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This app is intended for HAM radio operators.

It displays the current GPS Position as Maidenhead Locator (used in HAM Radio).

  • Also show GPS position as latitude, longitude and altitude.
  • The Maidenhead Locator can be copied to the clipboard.
  • Shows some basic info about the GPS satellites.

Known bugs:

  • The icon doesn't conform with the standard (I'm really not talented for this)


This is my first App for Sailish OS

It was heavily inspired by the GPSInfo App, but C++ code was rewritten from scratch.

Application versions: 
File harbour-gpslocator-0.22-1.aarch64.rpm146.66 KB25/03/2024 - 16:52
File harbour-gpslocator-0.22-1.armv7hl.rpm143.12 KB02/04/2024 - 21:59
File harbour-gpslocator-0.23-1.aarch64.rpm146.55 KB05/08/2024 - 15:17
File harbour-gpslocator-0.23-1.armv7hl.rpm143.1 KB05/08/2024 - 15:25
  • v0.23: Fix - for some locations a less precise locator was shown
  • v0.22: Fix glitch of last update and time to first fix display when switching gps off and on again within the app.
  • v0.20.0: Setting coordinate format works as intended, translations should work
  • v0.19.0: Make display of "time to first fix" configurable, too
  • v0.18.0: Fix display of "time to first fix"
  • v0.17.0: Initial release to the public