Sailfish OS de officiële leverancier voor Russische overheid


Sailfish OS is officieel aangewezen als enige mobiele besturingssysteem in Rusland voor gebruik door overheid en overheid gestuurde organisaties voor toekomstige mobiele projecten.

Jolla laat wederom van zich spreken op vooravond van Slush (2016). Net als voorgaande jaren is dit event een belangrijke voor Jolla. Naast het nieuws uit Rusland is Jolla in gesprek met Zuid-Afrika en China voor ontwikkeling van lokale mobiele OS-ecosystemen voor deze landen. Ondertussen gaat de verkenning van BRICS-landen onverminderd voort, met name India.

Het officiële persbericht schrijft:

Sailfish OS advancing in BRICS countries: official status achieved in Russia, discussions started in China and South Africa

Slush 2016, Helsinki, Finland, November 29, 2016 – Jolla Ltd., the Finnish mobile company and developer of open mobile operating system Sailfish OS today announced that Sailfish OS has been officially accepted as the only mobile OS in Russia to be used in governmental and government controlled corporations’ upcoming mobile device projects. Jolla has also started discussions in China and South Africa about building local mobile OS ecosystems for the countries.

Sailfish OS, the independent alternative mobile OS, developed by Jolla, is now taking big steps in Russia. Last year, the Russian Ministry of Communications publicly expressed support for the Sailfish OS agenda in Russia, which is part of Russia’s long-
term objective to create a more independent IT ecosystem for the country. The alternative mobile OS agenda has also been a frequent topic in several recent BRICS countries leaders’ meetings, most recently in Bengaluru, India.

Sami Pienimäki, CEO of Jolla Ltd. comments: “Sailfish OS development in Russia is an important part of Jolla’s wider agenda, aiming to power various mobile country ecosystems. Our solution is based on open source code and contribution models with partners, which makes it possible to ramp up local systems effectively in 6 months. We have now done

this in Russia with a local partner and using this experience we are looking forward to ramping up similar projects in other countries.”

In Russia, Sailfish OS is the only mobile operating system, which has been officially accepted to be used in governmental and government controlled corporations’ upcoming mobile device projects.

Sailfish OS is licensed and developed by Russian local product company Open Mobile Platform Ltd. Open Mobile Platform’s aim is to customize and further develop Sailfish OS for the Russian market, and to answer to local Russian needs. Open Mobile Platform has started rapidly to build the local developer community for Sailfish OS in Russia.

Pavel Eyges, CEO of Open Mobile Platform comments: “We believe that open source based and independent Sailfish OS is the mobile OS platform of the future. It has great potential in Russia and elsewhere. Sailfish OS is based on principles of participation and

partnership, and we are actively recruiting partners and developer community members to take the initiative to new heights in Russia.”


Jarno is oprichter en bijdrager van Daarnaast in het dagelijks leven druk bezig met internet als Frontend Developer.

1 reactie

  1. Kea schreef:

    Dat is natuurlijk een opsteker voor Sailfish. Maar…….heeft het voor ons consequenties ? Zo ja, welke ? Rusland is bezig, in navolging van China, een firewall te creëren voorr Amerikaanse functies zoals Linkedin. De Russchische overheid wil meer grip op internet. Of dat nou zo gunstig is……
    Liever had ik gezien dat Jolla met een beter toestel was gekomen en met een behoorlijk betaalsysteem voor ontwikkelaars.

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