4.17 series - "Achva"
"Achva" means fraternity, comradeship, brotherhood and/or sisterhood
Thanks to my sponsors on github (@peperjohnny and @schmittlauch), please consider also sponsoring me.
- Update spanish translation by @carmenfdezb
- Move base path for export to be ~/Documents/ for sailjail. by @Keeper-of-the-Keys
- Fix downloads bug by @Keeper-of-the-Keys
- Fix notification event for add podcast by @Keeper-of-the-Keys in #207
- Update Swedish translation by @eson57 in #204
- Don't overwrite previous notifications. by @Keeper-of-the-Keys in #205
This release focuses on better feedback to users when errors happen, it is an initial version so errors are English only and maybe a bit undifferentiated and verbose, hopefully this will be refined with the help of the community.
What's Changed
- Add a "nothing found" feedback to the directory search page. by @Keeper-of-the-Keys in #200
- Support more HTML in descriptions. by @Keeper-of-the-Keys in #199
- Notifications by @Keeper-of-the-Keys in #201
Full Changelog: 4.16.3...4.17.4
Thanks to my sponsors on github (@peperjohnny and @schmittlauch), please consider also sponsoring me.
"Mesirut" means devotion, loyalty and/or dedication.
This is a point release since it mainly refines the previous release.
These are the changes:
- Fixed Swedish translation by @eson57 - twice! 4.16.3 is just that, HUGE thanks!
- The path for storing downloads is now set with a folderpicker instead of a freeform string.
- It is now possible to create/remove a `.nomedia` file in the downloads path thus preventing gPodder related media from showing up in the gallery/media player.
- The layout of the Settings page was overhauled to hopefully improve usability.
Thanks to my sponsors on github (@peperjohnny and @schmittlauch), please consider also sponsoring me.
"Mesirut" means devotion, loyalty and/or dedication.
This release is mainly focused on settings, the following things were added/changed:
- plugin is now disabled since seems to be non-functional and our attempts to reach out to its' maintainers have failed.
- The upper and lower limits of the speed slider in the Player can be configured as well as the stepsize of the the slider.
- An alternate download folder can be set, please note the following things:
- The input is a string, you can write anything there make sure what you put there makes sense, if not it will be ignored.
- After changing for the changes to take effect you need to restart gpodder
- Moving of existing data has to be done by the user, if this is not done all previously downloaded episodes will be marked as deleted
- If the path provided in the settings is not writable (eg. /root/) gpodder will revert to the default path.
Thanks to my sponsor on github (@peperjohnny), please consider also sponsoring me.
- Fixed Swedish translation by @eson57
- Fixed Spanish translation by @carmenfdezb
Thank you very much!
"Gevura" means heroism.
- Adds Podverse search plugin (@kirbylife and @Keeper-of-the-Keys)
- Adds OPML section support in import/export (@Keeper-of-the-Keys)
- Various UI improvments by @Keeper-of-the-Keys :
- 0.25 increments in the speed slider instead of 0.05
- Better portrait/landscape layout on the player page
Lastly I have added the possibility to sponsor me on github, all support is much appreciated :)
4.14.0 - "Nachat"
"Nachat" literally resting/quietness but generally refers to the joy of parents seeing their kids accomplishments.
This release fixes itunes/apple podcast links when adding them directly and adds itunes search as well as the beginning of a video player.
Credit for the itunes search link to the Podcatcher team (another great SFOS podcast client).
4.13.2 - "Osher"
Fixes apple podcast link handling, this is an inbetween/pre release on OpenRepos I hope to add apple podcast search soon too.
4.13.1 - "Osher"
Swedish translation fix by eson57
Harbour compatibility fixes by Keeper-of-the-Keys with the help of vige from Jolla.
4.13.0 - "Osher"
"Osher" means happiness.
We add playback rate control, please note that it is not the stablest of things but since this is also the case for other media applications that use it we're still adding it.
Sadly we lost access to the soundcloud API and were unable to find a solution for it so the UI no reflects this.
It is possible to add SC podcasts by using the generic RSS links, the general form of these links is$ID/sounds.rss and the ID can be seen in the URL when browsing the SC website.
Other than this we have some SFOS 4.5 cleanups also I discovered that the Sailfish IDE builds RPMs that are not compatible with older versions of SFOS so I was unable to check if we broke stuff for older devices.
Contributors (in order of merged commits):
- @KreativJos - fix for icon lost in SFOS 4.5
- @sfbg - Add MPRIS identifier
- @carmenfdezb - Further MPRIS fixes
- @Keeper-of-the-Keys - speed adjust, remove soundcloud
4.12.91 - minor SFOS 4.5 fixes
This release adds speed adjustment, however it seems to not be very stable.
I have been sitting on this version since SFOS 4.2 landed, SFOS 4.2 adds pitch adjustment making speed adjustment useable, however when the playbackrate is changed gPodder sometimes crashes and other stability issues are seen, I haven't had the time to really try to debug these crashes but I also want to allow people who are willing to deal with this to do so.
Soundcloud has changed their API and so far I have not had the time to fix the Soundcloud plugin.
Help is welcome at
Note this is not a tagged release on github, it is the head of this branch:
4.12.0 - "Malkosh"
Malkosh is the last rain of the season, this is hopefully not the last release I'll do but I will need to find a new series of codenames.
This release is way overtime and sorry for that, I have had a very busy life for the past 10 month, it brings a ton of improvements by thigg and others here we go (in merge order):
- Visual improvements to Episode display by sfbg
- Date published added to episode list by thigg
- Updated Spanish translation by carmenfdezb
- Detached from gpodder-ui-qml making maintenance simpler by Keeper-of-the-Keys
- Updated Chinese translation by dashinfantry
- SFOS 3.4 EA compatibility work by Keeper-of-the-Keys
- Python default loglevel is now info by thigg
- Asynchronous image loading by thigg
- Code cleanup by thigg
- Parallel podcast refresh by thigg
- Add episode count to filters by sfbg
- SailfishOS 4.0 compatibility by Keeper-of-the-Keys
- Dynamic Episode Art loading by Keeper-of-the-Keys
Full details of version history can be found here:
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