Sailfish Contacts Rescue
After upgrading from SFOS 3.2 to 4.1 I missed to backup my contacts so I had to find a way to restore them form the SQLite DB to use them again.
Problematic is, that the schema had changed. So I diceded to create a script converting DB entries to vCards.
Documentation and Project wiki could be found here-, Sailfish Contacts Restore Wiki.
Script could by found here: Download Python Script in latest version
$ ./ -h usage: [-h] --db DB --output OUTPUT [--debug] [--version] Restore SailfishOS 3 Contacts optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --db DB, -d DB Sqlite3 Database file usually /home/{nemo,defaultuser}/.local/share/system/Contacts/qtcontacts-sqlite/contacts.db --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT Output directory for vcf files --debug debugging output to identify problems --version show program's version number and exit This script was written to restore SailfishOS 3 contacts as VCF files. To see additional information, visit:
$ ./ -d Testdata/contacts_with-Phone-Mobile-Fax-Pager-Assistent-Addresses.db -o Testdata/Output/ exporting SiSo Emulator to file Testdata/Output//SiSo_Emulator.vcf exporting TestUserFirstName TestUserLastName to file Testdata/Output//TestUserFirstName_TestUserLastName.vcf exporting 2nd Test *FN* User *LN* to file Testdata/Output//2nd_Test_*FN*_User_*LN*.vcf exporting Phone Test to file Testdata/Output//Phone_Test.vcf exporting Ludowig Adressuser to file Testdata/Output//Ludowig_Adressuser.vcf
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