GMFS – Geocaching Multi Formula Solver
Tool intended to help with Geocaching Multis, where you have to collect values in order to solve formulas.
Android app GCC offers a formula solver for geocaching, but I don't like it that much. Now there is a native app!
GMFS is packed with powerful functions. Check out the possibilities for importing a gpx file from (Premium membership only). Or else, just copy the geocache page into the import routine. I recommend WlanKeyboard or TinyEdit for this. Edit formulas and letters, and go!
Many calculations have been added, like intersections of lines and circles. Working with UTM or optionally with RD in The Netherlands. The WGS - UTM converter I found is OK for waypoint calculations, working with hundreds of meters, going from WGS ot UTM and back. However, the East converter in general is useless for real conversion from UTM to WGS.
BTW: I started using it for Mysteries as well, like the Bonus cache of a trail. Just one waypoint with the formula, and all letters to collect during the trail.
Please clear your database, in case you're upgrading from version 0.3 or 0.5 before. There is an option for this in Settings page.
Attachment | Size | Date |
![]() | 302.71 KB | 14/03/2021 - 12:08 |
![]() | 303.31 KB | 26/09/2021 - 13:09 |
I guess it won't be necessary to manually install all rpm files one after another. The most recent rpm should do the trick.
2.7 - Button to delete remark on LetterPage. Notification for added calculated waypoints, or copied information to clipboard. Option to hide found geocaches. Mark waypoint as found only when all letter values were entered.
2.5 - New setting for providing lat/lon for new waypoints (or leaving it empty). Marking waypoint as found after entering a letter value. Compatibility with HarbourBackup. Startup error solved when initialising database.
2.4 - Vincenty formulae implemented for Coordinate Projection and calculation of Distance and Angle between two coordinates.
2.3 - A part of a solved formula was shown as [06] instead of 06. Can't have that. Changed appearance of letter buttons.
2.2 - Bug fixes to Calculations, small improvements to AddMulti
2.1 - Small improvements to "Add Waypoint" - Polished the Calculations page, added calculation "Circle through 3 WPs" - Introduced UTM for calculations and display. UTM / WGS conversion is OK for North, but not for East/West! Usable for calculations though. Waypoint calculations available for given coordinates, and for solved formulas. "Add multi" removed from cover because Geocache list was not refreshing. Changed manipulation of raw text for easier setup of Waypoints, formulas, letters.
2.0 - Many waypoint calculations added, for now only in The Netherlands
1.9 - New sorting of geocaches: 1. active (only 1), 2. found, 3. name
- Upgrade database to support Active geocache
- Specific tool added for geocache GC8Y39T La Arbora, Hilversum. Calculates distance around a pentagon, based on Dutch coordinate system Rijksdriehoek. Thought of pushing it to a separate branch, but decided to keep it available
- Option to hide found waypoints
1.7 - Refreshing of view has been solved now
1.6 - Added Hidden Waypoints to GPX extracting routine
- New button for editing formulas
- Copy calculated formula to Clipboard
- Added cross sums of waypoint Note
- Rework of Multi show page
1.5 - Improved Dark mode. Rework on waypoint show page.
- Alert when ListView needs to be refreshed.
- Add geocache: slider properly implemented.
- Lots of small improvements and bugfixes.
- Introducing Dark mode. You need to create an Ambience yourself to support it
Just take a dark photo, and choose red (left hand side) as highlight.
Then again, not all Silica elements can't be tweaked (or else: let me know!)
- Optimised formula search, with optional search length
- Changed layout of Add/Edit pages
Deleting and adding waypoint actually works now. Cover action added: new geocache
1.0 - First operational version. Refreshing ListViews is a problem, a push-up menu provides a manual option
0.7 - Possibility to add caches and waypoints, and edit waypoints. Might be working in the field!
Please clear your database, in case you installed 0.3 or 0.5 before. There is an option for this in Settings page.
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