 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.10.25
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.10.26


  • Updated : 1.8.3-1.1.5.jolla — 1.14.6-1.2.4.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: libzypp.so.1702, libzypp.so.1702(ZYPP_plain)
  • [packaging] Move to patched upstream.
  • [update] Update to upstream version 1.13.9.
  • [update] Update to upstream version 1.14.6.
  • [update] Update to version 1.14.6.
  • [upstream] Sync to version 1.11.22
  • [upstream] Sync to version 1.11.22
  • [license] Unify open source licenses.

Packages added (45)


  • Binaries added : bluebinder – 1.0.0-1.1.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: libgbinder.so.1
  • [bluebinder] Fix callback status reporting.
  • [bluebinder] Fix cleanup on exit. Improve error reporting.
  • [bluebinder] Make sure data type is correct before shifting.
  • [bluebinder] Use GIO channel functions instead of read/write.
  • [bluebinder] Wait for bluetooth Android service before starting.
  • [bluebinder] write bluetooth address to /var/lib/bluetooth/board-address.


  • Binaries added : droid-config-h3113-patterns – 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h3113-bluez5 – 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h3113-out-of-image-files – 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h3113-flashing – 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h3113-preinit-plugin – 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h3113-bluez4 – 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h3113-kickstart-configuration – 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h3113-sailfish – 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h3113-pulseaudio-settings – 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h3113-policy-settings – 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h3113 – 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h3113-ssu-kickstarts – 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: droid-config-h3113 = 0.2.3, droid-system-pioneer-h3113, droid-system-vendor-pioneer-h3113, droid-config-h3113 = 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, h3113-bluez-configs
  • [bluetooth] add bluebinder to hw patterns.
  • [ks] Add /opt partition for vendor data.
  • [configs] Enable HFP profile in oFono.
  • [configs] Increase XA2 Ultra margins slightly.
  • [configs] Don’t override launcher icon size set by the icon packages.
  • [patterns] Add platform specific tools package.
  • [rpm] Add support for XA2 Plus DS devices.
  • [rpm] Add support for XA2 Plus SS devices.
  • [patterns] Fix XA2 Ultra DS pattern.
  • [camera] Enable video torch for main camera.
  • [configs] Use own silica configs for discovery devices.
  • [ks] Add aliendalvik to suggested features.
  • [ks] Fix flashing script modification.
  • [camera] Camera and codec quirks.
  • [configs] Separate configs based on device family.
  • [flashing] General model name on flashing-README.
  • [graphics] Fix pixel ratio for XA2 Ultra devices.
  • [ks] Set supported devices in flashing scripts.
  • Use workaround to prevent segfault on quit.

  • [configs] Load droid modules earlier.
  • [rpm] Get proper system and vendor packages for discovery devices.
  • [conf] Rename pioneer specifig conf files according to device ID.
  • [rpm] Add support for H3213. MER#1955
  • [rpm] Add support for H4213. MER#1955
  • [camera] Camera settings on a HAL1 connection, enabling ISO speed settings.
  • [flashing] Make flashing-README up-to-date.
  • [qtfeedback] Improve vkb haptics. Fixes MER#1953
  • [rpm] Require proper system and vendor packages.
  • [ofono] Separate dual-sim config.
  • [patterns] Separate pioneer hw-adapatation packages.
  • [pulseaudio] Enable PulseAudio usbaudio configs. MER#1952
  • [rpm] Add support for h3113.
  • [udev] Add udev rule to ignore internal card. MER#1952
  • [patterns] Add udisks2 to patterns for SD card support. MER#1951
  • [config] add lipstick and silica configs from f5121. also add /dev/touchscreen symlink.
  • [config] Add udev rule for touch driver.
  • [actdead] Start surfaceflinger also in actdead target. MER#1949
  • [boot] Add systemd service to mark boot as successful. MER#1947
  • [h4113] disable keymaster and keystore since we don’t need them currently and they are not easily fixable.
  • [flashing] H3113 is valid product as well.
  • [flashing] Use boot_a as boot partition name.
  • [h4113] Remove custom audio policy config.
  • [h4113] Show reboot warning on SIM removal.
  • [patterns] Require pulseaudio-modules-droid-glue.
  • [h4113] Add ofono config.
  • [h4113] Provide physical screen size.
  • [h4113] Provide usb-moded configuration.
  • [flashing] Add flashing scripts.
  • [h4113] Clean up patterns.
  • [media] Add gstreamer1.0-droid and audioflingerglue for multimedia and camera support.
  • [wifi] Add systemd service to enable wifi.
  • [h4113] Add flashing script for kernel.
  • [ssu] Fix configuration for h4113.
  • [camera] Add camera configurations. Fixes MER#1927
  • [csd] Add CSD configuration file. Fixes MER#1929
  • [h4113] Add needed symlinks to /etc. Contributes to MER#1926 and MER#1927
  • [h4113] Disable and fix some android side services. Contributes to MER#1926 and MER#1927
  • [h4113] Update submodule. Contributes to MER#1927
  • [pulseaudio] Add legacy audio_policy.conf and load it in droid module. Fixes MER#1926
  • [qtscenegraph] Make hybris textures work on devices without BGRA. Fixes MER#1928
  • [ks] Add initial kickstart configuration.
  • [dcd] Add patterns and initial device configuration files.
  • [h4113] Add initial ssu config.


  • Binaries added : droid-config-h3213-out-of-image-files – 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h3213-preinit-plugin – 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h3213 – 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h3213-policy-settings – 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h3213-kickstart-configuration – 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h3213-flashing – 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h3213-ssu-kickstarts – 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h3213-pulseaudio-settings – 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h3213-bluez5 – 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h3213-sailfish – 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h3213-patterns – 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h3213-bluez4 – 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: droid-config-h3213 = 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h3213 = 0.2.3, h3213-bluez-configs, droid-system-vendor-discovery-h3213, droid-system-discovery-h3213
  • [bluetooth] add bluebinder to hw patterns.
  • [ks] Add /opt partition for vendor data.
  • [configs] Enable HFP profile in oFono.
  • [configs] Increase XA2 Ultra margins slightly.
  • [configs] Don’t override launcher icon size set by the icon packages.
  • [patterns] Add platform specific tools package.
  • [rpm] Add support for XA2 Plus DS devices.
  • [rpm] Add support for XA2 Plus SS devices.
  • [patterns] Fix XA2 Ultra DS pattern.
  • [camera] Enable video torch for main camera.
  • [configs] Use own silica configs for discovery devices.
  • [ks] Add aliendalvik to suggested features.
  • [ks] Fix flashing script modification.
  • [camera] Camera and codec quirks.
  • [configs] Separate configs based on device family.
  • [flashing] General model name on flashing-README.
  • [graphics] Fix pixel ratio for XA2 Ultra devices.
  • [ks] Set supported devices in flashing scripts.
  • Use workaround to prevent segfault on quit.

  • [configs] Load droid modules earlier.
  • [rpm] Get proper system and vendor packages for discovery devices.
  • [conf] Rename pioneer specifig conf files according to device ID.
  • [rpm] Add support for H3213. MER#1955
  • [rpm] Add support for H4213. MER#1955
  • [camera] Camera settings on a HAL1 connection, enabling ISO speed settings.
  • [flashing] Make flashing-README up-to-date.
  • [qtfeedback] Improve vkb haptics
  • [qtfeedback] Improve vkb haptics. Fixes MER#1953
  • [rpm] Require proper system and vendor packages.
  • [ofono] Separate dual-sim config.
  • [patterns] Separate pioneer hw-adapatation packages.
  • [pulseaudio] Enable PulseAudio usbaudio configs. MER#1952
  • [rpm] Add support for h3113.
  • [udev] Add udev rule to ignore internal card. MER#1952
  • [patterns] Add udisks2 to patterns for SD card support. MER#1951
  • [config] add lipstick and silica configs from f5121. also add /dev/touchscreen symlink.
  • [config] add lipstick and silica configs from f5121.
  • [config] Add udev rule for touch driver.
  • [actdead] Start surfaceflinger also in actdead target. MER#1949
  • [boot] Add systemd service to mark boot as successful. MER#1947
  • [h4113] disable keymaster and keystore since we don’t need them currently and they are not easily fixable.
  • [flashing] H3113 is valid product as well.
  • [flashing] Use boot_a as boot partition name.
  • [h4113] Remove custom audio policy config.
  • [h4113] Show reboot warning on SIM removal.
  • [patterns] Require pulseaudio-modules-droid-glue.
  • [h4113] Add ofono config.
  • [h4113] Provide physical screen size.
  • [h4113] Provide usb-moded configuration.
  • [flashing] Add flashing scripts.
  • [h4113] Clean up patterns.
  • [media] Add gstreamer1.0-droid and audioflingerglue for multimedia and camera support.
  • [wifi] Add systemd service to enable wifi.
  • [h4113] Add flashing script for kernel.
  • [ssu] Fix configuration for h4113.
  • [camera] Add camera configurations. Fixes MER#1927
  • [csd] Add CSD configuration file. Fixes MER#1929
  • [h4113] Add needed symlinks to /etc. Contributes to MER#1926 and MER#1927
  • [h4113] Disable and fix some android side services. Contributes to MER#1926 and MER#1927
  • [h4113] Update submodule. Contributes to MER#1927
  • [pulseaudio] Add legacy audio_policy.conf and load it in droid module. Fixes MER#1926
  • [qtscenegraph] Make hybris textures work on devices without BGRA. Fixes MER#1928
  • [ks] Add initial kickstart configuration.
  • [dcd] Add patterns and initial device configuration files.
  • [h4113] Add initial ssu config.


  • Binaries added : droid-config-h3413 – 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h3413-pulseaudio-settings – 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h3413-kickstart-configuration – 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h3413-bluez4 – 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h3413-bluez5 – 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h3413-ssu-kickstarts – 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h3413-policy-settings – 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h3413-preinit-plugin – 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h3413-flashing – 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h3413-patterns – 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h3413-out-of-image-files – 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h3413-sailfish – 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: droid-config-h3413 = 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-system-voyager-h3413, droid-system-vendor-voyager-h3413, h3413-bluez-configs, droid-config-h3413 = 0.2.3
  • [bluetooth] add bluebinder to hw patterns.
  • [ks] Add /opt partition for vendor data.
  • [configs] Enable HFP profile in oFono.
  • [configs] Increase XA2 Ultra margins slightly.
  • [configs] Don’t override launcher icon size set by the icon packages.
  • [patterns] Add platform specific tools package.
  • [rpm] Add support for XA2 Plus DS devices.
  • [rpm] Add support for XA2 Plus SS devices.
  • [patterns] Fix XA2 Ultra DS pattern.
  • [camera] Enable video torch for main camera.
  • [configs] Use own silica configs for discovery devices.
  • [ks] Add aliendalvik to suggested features.
  • [ks] Fix flashing script modification.
  • [camera] Camera and codec quirks.
  • [configs] Separate configs based on device family.
  • [flashing] General model name on flashing-README.
  • [graphics] Fix pixel ratio for XA2 Ultra devices.
  • [ks] Set supported devices in flashing scripts.
  • Use workaround to prevent segfault on quit.

  • [configs] Load droid modules earlier.
  • [rpm] Get proper system and vendor packages for discovery devices.
  • [conf] Rename pioneer specifig conf files according to device ID.
  • [rpm] Add support for H3213. MER#1955
  • [rpm] Add support for H4213. MER#1955
  • [camera] Camera settings on a HAL1 connection, enabling ISO speed settings.
  • [flashing] Make flashing-README up-to-date.
  • [qtfeedback] Improve vkb haptics
  • [qtfeedback] Improve vkb haptics. Fixes MER#1953
  • [rpm] Require proper system and vendor packages.
  • [ofono] Separate dual-sim config.
  • [patterns] Separate pioneer hw-adapatation packages.
  • [pulseaudio] Enable PulseAudio usbaudio configs. MER#1952
  • [rpm] Add support for h3113.
  • [udev] Add udev rule to ignore internal card. MER#1952
  • [patterns] Add udisks2 to patterns for SD card support. MER#1951
  • [config] add lipstick and silica configs from f5121. also add /dev/touchscreen symlink.
  • [config] add lipstick and silica configs from f5121.
  • [config] Add udev rule for touch driver.
  • [actdead] Start surfaceflinger also in actdead target. MER#1949
  • [boot] Add systemd service to mark boot as successful. MER#1947
  • [h4113] disable keymaster and keystore since we don’t need them currently and they are not easily fixable.
  • [flashing] H3113 is valid product as well.
  • [flashing] Use boot_a as boot partition name.
  • [h4113] Remove custom audio policy config.
  • [h4113] Show reboot warning on SIM removal.
  • [patterns] Require pulseaudio-modules-droid-glue.
  • [h4113] Add ofono config.
  • [h4113] Provide physical screen size.
  • [h4113] Provide usb-moded configuration.
  • [flashing] Add flashing scripts.
  • [h4113] Clean up patterns.
  • [media] Add gstreamer1.0-droid and audioflingerglue for multimedia and camera support.
  • [wifi] Add systemd service to enable wifi.
  • [h4113] Add flashing script for kernel.
  • [ssu] Fix configuration for h4113.
  • [camera] Add camera configurations. Fixes MER#1927
  • [csd] Add CSD configuration file. Fixes MER#1929
  • [h4113] Add needed symlinks to /etc. Contributes to MER#1926 and MER#1927
  • [h4113] Disable and fix some android side services. Contributes to MER#1926 and MER#1927
  • [h4113] Update submodule. Contributes to MER#1927
  • [pulseaudio] Add legacy audio_policy.conf and load it in droid module. Fixes MER#1926
  • [qtscenegraph] Make hybris textures work on devices without BGRA. Fixes MER#1928
  • [ks] Add initial kickstart configuration.
  • [dcd] Add patterns and initial device configuration files.
  • [h4113] Add initial ssu config.


  • Binaries added : droid-config-h4113 – 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h4113-bluez4 – 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h4113-bluez5 – 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h4113-out-of-image-files – 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h4113-flashing – 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h4113-patterns – 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h4113-kickstart-configuration – 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h4113-ssu-kickstarts – 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h4113-preinit-plugin – 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h4113-sailfish – 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h4113-pulseaudio-settings – 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h4113-policy-settings – 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: droid-config-h4113 = 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-system-vendor-pioneer-h4113, droid-config-h4113 = 0.2.3, droid-system-pioneer-h4113, h4113-bluez-configs
  • [bluetooth] add bluebinder to hw patterns.
  • [ks] Add /opt partition for vendor data.
  • [configs] Enable HFP profile in oFono.
  • [configs] Increase XA2 Ultra margins slightly.
  • [configs] Don’t override launcher icon size set by the icon packages.
  • [patterns] Add platform specific tools package.
  • [rpm] Add support for XA2 Plus DS devices.
  • [rpm] Add support for XA2 Plus SS devices.
  • [patterns] Fix XA2 Ultra DS pattern.
  • [camera] Enable video torch for main camera.
  • [configs] Use own silica configs for discovery devices.
  • [ks] Add aliendalvik to suggested features.
  • [ks] Fix flashing script modification.
  • [camera] Camera and codec quirks.
  • [configs] Separate configs based on device family.
  • [flashing] General model name on flashing-README.
  • [graphics] Fix pixel ratio for XA2 Ultra devices.
  • [ks] Set supported devices in flashing scripts.
  • Use workaround to prevent segfault on quit.

  • [configs] Load droid modules earlier.
  • [rpm] Get proper system and vendor packages for discovery devices.
  • [conf] Rename pioneer specifig conf files according to device ID.
  • [rpm] Add support for H3213. MER#1955
  • [rpm] Add support for H4213. MER#1955
  • [camera] Camera settings on a HAL1 connection, enabling ISO speed settings.
  • [flashing] Make flashing-README up-to-date.
  • [qtfeedback] Improve vkb haptics. Fixes MER#1953
  • [rpm] Require proper system and vendor packages.
  • [ofono] Separate dual-sim config.
  • [patterns] Separate pioneer hw-adapatation packages.
  • [pulseaudio] Enable PulseAudio usbaudio configs. MER#1952
  • [rpm] Add support for h3113.
  • [udev] Add udev rule to ignore internal card. MER#1952
  • [patterns] Add udisks2 to patterns for SD card support. MER#1951
  • [config] add lipstick and silica configs from f5121. also add /dev/touchscreen symlink.
  • [config] Add udev rule for touch driver.
  • [actdead] Start surfaceflinger also in actdead target. MER#1949
  • [boot] Add systemd service to mark boot as successful. MER#1947
  • [h4113] disable keymaster and keystore since we don’t need them currently and they are not easily fixable.
  • [flashing] H3113 is valid product as well.
  • [flashing] Use boot_a as boot partition name.
  • [h4113] Remove custom audio policy config.
  • [h4113] Show reboot warning on SIM removal.
  • [patterns] Require pulseaudio-modules-droid-glue.
  • [h4113] Add ofono config.
  • [h4113] Provide physical screen size.
  • [h4113] Provide usb-moded configuration.
  • [flashing] Add flashing scripts.
  • [h4113] Clean up patterns.
  • [media] Add gstreamer1.0-droid and audioflingerglue for multimedia and camera support.
  • [wifi] Add systemd service to enable wifi.
  • [h4113] Add flashing script for kernel.
  • [ssu] Fix configuration for h4113.
  • [camera] Add camera configurations. Fixes MER#1927
  • [csd] Add CSD configuration file. Fixes MER#1929
  • [h4113] Add needed symlinks to /etc. Contributes to MER#1926 and MER#1927
  • [h4113] Disable and fix some android side services. Contributes to MER#1926 and MER#1927
  • [h4113] Update submodule. Contributes to MER#1927
  • [pulseaudio] Add legacy audio_policy.conf and load it in droid module. Fixes MER#1926
  • [qtscenegraph] Make hybris textures work on devices without BGRA. Fixes MER#1928
  • [ks] Add initial kickstart configuration.
  • [dcd] Add patterns and initial device configuration files.
  • [h4113] Add initial ssu config.


  • Binaries added : droid-config-h4213-bluez4 – 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h4213-out-of-image-files – 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h4213-policy-settings – 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h4213-pulseaudio-settings – 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h4213-bluez5 – 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h4213 – 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h4213-flashing – 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h4213-sailfish – 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h4213-ssu-kickstarts – 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h4213-patterns – 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h4213-kickstart-configuration – 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h4213-preinit-plugin – 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: droid-system-discovery-h4213, droid-config-h4213 = 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, h4213-bluez-configs, droid-system-vendor-discovery-h4213, droid-config-h4213 = 0.2.3
  • [bluetooth] add bluebinder to hw patterns.
  • [ks] Add /opt partition for vendor data.
  • [configs] Enable HFP profile in oFono.
  • [configs] Increase XA2 Ultra margins slightly.
  • [configs] Don’t override launcher icon size set by the icon packages.
  • [patterns] Add platform specific tools package.
  • [rpm] Add support for XA2 Plus DS devices.
  • [rpm] Add support for XA2 Plus SS devices.
  • [patterns] Fix XA2 Ultra DS pattern.
  • [camera] Enable video torch for main camera.
  • [configs] Use own silica configs for discovery devices.
  • [ks] Add aliendalvik to suggested features.
  • [ks] Fix flashing script modification.
  • [camera] Camera and codec quirks.
  • [configs] Separate configs based on device family.
  • [flashing] General model name on flashing-README.
  • [graphics] Fix pixel ratio for XA2 Ultra devices.
  • [ks] Set supported devices in flashing scripts.
  • Use workaround to prevent segfault on quit.

  • [configs] Load droid modules earlier.
  • [rpm] Get proper system and vendor packages for discovery devices.
  • [conf] Rename pioneer specifig conf files according to device ID.
  • [rpm] Add support for H3213. MER#1955
  • [rpm] Add support for H4213. MER#1955
  • [camera] Camera settings on a HAL1 connection, enabling ISO speed settings.
  • [flashing] Make flashing-README up-to-date.
  • [qtfeedback] Improve vkb haptics. Fixes MER#1953
  • [rpm] Require proper system and vendor packages.
  • [ofono] Separate dual-sim config.
  • [patterns] Separate pioneer hw-adapatation packages.
  • [pulseaudio] Enable PulseAudio usbaudio configs. MER#1952
  • [rpm] Add support for h3113.
  • [udev] Add udev rule to ignore internal card. MER#1952
  • [patterns] Add udisks2 to patterns for SD card support. MER#1951
  • [config] add lipstick and silica configs from f5121. also add /dev/touchscreen symlink.
  • [config] add lipstick and silica configs from f5121.
  • [config] Add udev rule for touch driver.
  • [actdead] Start surfaceflinger also in actdead target. MER#1949
  • [boot] Add systemd service to mark boot as successful. MER#1947
  • [h4113] disable keymaster and keystore since we don’t need them currently and they are not easily fixable.
  • [flashing] H3113 is valid product as well.
  • [flashing] Use boot_a as boot partition name.
  • [h4113] Remove custom audio policy config.
  • [h4113] Show reboot warning on SIM removal.
  • [patterns] Require pulseaudio-modules-droid-glue.
  • [h4113] Add ofono config.
  • [h4113] Provide physical screen size.
  • [h4113] Provide usb-moded configuration.
  • [flashing] Add flashing scripts.
  • [h4113] Clean up patterns.
  • [media] Add gstreamer1.0-droid and audioflingerglue for multimedia and camera support.
  • [wifi] Add systemd service to enable wifi.
  • [h4113] Add flashing script for kernel.
  • [ssu] Fix configuration for h4113.
  • [camera] Add camera configurations. Fixes MER#1927
  • [csd] Add CSD configuration file. Fixes MER#1929
  • [h4113] Add needed symlinks to /etc. Contributes to MER#1926 and MER#1927
  • [h4113] Disable and fix some android side services. Contributes to MER#1926 and MER#1927
  • [h4113] Update submodule. Contributes to MER#1927
  • [pulseaudio] Add legacy audio_policy.conf and load it in droid module. Fixes MER#1926
  • [qtscenegraph] Make hybris textures work on devices without BGRA. Fixes MER#1928
  • [ks] Add initial kickstart configuration.
  • [dcd] Add patterns and initial device configuration files.
  • [h4113] Add initial ssu config.


  • Binaries added : droid-config-h4413 – 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h4413-ssu-kickstarts – 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h4413-sailfish – 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h4413-pulseaudio-settings – 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h4413-out-of-image-files – 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h4413-flashing – 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h4413-patterns – 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h4413-bluez5 – 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h4413-bluez4 – 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h4413-preinit-plugin – 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h4413-policy-settings – 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h4413-kickstart-configuration – 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: h4413-bluez-configs, droid-system-vendor-voyager-h4413, droid-config-h4413 = 0.2.3, droid-config-h4413 = 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-system-voyager-h4413
  • [bluetooth] add bluebinder to hw patterns.
  • [ks] Add /opt partition for vendor data.
  • [configs] Enable HFP profile in oFono.
  • [configs] Increase XA2 Ultra margins slightly.
  • [configs] Don’t override launcher icon size set by the icon packages.
  • [patterns] Add platform specific tools package.
  • [rpm] Add support for XA2 Plus DS devices.
  • [rpm] Add support for XA2 Plus SS devices.
  • [patterns] Fix XA2 Ultra DS pattern.
  • [camera] Enable video torch for main camera.
  • [configs] Use own silica configs for discovery devices.
  • [ks] Add aliendalvik to suggested features.
  • [ks] Fix flashing script modification.
  • [camera] Camera and codec quirks.
  • [configs] Separate configs based on device family.
  • [flashing] General model name on flashing-README.
  • [graphics] Fix pixel ratio for XA2 Ultra devices.
  • [ks] Set supported devices in flashing scripts.
  • Use workaround to prevent segfault on quit.

  • [configs] Load droid modules earlier.
  • [rpm] Get proper system and vendor packages for discovery devices.
  • [conf] Rename pioneer specifig conf files according to device ID.
  • [rpm] Add support for H3213. MER#1955
  • [rpm] Add support for H4213. MER#1955
  • [camera] Camera settings on a HAL1 connection, enabling ISO speed settings.
  • [flashing] Make flashing-README up-to-date.
  • [qtfeedback] Improve vkb haptics
  • [qtfeedback] Improve vkb haptics. Fixes MER#1953
  • [rpm] Require proper system and vendor packages.
  • [ofono] Separate dual-sim config.
  • [patterns] Separate pioneer hw-adapatation packages.
  • [pulseaudio] Enable PulseAudio usbaudio configs. MER#1952
  • [rpm] Add support for h3113.
  • [udev] Add udev rule to ignore internal card. MER#1952
  • [patterns] Add udisks2 to patterns for SD card support. MER#1951
  • [config] add lipstick and silica configs from f5121. also add /dev/touchscreen symlink.
  • [config] add lipstick and silica configs from f5121.
  • [config] Add udev rule for touch driver.
  • [actdead] Start surfaceflinger also in actdead target. MER#1949
  • [boot] Add systemd service to mark boot as successful. MER#1947
  • [h4113] disable keymaster and keystore since we don’t need them currently and they are not easily fixable.
  • [flashing] H3113 is valid product as well.
  • [flashing] Use boot_a as boot partition name.
  • [h4113] Remove custom audio policy config.
  • [h4113] Show reboot warning on SIM removal.
  • [patterns] Require pulseaudio-modules-droid-glue.
  • [h4113] Add ofono config.
  • [h4113] Provide physical screen size.
  • [h4113] Provide usb-moded configuration.
  • [flashing] Add flashing scripts.
  • [h4113] Clean up patterns.
  • [media] Add gstreamer1.0-droid and audioflingerglue for multimedia and camera support.
  • [wifi] Add systemd service to enable wifi.
  • [h4113] Add flashing script for kernel.
  • [ssu] Fix configuration for h4113.
  • [camera] Add camera configurations. Fixes MER#1927
  • [csd] Add CSD configuration file. Fixes MER#1929
  • [h4113] Add needed symlinks to /etc. Contributes to MER#1926 and MER#1927
  • [h4113] Disable and fix some android side services. Contributes to MER#1926 and MER#1927
  • [h4113] Update submodule. Contributes to MER#1927
  • [pulseaudio] Add legacy audio_policy.conf and load it in droid module. Fixes MER#1926
  • [qtscenegraph] Make hybris textures work on devices without BGRA. Fixes MER#1928
  • [ks] Add initial kickstart configuration.
  • [dcd] Add patterns and initial device configuration files.
  • [h4113] Add initial ssu config.


  • Binaries added : droid-hal-discovery-kernel-modules – 0.0.14-1.3.1.jolla, droid-hal-discovery – 0.0.14-1.3.1.jolla, droid-hal-discovery-devel – 0.0.14-1.3.1.jolla, droid-hal-discovery-detritus – 0.0.14-1.3.1.jolla, droid-hal-discovery-tools – 0.0.14-1.3.1.jolla, droid-hal-discovery-kernel – 0.0.14-1.3.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: droid-system-vendor, droid-hal-discovery-detritus
  • [camera] Force first ISO value to ISO100, or we might not match the app values.
  • [macaddrsetup] Ensure that /data/vendor/wifi directory exist.
  • [device/sony/voyager] Build nfc_nci module.
  • [frameworks/av] Support ISO setting on HAL3 devices under API1 on Qualcomm devices.
  • [hybris/hybris-boot] Add support for voyager devices.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] hybris friendly defconfig for voyager.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Sync discovery and pioneer kernel configs.
  • [manifest] Update to aosp-8.1.0_r47_20181015 base.
  • [rpm] Add support for voyager devices.
  • [hybris/hybris-boot] Add support for discovery (hx213). MER#1955
  • [rpm] Add spec file for discovery. MER#1955
  • [external/libhybris] point to mer-hybris android8-initial branch since it was rebased and moved.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Enable CONFIG_BT_HCIVHCI for discovery.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Enable CONFIG_BT_HCIVHCI for pioneer.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Hybris friendly defconfig for discovery. MER#1955
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Merge patches from sony-aosp-8.1.0_r35_20181003. MER#1955
  • [rpm] Add rpm_device macro.
  • [reference] update reference branch to r35.
  • [rpm] Rename h4113 to pioneer.
  • [device/sony/common] Revert dsp directory change.
  • [device/sony/nile] Remove dsp symlink.
  • [device/sony/nile] Update from upstream.
  • [android/system/core] Fix actdead charging animation. MER#1949
  • [build] rename dbus group to adbus to avoid conflicts with mer.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] add configs for systemd-nspawn and other useful things.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] enable extra filesystems which are useful.
  • [device/sony/akari] remove prebuilt dtbo.img when TARGET_COMPILE_WITH_MSM_KERNEL is true
  • [device/sony/akari] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/akari] set GSM capability for DS devices
  • [device/sony/apollo] remove prebuilt dtbo.img when TARGET_COMPILE_WITH_MSM_KERNEL is true
  • [device/sony/apollo] remove unused Sensors Configuration
  • [device/sony/apollo] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/apollo] set GSM capability for DS devices
  • [device/sony/common] add cdsprcpd service
  • [device/sony/common] cnss-daemon.rc: set net_admin for cnss-daemon
  • [device/sony/common] data: add the configuration for sdm845
  • [device/sony/common] Do not create the dsp directory since it is created by all platforms which need it, as a symlink.
  • [device/sony/common] init.common.rc: Create dir for display
  • [device/sony/common] libpolyreg: Fix libcutils private headers
  • [device/sony/common] librqbalance: fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
  • [device/sony/common] move the camera dumps to /data/vendor/camera
  • [device/sony/common] move the common SRC_CAMERA_HAL_DIR
  • [device/sony/common] odm: packages: add sensors.sdm845
  • [device/sony/common] power: fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
  • [device/sony/common] Revert „cnss-daemon.rc: set net_admin for cnss-daemon“
  • [device/sony/common] switch Display HAL to our own branch
  • [device/sony/common] treble: add the packages needed for BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
  • [device/sony/common] vendor: increment vendor version
  • [device/sony/common] vendor: init: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/discovery] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/discovery] set GSM capability for DS devices
  • [device/sony/dora] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/kagura] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/keyaki] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/loire] genfs_contexts: fix duplicate path
  • [device/sony/loire] init: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/loire] platform: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/loire] remove the duplicate androidboot.console
  • [device/sony/loire] sepolicy: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/loire] uevent: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/maple] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/nile] (hybris) Remove duplicate vendor mountpoint and add back odm mountpoint. MER#1948
  • [device/sony/pioneer] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/pioneer] set GSM capability for DS devices
  • [device/sony/poplar] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/sepolicy] add basic cdsprpcd permisisons
  • [device/sony/sepolicy] sepolicy: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/sepolicy] sepolicy: avoid kernel 4.9 denials
  • [device/sony/suzu] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/tama] add A/B OTA dexopt support
  • [device/sony/tama] add PRODUCT_STATIC_BOOT_CONTROL_HAL
  • [device/sony/tama] genfs_contexts: remove duplicate rmtfs_sharedmem
  • [device/sony/tama] remove the duplicate androidboot.console
  • [device/sony/tama] ueventd.rc: Update paths for kernel 4.9
  • [device/sony/tone] genfs_contexts: remove duplicate sysfs_mdss_mdp_caps
  • [device/sony/tone] init: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/tone] platform: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/tone] remove the duplicate androidboot.console
  • [device/sony/tone] sepolicy: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/tone] sepolicy: avoid sde denials
  • [device/sony/tone] ueventd: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/yoshino] remove the duplicate androidboot.console
  • [device/sony/yoshino] sepolicy: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/yoshino] ueventd: Add paths for k4.9
  • [hardware/qcom/bt] bt: use TARGET_BOARD_AUTO to override qcom hals
  • [hybris/hybris-boot] Adapt pioneer mountpoints to upstream changes. MER#1948
  • [hybris/hybris-boot] Build bootctl for Android 8. MER#1947
  • [kernel] Merge upstream changes.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel/drivers/staging/wlan-qc/qcacld-3.0] Android.mk: add SOMC_KERNEL_VERSION
  • [manifest] Add HIDL interfaces. MER#1948
  • [manifest] Add Qualcomm Display HAL. MER#1948
  • [manifest] also point gps repos with repo_update.sh patches to the correct remote and fix qcom_display repo.
  • [manifest] Don’t use copyfile tags instead of linkfile since they cause additional build failures. repo update is mandatory.
  • [manifest] point repos with repo_update.sh patches to the correct remote.
  • [manifest] remove other unused 4.9 kernel projects.
  • [manifest] remove unused 4.9 kernel common-headers.
  • [manifest] Revert to aosp bootctrl. MER#1948
  • [manifest] Update manifest to sony aosp r35 branch.
  • [manifest] Use copyfile repo xml tag instead of linkfile tag temporarily.
  • [manifest] Use o-mr1 branch for device repos. MER#1948
  • [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: Grant access to private SDK APIs such as SystemProperties.
  • [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: Migrate to AAPT2
  • [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: preference framework has moved out of v7 folder.
  • [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: set LOCAL_SDK_VERSION to current
  • [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: Using private APIs does not require SDK guard.
  • [rpm] after dsp folder fix we can fix this path.
  • [sony-nile] Update manifest.
  • [sony-nile] Update manifest.
  • [system/core] (hybris) ignore „mount“ and „mkdir /tmp“ commands entirely.
  • [vendor/nxp/NXPNFCC_FW] NFC_NCIHALx_AR0800.9.0.10
  • [vendor/nxp/NXPNFCC_FW] NFC_NCIHALx_AR2000.09.00.0A_OpnSrc
  • [vendor/nxp/NXPNFCC_FW] NFC_NCIHALx_AR2000.09.00.0D_OpnSrc
  • [vendor/nxp/NXPNFCC_FW] Update README.md
  • [vendor/oss/cash] fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
  • [vendor/oss/cash] remove unused variables
  • [vendor/oss/cash] silence LOG_TAG macro redefined warning
  • [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Android.mk: Update sysfs path for k4.9
  • [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Android.mk: Use SOMC_KERNEL_VERSION for path selection
  • [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Fix warnings of unused parameters and variables
  • [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Remove cpp flags
  • [vendor/oss/projection] add LOCAL_PRIVATE_PLATFORM_APIS
  • [vendor/oss/projection] remove unused variables
  • [vendor/oss/projection] REVERTME: remove Android.bp
  • [vendor/oss/repo_update] Add display HAL patch for night mode
  • [vendor/oss/repo_update] Add patches required to build using sdm845 hals and 4.9 kernel headers
  • [vendor/oss/repo_update] Add support for exFAT file system to vold
  • [vendor/oss/repo_update] Fix bug Device that can’t support adoptable storage cannot read the sdcard
  • [vendor/oss/repo_update] media: msm8996: bump 713242 patch version
  • [vendor/oss/repo_update] msm8996: fix build
  • [vendor/oss/repo_update] repo_update: Add odm check
  • [vendor/oss/repo_update] Revert „repo_update: Properly fetch and apply recovery „rotation logic““
  • [vendor/oss/repo_update] ?ode alignment and duplicate removal
  • [vendor/oss/timekeep] Don’t use shell in make file
  • [vendor/oss/timekeep] fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
  • [vendor/oss/timekeep] Let TimeKeep use private platform APIs
  • [vendor/oss/timekeep] Timekeep: set LOCAL_SDK_VERSION to current
  • [vendor/oss/transpower] Bump app version (2.1.1)
  • [vendor/oss/transpower] Bump up version (2.2.1)
  • [vendor/oss/transpower] Fix access to telephony-common lib and additional resources
  • [vendor/oss/transpower] Require access to hidden platform APIs
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] camera: fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] CameraParameters: fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Fix dependencies for mm-camera-interface
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] fix display folder path
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] mm-camera: Change kernel version check for SoMC
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] move the camera dumps to /data/vendor/camera
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] msm8998: Update from AOSP
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] QCamera2: HAL: Change media entity enumeration logic. Issue: Media entity enumeration logic not support kernel 4.9 Fix: Changes added to support media entity enumeration for both Kernel 4.9 and 4.4 version.
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Revert „QCamera2:Compilation fix for OMR release“
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Revert „QCamera2:HAL :Changes to get the vsync event and presentation timestamp“
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Revert „QCamera2:QCameraDisplay:Dynamic registration of display service.“
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Revert „QCamera2:QCameraDisplay:Merging fix of DisplayService transaction failed.“
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/location] fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/location] loc_api: include: Correct pointer type of message_table
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/location] Revert „Speed, bearing and vertical accuracy must be read from Zpp Fix“
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/location] silence LOG_TAG macro redefined warning
  • [manifest] Add reference to sony-nile cache.
  • [hybris/hybris-boot] Include libsf_compat_layer_32 in the build.
  • [hybris/hybris-boot] Update to upstream after merge.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Fix defconfig to include necessary configs for LVM.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] update to kernel prepared for mer.
  • [rpm] define lunch_device for obs builds.
  • [rpm] require droid-system and droid-system-vendor on obs builds.
  • [rpm] Update droid-hal to upstream after merge.
  • [rpm] update submodule to fix obs builds of usergroupgen and image_tools for android 8.


  • Binaries added : droid-hal-discovery-img-boot –, droid-hal-discovery-img-recovery –
  • [rpm] Add support for voyager kernel.
  • [rpm] Add support for discovery kernel.
  • [recovery] support linux 4.4 configfs based ub_gadget mode.
  • [root-mount] Remove bashism from log function.
  • [rpm] Rename h4113 to pioneer.
  • [initrd] Fix factory image partition label.
  • [h4113] Initial content.


  • Binaries added : droid-hal-pioneer-tools – 0.0.14-1.4.1.jolla, droid-hal-pioneer – 0.0.14-1.4.1.jolla, droid-hal-pioneer-kernel – 0.0.14-1.4.1.jolla, droid-hal-pioneer-kernel-modules – 0.0.14-1.4.1.jolla, droid-hal-pioneer-devel – 0.0.14-1.4.1.jolla, droid-hal-pioneer-detritus – 0.0.14-1.4.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: droid-system-vendor, droid-hal-pioneer-detritus
  • [camera] Force first ISO value to ISO100, or we might not match the app values.
  • [macaddrsetup] Ensure that /data/vendor/wifi directory exist.
  • [device/sony/voyager] Build nfc_nci module.
  • [frameworks/av] Support ISO setting on HAL3 devices under API1 on Qualcomm devices.
  • [hybris/hybris-boot] Add support for voyager devices.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] hybris friendly defconfig for voyager.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Sync discovery and pioneer kernel configs.
  • [manifest] Update to aosp-8.1.0_r47_20181015 base.
  • [rpm] Add support for voyager devices.
  • [hybris/hybris-boot] Add support for discovery (hx213). MER#1955
  • [rpm] Add spec file for discovery. MER#1955
  • [external/libhybris] point to mer-hybris android8-initial branch since it was rebased and moved.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Enable CONFIG_BT_HCIVHCI for discovery.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Enable CONFIG_BT_HCIVHCI for pioneer.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Hybris friendly defconfig for discovery. MER#1955
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Merge patches from sony-aosp-8.1.0_r35_20181003. MER#1955
  • [rpm] Add rpm_device macro.
  • [reference] update reference branch to r35.
  • [rpm] Rename h4113 to pioneer.
  • [device/sony/common] Revert dsp directory change.
  • [device/sony/nile] Remove dsp symlink.
  • [device/sony/nile] Update from upstream.
  • [android/system/core] Fix actdead charging animation. MER#1949
  • [build] rename dbus group to adbus to avoid conflicts with mer.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] add configs for systemd-nspawn and other useful things.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] enable extra filesystems which are useful.
  • [device/sony/akari] remove prebuilt dtbo.img when TARGET_COMPILE_WITH_MSM_KERNEL is true
  • [device/sony/akari] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/akari] set GSM capability for DS devices
  • [device/sony/apollo] remove prebuilt dtbo.img when TARGET_COMPILE_WITH_MSM_KERNEL is true
  • [device/sony/apollo] remove unused Sensors Configuration
  • [device/sony/apollo] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/apollo] set GSM capability for DS devices
  • [device/sony/common] add cdsprcpd service
  • [device/sony/common] cnss-daemon.rc: set net_admin for cnss-daemon
  • [device/sony/common] data: add the configuration for sdm845
  • [device/sony/common] Do not create the dsp directory since it is created by all platforms which need it, as a symlink.
  • [device/sony/common] init.common.rc: Create dir for display
  • [device/sony/common] libpolyreg: Fix libcutils private headers
  • [device/sony/common] librqbalance: fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
  • [device/sony/common] move the camera dumps to /data/vendor/camera
  • [device/sony/common] move the common SRC_CAMERA_HAL_DIR
  • [device/sony/common] odm: packages: add sensors.sdm845
  • [device/sony/common] power: fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
  • [device/sony/common] Revert „cnss-daemon.rc: set net_admin for cnss-daemon“
  • [device/sony/common] switch Display HAL to our own branch
  • [device/sony/common] treble: add the packages needed for BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
  • [device/sony/common] vendor: increment vendor version
  • [device/sony/common] vendor: init: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/discovery] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/discovery] set GSM capability for DS devices
  • [device/sony/dora] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/kagura] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/keyaki] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/loire] genfs_contexts: fix duplicate path
  • [device/sony/loire] init: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/loire] platform: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/loire] remove the duplicate androidboot.console
  • [device/sony/loire] sepolicy: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/loire] uevent: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/maple] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/nile] (hybris) Remove duplicate vendor mountpoint and add back odm mountpoint. MER#1948
  • [device/sony/pioneer] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/pioneer] set GSM capability for DS devices
  • [device/sony/poplar] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/sepolicy] add basic cdsprpcd permisisons
  • [device/sony/sepolicy] sepolicy: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/sepolicy] sepolicy: avoid kernel 4.9 denials
  • [device/sony/suzu] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/tama] add A/B OTA dexopt support
  • [device/sony/tama] add PRODUCT_STATIC_BOOT_CONTROL_HAL
  • [device/sony/tama] genfs_contexts: remove duplicate rmtfs_sharedmem
  • [device/sony/tama] remove the duplicate androidboot.console
  • [device/sony/tama] ueventd.rc: Update paths for kernel 4.9
  • [device/sony/tone] genfs_contexts: remove duplicate sysfs_mdss_mdp_caps
  • [device/sony/tone] init: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/tone] platform: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/tone] remove the duplicate androidboot.console
  • [device/sony/tone] sepolicy: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/tone] sepolicy: avoid sde denials
  • [device/sony/tone] ueventd: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/yoshino] remove the duplicate androidboot.console
  • [device/sony/yoshino] sepolicy: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/yoshino] ueventd: Add paths for k4.9
  • [hardware/qcom/bt] bt: use TARGET_BOARD_AUTO to override qcom hals
  • [hybris/hybris-boot] Adapt pioneer mountpoints to upstream changes. MER#1948
  • [hybris/hybris-boot] Build bootctl for Android 8. MER#1947
  • [kernel] Merge upstream changes.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel/drivers/staging/wlan-qc/qcacld-3.0] Android.mk: add SOMC_KERNEL_VERSION
  • [manifest] Add HIDL interfaces. MER#1948
  • [manifest] Add Qualcomm Display HAL. MER#1948
  • [manifest] also point gps repos with repo_update.sh patches to the correct remote and fix qcom_display repo.
  • [manifest] Don’t use copyfile tags instead of linkfile since they cause additional build failures. repo update is mandatory.
  • [manifest] point repos with repo_update.sh patches to the correct remote.
  • [manifest] remove other unused 4.9 kernel projects.
  • [manifest] remove unused 4.9 kernel common-headers.
  • [manifest] Revert to aosp bootctrl. MER#1948
  • [manifest] Update manifest to sony aosp r35 branch.
  • [manifest] Use copyfile repo xml tag instead of linkfile tag temporarily.
  • [manifest] Use o-mr1 branch for device repos. MER#1948
  • [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: Grant access to private SDK APIs such as SystemProperties.
  • [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: Migrate to AAPT2
  • [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: preference framework has moved out of v7 folder.
  • [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: set LOCAL_SDK_VERSION to current
  • [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: Using private APIs does not require SDK guard.
  • [rpm] after dsp folder fix we can fix this path.
  • [sony-nile] Update manifest.
  • [sony-nile] Update manifest.
  • [system/core] (hybris) ignore „mount“ and „mkdir /tmp“ commands entirely.
  • [vendor/nxp/NXPNFCC_FW] NFC_NCIHALx_AR0800.9.0.10
  • [vendor/nxp/NXPNFCC_FW] NFC_NCIHALx_AR2000.09.00.0A_OpnSrc
  • [vendor/nxp/NXPNFCC_FW] NFC_NCIHALx_AR2000.09.00.0D_OpnSrc
  • [vendor/nxp/NXPNFCC_FW] Update README.md
  • [vendor/oss/cash] fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
  • [vendor/oss/cash] remove unused variables
  • [vendor/oss/cash] silence LOG_TAG macro redefined warning
  • [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Android.mk: Update sysfs path for k4.9
  • [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Android.mk: Use SOMC_KERNEL_VERSION for path selection
  • [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Fix warnings of unused parameters and variables
  • [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Remove cpp flags
  • [vendor/oss/projection] add LOCAL_PRIVATE_PLATFORM_APIS
  • [vendor/oss/projection] remove unused variables
  • [vendor/oss/projection] REVERTME: remove Android.bp
  • [vendor/oss/repo_update] Add display HAL patch for night mode
  • [vendor/oss/repo_update] Add patches required to build using sdm845 hals and 4.9 kernel headers
  • [vendor/oss/repo_update] Add support for exFAT file system to vold
  • [vendor/oss/repo_update] Fix bug Device that can’t support adoptable storage cannot read the sdcard
  • [vendor/oss/repo_update] media: msm8996: bump 713242 patch version
  • [vendor/oss/repo_update] msm8996: fix build
  • [vendor/oss/repo_update] repo_update: Add odm check
  • [vendor/oss/repo_update] Revert „repo_update: Properly fetch and apply recovery „rotation logic““
  • [vendor/oss/repo_update] ?ode alignment and duplicate removal
  • [vendor/oss/timekeep] Don’t use shell in make file
  • [vendor/oss/timekeep] fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
  • [vendor/oss/timekeep] Let TimeKeep use private platform APIs
  • [vendor/oss/timekeep] Timekeep: set LOCAL_SDK_VERSION to current
  • [vendor/oss/transpower] Bump app version (2.1.1)
  • [vendor/oss/transpower] Bump up version (2.2.1)
  • [vendor/oss/transpower] Fix access to telephony-common lib and additional resources
  • [vendor/oss/transpower] Require access to hidden platform APIs
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] camera: fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] CameraParameters: fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Fix dependencies for mm-camera-interface
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] fix display folder path
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] mm-camera: Change kernel version check for SoMC
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] move the camera dumps to /data/vendor/camera
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] msm8998: Update from AOSP
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] QCamera2: HAL: Change media entity enumeration logic. Issue: Media entity enumeration logic not support kernel 4.9 Fix: Changes added to support media entity enumeration for both Kernel 4.9 and 4.4 version.
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Revert „QCamera2:Compilation fix for OMR release“
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Revert „QCamera2:HAL :Changes to get the vsync event and presentation timestamp“
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Revert „QCamera2:QCameraDisplay:Dynamic registration of display service.“
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Revert „QCamera2:QCameraDisplay:Merging fix of DisplayService transaction failed.“
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/location] fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/location] loc_api: include: Correct pointer type of message_table
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/location] Revert „Speed, bearing and vertical accuracy must be read from Zpp Fix“
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/location] silence LOG_TAG macro redefined warning
  • [manifest] Add reference to sony-nile cache.
  • [hybris/hybris-boot] Include libsf_compat_layer_32 in the build.
  • [hybris/hybris-boot] Update to upstream after merge.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Fix defconfig to include necessary configs for LVM.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] update to kernel prepared for mer.
  • [rpm] define lunch_device for obs builds.
  • [rpm] require droid-system and droid-system-vendor on obs builds.
  • [rpm] Update droid-hal to upstream after merge.
  • [rpm] update submodule to fix obs builds of usergroupgen and image_tools for android 8.


  • Binaries added : droid-hal-pioneer-img-boot –, droid-hal-pioneer-img-recovery –
  • [rpm] Add support for voyager kernel.
  • [rpm] Add support for discovery kernel.
  • [recovery] support linux 4.4 configfs based ub_gadget mode.
  • [root-mount] Remove bashism from log function.
  • [rpm] Rename h4113 to pioneer.
  • [initrd] Fix factory image partition label.
  • [h4113] Initial content.


  • Binaries added : droid-hal-prjconf-sony-nile –
  • [camera] Revert „Force Camera HAL1 to enable ISO speed setting and more.“
  • [version] Remove tools and add dependency to verison package.
  • [prjconf] Prefer pioneer hal packages.
  • [camera] Force Camera HAL1 to enable ISO speed setting and more.
  • [prjconf] Fix package name for more generic one.
  • [prjconf] Initial content.


  • Binaries added : droid-hal-version-h3113 – 0.0.7-1.5.2.jolla, droid-hal-version-h3113-doc – 0.0.7-1.5.2.jolla
  • [version] Add support for h3413 device.
  • [version] Add support for h4413 device.
  • [version] Define proper device id for Xperia XA2 Ultra DS.
  • [version] Require specific tools package.
  • [version] Require specific kernel package.
  • [version] Add support for h3213 device MER#1955
  • [version] Add support for h4213 device MER#1955
  • [version] Add support for h3113 device.
  • [dhd] Add BuildRequires for droid-config packages.


  • Binaries added : droid-hal-version-h3213 – 0.0.7-1.4.2.jolla, droid-hal-version-h3213-doc – 0.0.7-1.4.2.jolla
  • [version] Add support for h3413 device.
  • [version] Add support for h4413 device.
  • [version] Define proper device id for Xperia XA2 Ultra DS.
  • [version] Require specific tools package.
  • [version] Require specific kernel package.
  • [version] Add support for h3213 device MER#1955
  • [version] Add support for h4213 device MER#1955
  • [version] Add support for h3113 device.
  • [dhd] Add BuildRequires for droid-config packages.


  • Binaries added : droid-hal-version-h3413-doc – 0.0.7-1.1.2.jolla, droid-hal-version-h3413 – 0.0.7-1.1.2.jolla
  • [version] Add support for h3413 device.
  • [version] Add support for h4413 device.
  • [version] Define proper device id for Xperia XA2 Ultra DS.
  • [version] Require specific tools package.
  • [version] Require specific kernel package.
  • [version] Add support for h3213 device MER#1955
  • [version] Add support for h4213 device MER#1955
  • [version] Add support for h3113 device.
  • [dhd] Add BuildRequires for droid-config packages.


  • Binaries added : droid-hal-version-h4113-doc – 0.0.7-1.5.2.jolla, droid-hal-version-h4113 – 0.0.7-1.5.2.jolla
  • [version] Add support for h3413 device.
  • [version] Add support for h4413 device.
  • [version] Define proper device id for Xperia XA2 Ultra DS.
  • [version] Require specific tools package.
  • [version] Require specific kernel package.
  • [version] Add support for h3213 device MER#1955
  • [version] Add support for h4213 device MER#1955
  • [version] Add support for h3113 device.
  • [dhd] Add BuildRequires for droid-config packages.


  • Binaries added : droid-hal-version-h4213-doc – 0.0.7-1.2.2.jolla, droid-hal-version-h4213 – 0.0.7-1.2.2.jolla
  • [version] Add support for h3413 device.
  • [version] Add support for h4413 device.
  • [version] Define proper device id for Xperia XA2 Ultra DS.
  • [version] Require specific tools package.
  • [version] Require specific kernel package.
  • [version] Add support for h3213 device MER#1955
  • [version] Add support for h4213 device MER#1955
  • [version] Add support for h3113 device.
  • [dhd] Add BuildRequires for droid-config packages.


  • Binaries added : droid-hal-version-h4413 – 0.0.7-1.1.2.jolla, droid-hal-version-h4413-doc – 0.0.7-1.1.2.jolla
  • [version] Add support for h3413 device.
  • [version] Add support for h4413 device.
  • [version] Define proper device id for Xperia XA2 Ultra DS.
  • [version] Require specific tools package.
  • [version] Require specific kernel package.
  • [version] Add support for h3213 device MER#1955
  • [version] Add support for h4213 device MER#1955
  • [version] Add support for h3113 device.
  • [dhd] Add BuildRequires for droid-config packages.


  • Binaries added : droid-hal-voyager-detritus – 0.0.14-1.1.1.jolla, droid-hal-voyager-tools – 0.0.14-1.1.1.jolla, droid-hal-voyager-kernel – 0.0.14-1.1.1.jolla, droid-hal-voyager – 0.0.14-1.1.1.jolla, droid-hal-voyager-kernel-modules – 0.0.14-1.1.1.jolla, droid-hal-voyager-devel – 0.0.14-1.1.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: droid-system-vendor, droid-hal-voyager-detritus
  • [camera] Force first ISO value to ISO100, or we might not match the app values.
  • [macaddrsetup] Ensure that /data/vendor/wifi directory exist.
  • [device/sony/voyager] Build nfc_nci module.
  • [frameworks/av] Support ISO setting on HAL3 devices under API1 on Qualcomm devices.
  • [hybris/hybris-boot] Add support for voyager devices.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] hybris friendly defconfig for voyager.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Sync discovery and pioneer kernel configs.
  • [manifest] Update to aosp-8.1.0_r47_20181015 base.
  • [rpm] Add support for voyager devices.
  • [hybris/hybris-boot] Add support for discovery (hx213). MER#1955
  • [rpm] Add spec file for discovery. MER#1955
  • [external/libhybris] point to mer-hybris android8-initial branch since it was rebased and moved.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Enable CONFIG_BT_HCIVHCI for discovery.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Enable CONFIG_BT_HCIVHCI for pioneer.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Hybris friendly defconfig for discovery. MER#1955
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Merge patches from sony-aosp-8.1.0_r35_20181003. MER#1955
  • [rpm] Add rpm_device macro.
  • [reference] update reference branch to r35.
  • [rpm] Rename h4113 to pioneer.
  • [device/sony/common] Revert dsp directory change.
  • [device/sony/nile] Remove dsp symlink.
  • [device/sony/nile] Update from upstream.
  • [android/system/core] Fix actdead charging animation. MER#1949
  • [build] rename dbus group to adbus to avoid conflicts with mer.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] add configs for systemd-nspawn and other useful things.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] enable extra filesystems which are useful.
  • [device/sony/akari] remove prebuilt dtbo.img when TARGET_COMPILE_WITH_MSM_KERNEL is true
  • [device/sony/akari] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/akari] set GSM capability for DS devices
  • [device/sony/apollo] remove prebuilt dtbo.img when TARGET_COMPILE_WITH_MSM_KERNEL is true
  • [device/sony/apollo] remove unused Sensors Configuration
  • [device/sony/apollo] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/apollo] set GSM capability for DS devices
  • [device/sony/common] add cdsprcpd service
  • [device/sony/common] cnss-daemon.rc: set net_admin for cnss-daemon
  • [device/sony/common] data: add the configuration for sdm845
  • [device/sony/common] Do not create the dsp directory since it is created by all platforms which need it, as a symlink.
  • [device/sony/common] init.common.rc: Create dir for display
  • [device/sony/common] libpolyreg: Fix libcutils private headers
  • [device/sony/common] librqbalance: fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
  • [device/sony/common] move the camera dumps to /data/vendor/camera
  • [device/sony/common] move the common SRC_CAMERA_HAL_DIR
  • [device/sony/common] odm: packages: add sensors.sdm845
  • [device/sony/common] power: fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
  • [device/sony/common] Revert „cnss-daemon.rc: set net_admin for cnss-daemon“
  • [device/sony/common] switch Display HAL to our own branch
  • [device/sony/common] treble: add the packages needed for BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
  • [device/sony/common] vendor: increment vendor version
  • [device/sony/common] vendor: init: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/discovery] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/discovery] set GSM capability for DS devices
  • [device/sony/dora] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/kagura] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/keyaki] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/loire] genfs_contexts: fix duplicate path
  • [device/sony/loire] init: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/loire] platform: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/loire] remove the duplicate androidboot.console
  • [device/sony/loire] sepolicy: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/loire] uevent: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/maple] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/nile] (hybris) Remove duplicate vendor mountpoint and add back odm mountpoint. MER#1948
  • [device/sony/pioneer] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/pioneer] set GSM capability for DS devices
  • [device/sony/poplar] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/sepolicy] add basic cdsprpcd permisisons
  • [device/sony/sepolicy] sepolicy: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/sepolicy] sepolicy: avoid kernel 4.9 denials
  • [device/sony/suzu] reorder properties for DS devices
  • [device/sony/tama] add A/B OTA dexopt support
  • [device/sony/tama] add PRODUCT_STATIC_BOOT_CONTROL_HAL
  • [device/sony/tama] genfs_contexts: remove duplicate rmtfs_sharedmem
  • [device/sony/tama] remove the duplicate androidboot.console
  • [device/sony/tama] ueventd.rc: Update paths for kernel 4.9
  • [device/sony/tone] genfs_contexts: remove duplicate sysfs_mdss_mdp_caps
  • [device/sony/tone] init: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/tone] platform: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/tone] remove the duplicate androidboot.console
  • [device/sony/tone] sepolicy: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/tone] sepolicy: avoid sde denials
  • [device/sony/tone] ueventd: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/yoshino] remove the duplicate androidboot.console
  • [device/sony/yoshino] sepolicy: Add paths for k4.9
  • [device/sony/yoshino] ueventd: Add paths for k4.9
  • [hardware/qcom/bt] bt: use TARGET_BOARD_AUTO to override qcom hals
  • [hybris/hybris-boot] Adapt pioneer mountpoints to upstream changes. MER#1948
  • [hybris/hybris-boot] Build bootctl for Android 8. MER#1947
  • [kernel] Merge upstream changes.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel/drivers/staging/wlan-qc/qcacld-3.0] Android.mk: add SOMC_KERNEL_VERSION
  • [manifest] Add HIDL interfaces. MER#1948
  • [manifest] Add Qualcomm Display HAL. MER#1948
  • [manifest] also point gps repos with repo_update.sh patches to the correct remote and fix qcom_display repo.
  • [manifest] Don’t use copyfile tags instead of linkfile since they cause additional build failures. repo update is mandatory.
  • [manifest] point repos with repo_update.sh patches to the correct remote.
  • [manifest] remove other unused 4.9 kernel projects.
  • [manifest] remove unused 4.9 kernel common-headers.
  • [manifest] Revert to aosp bootctrl. MER#1948
  • [manifest] Update manifest to sony aosp r35 branch.
  • [manifest] Use copyfile repo xml tag instead of linkfile tag temporarily.
  • [manifest] Use o-mr1 branch for device repos. MER#1948
  • [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: Grant access to private SDK APIs such as SystemProperties.
  • [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: Migrate to AAPT2
  • [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: preference framework has moved out of v7 folder.
  • [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: set LOCAL_SDK_VERSION to current
  • [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: Using private APIs does not require SDK guard.
  • [rpm] after dsp folder fix we can fix this path.
  • [sony-nile] Update manifest.
  • [sony-nile] Update manifest.
  • [system/core] (hybris) ignore „mount“ and „mkdir /tmp“ commands entirely.
  • [vendor/nxp/NXPNFCC_FW] NFC_NCIHALx_AR0800.9.0.10
  • [vendor/nxp/NXPNFCC_FW] NFC_NCIHALx_AR2000.09.00.0A_OpnSrc
  • [vendor/nxp/NXPNFCC_FW] NFC_NCIHALx_AR2000.09.00.0D_OpnSrc
  • [vendor/nxp/NXPNFCC_FW] Update README.md
  • [vendor/oss/cash] fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
  • [vendor/oss/cash] remove unused variables
  • [vendor/oss/cash] silence LOG_TAG macro redefined warning
  • [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Android.mk: Update sysfs path for k4.9
  • [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Android.mk: Use SOMC_KERNEL_VERSION for path selection
  • [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Fix warnings of unused parameters and variables
  • [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Remove cpp flags
  • [vendor/oss/projection] add LOCAL_PRIVATE_PLATFORM_APIS
  • [vendor/oss/projection] remove unused variables
  • [vendor/oss/projection] REVERTME: remove Android.bp
  • [vendor/oss/repo_update] Add display HAL patch for night mode
  • [vendor/oss/repo_update] Add patches required to build using sdm845 hals and 4.9 kernel headers
  • [vendor/oss/repo_update] Add support for exFAT file system to vold
  • [vendor/oss/repo_update] Fix bug Device that can’t support adoptable storage cannot read the sdcard
  • [vendor/oss/repo_update] media: msm8996: bump 713242 patch version
  • [vendor/oss/repo_update] msm8996: fix build
  • [vendor/oss/repo_update] repo_update: Add odm check
  • [vendor/oss/repo_update] Revert „repo_update: Properly fetch and apply recovery „rotation logic““
  • [vendor/oss/repo_update] ?ode alignment and duplicate removal
  • [vendor/oss/timekeep] Don’t use shell in make file
  • [vendor/oss/timekeep] fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
  • [vendor/oss/timekeep] Let TimeKeep use private platform APIs
  • [vendor/oss/timekeep] Timekeep: set LOCAL_SDK_VERSION to current
  • [vendor/oss/transpower] Bump app version (2.1.1)
  • [vendor/oss/transpower] Bump up version (2.2.1)
  • [vendor/oss/transpower] Fix access to telephony-common lib and additional resources
  • [vendor/oss/transpower] Require access to hidden platform APIs
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] camera: fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] CameraParameters: fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Fix dependencies for mm-camera-interface
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] fix display folder path
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] mm-camera: Change kernel version check for SoMC
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] move the camera dumps to /data/vendor/camera
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] msm8998: Update from AOSP
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] QCamera2: HAL: Change media entity enumeration logic. Issue: Media entity enumeration logic not support kernel 4.9 Fix: Changes added to support media entity enumeration for both Kernel 4.9 and 4.4 version.
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Revert „QCamera2:Compilation fix for OMR release“
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Revert „QCamera2:HAL :Changes to get the vsync event and presentation timestamp“
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Revert „QCamera2:QCameraDisplay:Dynamic registration of display service.“
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Revert „QCamera2:QCameraDisplay:Merging fix of DisplayService transaction failed.“
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/location] fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/location] loc_api: include: Correct pointer type of message_table
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/location] Revert „Speed, bearing and vertical accuracy must be read from Zpp Fix“
  • [vendor/qcom/opensource/location] silence LOG_TAG macro redefined warning
  • [manifest] Add reference to sony-nile cache.
  • [hybris/hybris-boot] Include libsf_compat_layer_32 in the build.
  • [hybris/hybris-boot] Update to upstream after merge.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Fix defconfig to include necessary configs for LVM.
  • [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] update to kernel prepared for mer.
  • [rpm] define lunch_device for obs builds.
  • [rpm] require droid-system and droid-system-vendor on obs builds.
  • [rpm] Update droid-hal to upstream after merge.
  • [rpm] update submodule to fix obs builds of usergroupgen and image_tools for android 8.


  • Binaries added : droid-hal-voyager-img-boot –, droid-hal-voyager-img-recovery –
  • [rpm] Add support for voyager kernel.
  • [rpm] Add support for discovery kernel.
  • [recovery] support linux 4.4 configfs based ub_gadget mode.
  • [root-mount] Remove bashism from log function.
  • [rpm] Rename h4113 to pioneer.
  • [initrd] Fix factory image partition label.
  • [h4113] Initial content.


  • Binaries added : droid-system-discovery – 0.0.3-1.3.1.jolla
  • [camera] Force first ISO value to ISO100, or we might not match the app values.
  • [discovery] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
  • [discovery] Update copy script to handle file permissions and capabilities.
  • [discovery] Update system binaries for aosp-8.1.0_r47.
  • [droid-system] Add h3213 files.
  • [droid-system] Add h4213 files.


  • Binaries added : droid-system-discovery-h3213 – 0.0.3-1.3.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: droid-system-discovery
  • [camera] Force first ISO value to ISO100, or we might not match the app values.
  • [discovery] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
  • [discovery] Update copy script to handle file permissions and capabilities.
  • [discovery] Update system binaries for aosp-8.1.0_r47.
  • [droid-system] Add h3213 files.
  • [droid-system] Add h4213 files.


  • Binaries added : droid-system-discovery-h4213 – 0.0.3-1.3.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: droid-system-discovery
  • [camera] Force first ISO value to ISO100, or we might not match the app values.
  • [discovery] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
  • [discovery] Update copy script to handle file permissions and capabilities.
  • [discovery] Update system binaries for aosp-8.1.0_r47.
  • [droid-system] Add h3213 files.
  • [droid-system] Add h4213 files.


  • Binaries added : droid-system-pioneer – 0.0.7-1.4.1.jolla
  • [camera] Force first ISO value to ISO100, or we might not match the app values.
  • [pioneer] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
  • [pioneer] Add post script to spec file.
  • [pioneer] Update copy script to handle file permissions andv capabilities.
  • [pioneer] Update system binaries for aosp-8.1.0_r47.
  • [fs] fix capabilities on filesystem to avoid issues with SELinux in android blobs.
  • [rpm] Fix promotion problems from spec file.
  • [pioneer] Add support for h3113.
  • [h4113] set capabilites on /system/bin/logd to avoid crashes.
  • [h4113] Update to sony aosp r35 syspart.
  • [h4113] Initial content.


  • Binaries added : droid-system-pioneer-h3113 – 0.0.7-1.4.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: droid-system-pioneer
  • [camera] Force first ISO value to ISO100, or we might not match the app values.
  • [pioneer] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
  • [pioneer] Add post script to spec file.
  • [pioneer] Update copy script to handle file permissions andv capabilities.
  • [pioneer] Update system binaries for aosp-8.1.0_r47.
  • [fs] fix capabilities on filesystem to avoid issues with SELinux in android blobs.
  • [rpm] Fix promotion problems from spec file.
  • [pioneer] Add support for h3113.
  • [h4113] set capabilites on /system/bin/logd to avoid crashes.
  • [h4113] Update to sony aosp r35 syspart.
  • [h4113] Initial content.


  • Binaries added : droid-system-pioneer-h4113 – 0.0.7-1.4.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: droid-system-pioneer
  • [camera] Force first ISO value to ISO100, or we might not match the app values.
  • [pioneer] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
  • [pioneer] Add post script to spec file.
  • [pioneer] Update copy script to handle file permissions andv capabilities.
  • [pioneer] Update system binaries for aosp-8.1.0_r47.
  • [fs] fix capabilities on filesystem to avoid issues with SELinux in android blobs.
  • [rpm] Fix promotion problems from spec file.
  • [pioneer] Add support for h3113.
  • [h4113] set capabilites on /system/bin/logd to avoid crashes.
  • [h4113] Update to sony aosp r35 syspart.
  • [h4113] Initial content.


  • Binaries added : droid-system-vendor-discovery – 0.0.3-1.3.1.jolla
  • [discovery] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
  • [macaddrsetup] Ensure that /data/vendor/wifi directory exist.
  • [discovery] Update copy script to handle file permissions and capabilities.
  • [discovery] Update vendor binaries for aosp-8.1.0_r47.
  • [droid-vendor] Add h3213 files.
  • [droid-vendor] Add h4213 files.


  • Binaries added : droid-system-vendor-discovery-h3213 – 0.0.3-1.3.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: droid-system-vendor-discovery
  • [discovery] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
  • [macaddrsetup] Ensure that /data/vendor/wifi directory exist.
  • [discovery] Update copy script to handle file permissions and capabilities.
  • [discovery] Update vendor binaries for aosp-8.1.0_r47.
  • [droid-vendor] Add h3213 files.
  • [droid-vendor] Add h4213 files.


  • Binaries added : droid-system-vendor-discovery-h4213 – 0.0.3-1.3.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: droid-system-vendor-discovery
  • [discovery] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
  • [macaddrsetup] Ensure that /data/vendor/wifi directory exist.
  • [discovery] Update copy script to handle file permissions and capabilities.
  • [discovery] Update vendor binaries for aosp-8.1.0_r47.
  • [droid-vendor] Add h3213 files.
  • [droid-vendor] Add h4213 files.


  • Binaries added : droid-system-vendor-pioneer – 0.0.6-1.3.1.jolla
  • [macaddrsetup] Ensure that /data/vendor/wifi directory exist.
  • [pioneer] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
  • [pioneer] Add post script to spec file.
  • [pioneer] Remove unused overlay directory.
  • [pioneer] Update copy script to handle file permissions and capabilities.
  • [pioneer] Update vendor binaries for aosp-8.1.0_r47.
  • [rpm] Fix promotion problems from spec file.
  • [pioneer] Add support for h3113.
  • [h4113] Update to sony aosp r35 syspart (vendor files).
  • [h4113] Initial content.


  • Binaries added : droid-system-vendor-pioneer-h3113 – 0.0.6-1.3.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: droid-system-vendor-pioneer
  • [macaddrsetup] Ensure that /data/vendor/wifi directory exist.
  • [pioneer] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
  • [pioneer] Add post script to spec file.
  • [pioneer] Remove unused overlay directory.
  • [pioneer] Update copy script to handle file permissions and capabilities.
  • [pioneer] Update vendor binaries for aosp-8.1.0_r47.
  • [rpm] Fix promotion problems from spec file.
  • [pioneer] Add support for h3113.
  • [h4113] Update to sony aosp r35 syspart (vendor files).
  • [h4113] Initial content.


  • Binaries added : droid-system-vendor-pioneer-h4113 – 0.0.6-1.3.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: droid-system-vendor-pioneer
  • [macaddrsetup] Ensure that /data/vendor/wifi directory exist.
  • [pioneer] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
  • [pioneer] Add post script to spec file.
  • [pioneer] Remove unused overlay directory.
  • [pioneer] Update copy script to handle file permissions and capabilities.
  • [pioneer] Update vendor binaries for aosp-8.1.0_r47.
  • [rpm] Fix promotion problems from spec file.
  • [pioneer] Add support for h3113.
  • [h4113] Update to sony aosp r35 syspart (vendor files).
  • [h4113] Initial content.


  • Binaries added : droid-system-vendor-voyager – 0.0.4-1.1.1.jolla
  • [macaddrsetup] Ensure that /data/vendor/wifi directory exist.
  • [voyager] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
  • [voyager] Remove unused overlay directory.
  • [voyager] Build from droid-src-sony-aosp-8.1.0_r47_20181015.
  • [voyager] Add vendor files for voyager devices.


  • Binaries added : droid-system-vendor-voyager-h3413 – 0.0.4-1.1.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: droid-system-vendor-voyager
  • [macaddrsetup] Ensure that /data/vendor/wifi directory exist.
  • [voyager] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
  • [voyager] Remove unused overlay directory.
  • [voyager] Build from droid-src-sony-aosp-8.1.0_r47_20181015.
  • [voyager] Add vendor files for voyager devices.


  • Binaries added : droid-system-vendor-voyager-h4413 – 0.0.4-1.1.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: droid-system-vendor-voyager
  • [macaddrsetup] Ensure that /data/vendor/wifi directory exist.
  • [voyager] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
  • [voyager] Remove unused overlay directory.
  • [voyager] Build from droid-src-sony-aosp-8.1.0_r47_20181015.
  • [voyager] Add vendor files for voyager devices.


  • Binaries added : droid-system-voyager – 0.0.3-1.1.1.jolla
  • [camera] Force first ISO value to ISO100, or we might not match the app values.
  • [voyager] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
  • [voyager] Build from droid-src-sony-aosp-8.1.0_r47_20181015.
  • [voyager] Add system files for voyager devices.


  • Binaries added : droid-system-voyager-h3413 – 0.0.3-1.1.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: droid-system-voyager
  • [camera] Force first ISO value to ISO100, or we might not match the app values.
  • [voyager] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
  • [voyager] Build from droid-src-sony-aosp-8.1.0_r47_20181015.
  • [voyager] Add system files for voyager devices.


  • Binaries added : droid-system-voyager-h4413 – 0.0.3-1.1.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: droid-system-voyager
  • [camera] Force first ISO value to ISO100, or we might not match the app values.
  • [voyager] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
  • [voyager] Build from droid-src-sony-aosp-8.1.0_r47_20181015.
  • [voyager] Add system files for voyager devices.


  • Binaries added : fribidi-devel – 1.0.5-1.1.1.jolla, fribidi – 1.0.5-1.1.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: fribidi = 1.0.5-1.1.1.jolla
  • [fribidi] Initial packaging.
  • [unit] Added test for new gbinder_reader_read_hidl_struct()
  • [gbinder] Added gbinder_reader_read_hidl_vec().
  • [gbinder] Added gbinder_writer_append_hidl_vec().
  • [unit] Added test for gbinder_reader_read_hidl_vec()
  • [unit] Added test for gbinder_writer_append_hidl_vec()
  • [gbinder] Added gbinder_remote_reply_copy_to_local().
  • [gbinder] Added gbinder_remote_request_copy_to_local().
  • [gbinder] Make sure RPC protocol matches servicemanager type
  • [unit] Added test for gbinder_remote_reply_copy_to_local()
  • [unit] Added test for gbinder_remote_request_copy_to_local()
  • [gbinder] Fixed GBinderServiceManager lifecycle management.
  • [gbinder] Add double and float support. MER#1942
  • [unit] Slightly increased gbinder_local_reply.c coverage
  • [gbinder] Handle transaction result on the main thread.
  • [gbinder] Added gbinder_local_reply_append_bool().
  • [gbinder] Added gbinder_local_request_append_bool().
  • [gbinder] Unit test for gbinder_local_reply_append_bool()
  • [gbinder] Unit test for gbinder_local_request_append_bool()
  • [gbinder] Fixed a few typos
  • [gbinder] Getters for pid/euid of GBinderRemoteRequest.
  • [gbinder] Updated project URL
  • [gbinder] Zero-initialize the buffer passed to the driver.
  • [gbinder] C interface for Android binder.


  • Binaries added : lxc – 3.0.1+git1-1.1.1.jolla, lxc-templates – 3.0.1+git1-1.1.1.jolla, lxc-libs – 3.0.1+git1-1.1.1.jolla, lxc-devel – 3.0.1+git1-1.1.1.jolla, lxc-doc – 3.0.1+git1-1.1.1.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: lxc-libs(armv7hl-32) = 3.0.1+git1-1.1.1.jolla, liblxc.so.1, lxc-libs(x86-32) = 3.0.1+git1-1.1.1.jolla
  • [lxc] Clean up spec file.


  • Binaries added : ofono-ril-binder-plugin – 0.0.4-1.3.2.jolla
  • Unmet requirements: libgbinder >= 1.0.9, libgbinder.so.1
  • [rilbinder] Moved some reusable code to libgbinder.
  • [rilbinder] Hooked up REQUEST_SET_UICC_SUBSCRIPTION.
  • [rilbinderplugin] Hooked up cell positioning requests.
  • [rilbinderplugin] Updated project URL
  • [rilbinderplugin] First version, work in progress.


  • Binaries added : p7zip – 16.02+git1-1.1.1.jolla, p7zip-full – 16.02+git1-1.1.1.jolla
  • [p7zip] Add packaging for Sailfish OS.
  • Binaries added : qt5-qpa-surfaceflinger-plugin – 5.6.0+git1-1.2.2.jolla
  • [packaging] Add RPM .spec
  • [packaging] fix BuildRequires and update package URL.
  • [packaging] Ignore cmake integration plugin
  • [packaging] update packaging and README.md
  • [sf] unblank vs setDisplayPowerMode is now handled in libhybris


  • Binaries added : sailfish-minui-l10n-tr – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-nl – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-zh_TW – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-ru – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-da – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-hi – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-fr – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-en_GB – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-pa – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-sv – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-pt – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-it – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-ja – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-nb – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-zh_CN – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-de – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-fi – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-zh_HK – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-pl – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-cs – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-ko – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-el – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-en_US – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-all-translations – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-es – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-gu – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-mr – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-et – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-te – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-es_ES – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-tt – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-pt_BR – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-sl – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-bn_IN – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-ml – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-kn – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-ta – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-hu – 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla
  • [l10n] Branched sailfish-minui from version 1.10
  • [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 9 of 9 strings translated (0 need review).
  • [l10n] New files added from Jolla localisation based on templates
  • [tpl] translation templates update for 0.0.4



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