Jolla: With just months til launch, here’s what’s happening with the Sailfish smartphone

ZDNet heeft wederom een artikel geweid aan Jolla. Dit keer nog een stuk uitgebreider.

Tizen, Ubuntu Touch, Firefox OS: 2013 appears to be the year of the alternative smartphone OS.

By the end of this year, big name mobile operators like Telefonica and manufacturers including Samsung will have worked together to get devices running the OSes onto the market.

But it’s not just the big guys that want to upset the Apple-Android duopoly. Finnish startup Jolla is taking aim too.

Founded in late 2011, the company making its own hardware and software (in the form of its Sailfish OS) and planning to have devices consumers’ hands in the last quarter of 2013.

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Jarno is oprichter en bijdrager van Daarnaast in het dagelijks leven druk bezig met internet als Frontend Developer.

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