AirSail Transfer

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AirSail Transfer allows you to easily transfer files between a computer and your SailfishOS device, using the computer’s web browser.

AirSail Transfer project website.


  • Download files from your phone using a web browser
  • Upload files to your phone using a web browser
  • Navigate your phone’s filesystem using a web browser
    • Show/Hide Unix hidden files
    • Archive files (including directories)
    • Delete files
  • Encrypted (HTTPS) access to the web application
  • Application-instance one-time passwords


AirSail Transfer is Free and Open-source Software licensed under the terms of the zlib License.

The AirSail Transfer source code can be found in the AirSail Transfer git repository.

Bug reports and feedback

Please submit bug reports and feedback via email. My email address can be found on the left-hand side of the AirSail Transfer project website.



Version 1.0.4 (2022/04/24)

Configure Sailjail sandboxing to allow filesystem and network access (thanks Pekka Marjamäki)

Filesystem access bug in SailfishOS 4.4.0 (2022/04/22)

Users have reported having issues accessing certain parts of the filesystem (via the web UI) since upgrading to SailfishOS 4.4.0.

An update is coming that resolves the issue, in the mean time you can choose to disable sandboxing:

(you'll need to do this as root).

adding this to the bottom of the file:


Save, exit, then restart the application.

Version 1.0.3 (2020/05/12)

Release support for SailfishOS 3.3.0/Python 3.8.

No connection bug in SailfishOS 3.3.0 (2020/04/29)

As of SailfishOS 3.3.0, AirSail Transfer does not provide connection information on launch. The bug is caused by an error in one of the bundled AirSail Transfer dependencies. The dependency relies on a function no longer available in SailfishOS 3.3.0 (Python 3.8). I plan to release a fix.

Settings page bug fixed in SailfishOS 2.1.3 (2017/11/13)

The AirSail Transfer "Settings" page is once again functional.

Settings page bug in SailfishOS 2.1.0, 2.1.1, 2.1.2

As of SailfishOS 2.1.0, the AirSail Transfer "Settings" page is broken. This is a bug with PyOtherSide call_sync.

Version 1.0.2 (2016/11/25)

New icon by ApB (thank you!). If your phone continues to display the old icon, a phone restart will resolve the issue.

Version 1.0.1 (2016/11/19)

Bug fixes (Build fixes, Documentation fixes)

Version 1.0.0 (2016/11/15)

Initial release

New features, enhancements:

  • Download files from your phone using a web browser
  • Upload files to your phone using a web browser [includes extacting zip files after upload]
  • Navigate your phone's filesystem using a web browser
    • Show/Hide Unix hidden files
    • Archive files (including directories)
    • Delete files
  • Encrypted (HTTPS) access to the web application
  • Application-instance one-time passwords