Music can be divided into two major types: vocal music and instrumental music, and can be roughly divided into classical music, folk music, original music, modern music (including pop music), etc. Among the art…
Music can be divided into two major types: vocal music and instrumental music, and can be roughly divided into classical music, folk music, original music, modern music (including pop music), etc. Among the art…
This installs a MIME type handler for DjVu files.
As there is no native support for that file type, I have chosen to do a workaround. The helper script will convert the djvu temporarily into PDF, …
Tool intended to help with Geocaching Multis, where you have to collect values in order to solve formulas.
Android app GCC offers a formula solver for geocaching, but I don’t like it that much. …
Sapphire is a companion for Sketch app. It was built to let you preview designs from the Mac on your Sailfish OS devices over Wi-Fi.
Note that macOS device with Sketch app is required to work!
A build of DjVuLibre for SailfishOS.
DjVu can advantageously replace PDF, PS, TIFF, JPEG, and GIF for distributing scanned documents, digital documents, or high-resolution pictures. DjVu content downloads faster, displays…
Sailfish GUI for mlocate
needs mlocate(by nephros) installed on sailfish device
self updatable user db or system db
open dir (needs harbour-file-browser)
open file (xdg-open)
Sailfish GUI for mlocate
needs mlocate(by nephros) installed on sailfish device
self updatable user db or system db
open dir (needs harbour-file-browser)
open file (xdg-open)
Discourse-based forum viewer
If you know of a discourse-based forum missing that would be worth including pls post a comment or raise an issue/PR
Icon by dseight
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