Kodimote (fork)
Kodimote is a remote control application for Kodi.
Based on Kodimote by RobertMe/mzanetti and changes of accumulator
See changelog for additional changes.
Sources on github
Application versions:
- 2.2.4-1 Changed some icons that where removed in SFOS 4.5
- 2.2.3-1 Do not overlap song info and duration on Current Playlist for longer texts
- 2.2.2-1
- Opt out of sailjail
- Small mpris2 fix by Accumulator
- 2.2.1-1 Fixed missing movie art posters for Kodi 19 (Matrix)/API v12
- 2.2.0-1 Refactor keypad/gesturepad (thanks accumulator): all 4 full corner areas outside the diamond shaped center are now triggering button events.
This should fix the annoyance of accidentally sending enter/select when you actually want to press the icon. Drag & hold now also works even when starting on an icon, unless the icon is held long enough to trigger a longpress. - 2.1.9-1
- Updated Chinese (by dashinfantry)
- Open keyboard by default on YouTube URL page
- 2.1.8-1 Fixed sorting of artist list
- 2.1.7-2 Replaced colored title text by folder icon if relevant
- 2.1.7-1
- Changed all bold fonts to regular fonts
- More hi-res stop button for bigger screens (thanks dikonov)
- A bit smaller mediabuttonbar for larger devices
- Change that should fix not skipping to next item in playlist occasionally
- 2.1.6-1
- Slightly highlight playing item in current playlist
- Workaround for issue that progres info was not always refreshed at end of item play
- 2.1.5-1 Full Chinese translation
- 2.1.4-2 Small hotfix for description layout
- 2.1.4-1
- Improved image quality of some play buttons
- Small space added between image and text in landscape mode
- Fix passing of scraped data like genre, mood etc.
- Discrete background bar below main menu items
- Corrected small artifact when showing detail on Now Playing page
- 2.1.3-28 Rewrite of slider and repositioning in landscape
- 2.1.3-27 Fixed play/pause issue for Kodi v18 (Leia)
- 2.1.3-26 Small change for tablet version, updated Russian language
- 2.1.3-25 Some optimisations for nowplaying page in landscape
- 2.1.3-24
- Use translated text in remorse timer
- Updated French translation
- First changes for landscape support (can be enabled in settingspage)
- 2.1.3-23 Added remorse timer for mainpage actions (reboot etc.)
- 2.1.3-22
- Small resize correction custom buttons in player panel
- Better scaling slider hint text
- Ugly workaround to get progressbar positioning acceptable in light ambiences
- 2.1.3-21 Fixed switching of audiostreams
- 2.1.3-20
- Switched to default icons where possible for light ambiences
- Made non default images support light ambience
- Progress bar position on light ambiences still needs work
- 2.1.3-19 Progress bar layout fixes for SFOS 3
- 2.1.3-18 Fix some text markup in plot description
- 2.1.3-17 Made keypad more sensitive for select press
- 2.1.3-16
- Rework on about page
- Added slideshow play/pause button on Keypad in pictures mode
- 2.1.3-15
- Better scaling thumbnails in music/video library details for non-J1 devices
- Switched to detailItem view for media details
- Unplayer like progressline above mediabuttons (on certain screens)
- 2.1.3-14
- Blanking of keypad screen made configurable
- Greater height on color buttons in keypad screen on non-J1 devices
- Better alignment of arrows in keypad screen on non-J1 devices
- Moved volume slider to pushUpMenu to make more space available on default screen
- 2.1.3-13 typo prevented search from working :-(
- 2.1.3-12
- Cover actions browse music/browse video/connect/add connection should be working
- Small translation updates
- 2.1.3-11 Yet more small changes in the coverpage
- 2.1.3-10
- Added end playtime to Now Playing page
- Larger font below progress bar on non J1 res. devices
- 2.1.3-9 Small changes on cover and nowplaying page because of SailfishOS
- 2.1.3-8 Restore control dock in case the vkb on YouTube page made it hidden
- 2.1.3-7 Cover: larger min. fontsize when no second line is displayed
- 2.1.3-6 Long press info on keypad will show/hide video process & codec info
- 2.1.3-5 Cover: independent text sizing of description and subdescription
- 2.1.3-4
- Updated Russian/Swedish
- Final attempt to fix list item height jolla C
- 2.1.3-3
- Some more strings translatable
- Attempt to fix list item height jolla C
- 2.1.3-2
- Russian language changes
- Attempt to support jolla C (720p) resolution
- 2.1.3-1 Russian now fully translated
- 2.1.2-9 Updated Swedish, Russian partly translated
- 2.1.2-8 Scaled Jolla C back to Jolla 1 sizing
- 2.1.2-7
- Tried to fix self introduced bug in timer stop/start
- Coverpage now also includes total and elapsed time
- 2.1.2-6
- Moved YouTube link option to Now Playing and Current playlist
- Added small progressbar on coverpage
- 2.1.2-5 Added option in pulley on keypad page to paste YouTube URL
- 2.1.2-4 scaling repeat and shuffle icons in docker panel
- 2.1.2-3 Equalized/resized icons on device control page
- 2.1.2-2
- Layout improvements for various screensizes in keypad
- Layout improvements for various screensizes in dockerpanel
- Added some scrolldecorators
- 2.1.2-1
- Accumulators changes included
- Armv7hl version added
- 2.1.0-2
- Fixed video iconsize
- Basic landscape support
- 2.1.0-1 Just some resizing/realignment of images/buttons/texts for large screen display.
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