Tags: Sailfish X

Sailfish OS 4.5 Struven Ketju

In the late 19th Century, even before the invention of the SatNav, astronomers were uncertain about the exact size and shape of the earth. Maps existed of course, and the earth was understood to be ellipsoid, but the exact size and shape were unknown. Struven Ketju, or the Struve Geodetic Arc is a series of […]

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Meet the Xperia 10 III with Sailfish OS

It brings great pleasure to announce the release of Sailfish OS 4.4.0 Vanha Rauma for the Sony Xperia 10 III. The combination of Sailfish OS optimised for the Xperia 10 III offers amazing performance at an impressive price, giving the best Sailfish OS best experience yet. Sailfish OS on the Xperia 10 III also includes […]

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Congrats UK, we’re back!

Last month, as part of our 10-year celebrations, we announced that we’re working to expand the Sailfish X availability to include new countries in addition to the current EU, Norway, and Switzerland. Now we have great news for you: we have re-opened Sailfish X sales in the UK! The UK has always been a stronghold […]

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Happy Birthday Jolla!

Ten years back from today, our super excited founding crew including myself (Sami Pienimäki), Marc Dillon, Stefano Mosconi, Jussi Hurmola, and Antti Saarnio, took the founding papers of Jolla Ltd to the Finnish Patent and Registration Office, and the story of Jolla started officially. Soon after this, many individuals from the former MeeGo team joined the Jolla company to give birth to […]

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What’s up with Sandboxing?

In February 2021 we released Sailfish OS 4.0.1 Koli, which introduced a new concept into the OS: Application sandboxing. For the device user, the sandboxing is mostly visible in the permissions dialogs,  displayed when a sandboxed app is run for the first time. In this blog post, I’ll dig into the current status, our plans for the future, and what this all means […]

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What’s up with Sandboxing?

In February 2021 we released Sailfish OS 4.0.1 Koli, which introduced a new concept into the OS: Application sandboxing. For the device user, the sandboxing is mostly visible in the permissions dialogs,  displayed when a sandboxed app is run for the first time. In this blog post, I’ll dig into the current status, our plans for the future, and what this all means […]

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Sailfish OS Verla introduces a new sharing system, camera updates, and more

The summer is turning into autumn and it’s again time for a new Sailfish release – the third one this year, having the version number 4.2.0 and bearing the name Verla. The name follows our scheme  of Unesco world heritage sites in Finland and Verla is a factory museum and its surrounding area, including an old groundwood mill founded at […]

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Kvarken 4.1.0 brings full Sailfish 64-bit support to Sony Xperia 10 II

We’re happy to share with you the many firsts in this release: the 1st fully stacked 64-bit ARM Sailfish OS, that you can download and flash onto the Sony Xperia 10 II, which is also the first Sailfish device with AOSP-10 HW adaptation. The commercial Sailfish X package also introduces the 64-bit Android™ App Support for Xperia 10 […]

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Kvarken 4.1.0 brings full Sailfish 64-bit support to Sony Xperia 10 II

We’re happy to share with you the many firsts in this release: the 1st fully stacked 64-bit ARM Sailfish OS, that you can download and flash onto the Sony Xperia 10 II, which is also the first Sailfish device with AOSP-10 HW adaptation. The commercial Sailfish X package also introduces the 64-bit Android™ App Support for Xperia 10 […]

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Coming soon:

Jolla bestätigt heute via Twitter die offizielle Unterstützung des Sony Xperia 10 II.

Jolla auf Twitter: “Coming soon: Sailfish X support expands to new superb Sony Xperia 10 II. Updates to follow! #sailfishos #sailfishx #sonyxperia #sonyxper…