Stereo Recorder

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A simple application to just capture raw sound input from the default audio input device, and add WAV format header to save as uncompressed WAV file. Audio from both the microphones, if present, default mic and noice cancelling mic, forms the stereo channels. All recordings are stored under "StereoRecordings" directory in user home.

Developed the app because I have been wishing to learn Qt, QML and app development in general for Sailfish OS, from a long time. There may be bugs.

Have tested and found to be working on:

  • Jolla C
  • Xiaomi Redmi Note 4
  • Sony Xperia XZ2C
Application versions: 
File harbour-stereorecorder-0.1-1.armv7hl.rpm68.89 KB25/06/2021 - 20:58

Initial version