Open brief aan de Jolla community

Stefano Mosconi, CTO and Founding Member at Jolla, schrijft in een open brief aan de Jolla Community.

Jolla: community and innovation

I write this open letter to the communities out there inspired by Misha and Lucien telling a bit of “behind the scenes” in Jolla.

About openness and communities.

I have been involved in Meego (named OSSO and Maemo before that) since 2005 when I moved to Finland and started working in Nokia. Few months after I started working in Nokia the 770 Internet Tablet was released and since then I have seen several other Linux based products being developed and released to the public (and some not released to the public). I loved the atmosphere and the learning I was able to do at Nokia. Most importantly I learned a bit more about open-source and community as a (mostly passive) member of

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Jarno is oprichter en bijdrager van Daarnaast in het dagelijks leven druk bezig met internet als Frontend Developer.

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