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Newest version available at harbour for versions < 4.1.

Sailphoto is an application to view your images in the folders they reside. Openingpage is a list with saved locations and a combobox with choices home/nemo and mediacard. Clicking one of the choices brings you in the filesystem to select the folders to save in the openingspage. Browsing through the file system you can see the folders and files of the directory you are in. Clicking one of the photos opens a page with the photo large screen

Application versions: 
File harbour-sailphoto-0.8-2.aarch64.rpm18.86 MB28/10/2021 - 23:26
File harbour-sailphoto-0.8-2.armv7hl.rpm18.86 MB28/10/2021 - 23:26
File harbour-sailphoto-0.8-2.i486.rpm18.87 MB28/10/2021 - 23:26

harbour-sailphoto 0.8-2:

  • build for aarch64
  • changed paths to home/nemo and media

harbour-sailphoto 0.8-1:

  • refactored complete page (more sailfish style)
  • improved page loading (loading a page with many pictures still takes time)
  • font color indication for content of the location :
    • highlight color: location contains folders and valid image files
    • primary: location contains only folders
    • secondary: location contains no folders and no valid image files
  • hide/ show folders in pull down menu (only visible in location with folders and image(s))
  • improved animations of opening/closing the context menu
SearchPage (still does not function correctly)
  • added start and end date as search criteria
  • cancel leads to reset of search criteria
  • press and hold the image will open and close the docked panel (default hidden)
  • only one dockedpanel at the bottom with play/ pause button and filename
  • press and hold filename will open the image file in the gallery app
  • flickable area will be as large as the picture is

harbour-sailphoto 0.7-3


  • small fix to handle database actions correct


  • improved flicking performance
  • added doubleclick to enlarge the image
  • disabled flicking when image is enlarged
  • start slideshowview will shrink the image first
  • slideshow is stopped when app is brought to the background


  • added busyindicator to indicate loading of images in directory with lots of images.

harbour-sailphoto 0.6-1


  • added button to hide buttonrow and header with filename

harbour-sailphoto 0.5-1


  • added button (with gallery icon) to open image in jolla-gallery app

harbour-sailphoto 0.4-1


  • improved animation when image is enlarged and then screen is double clicked: the image will be reduced neatly
  • added slideshow functionality (start/stop button).

harbour-sailphoto 0.3-1


  • improved thumbnail loading performance
  • animation for folderlist height


  • improved image loading performance
  • fixed: orientation of loaded images
  • added filename in pageheader
  • image zoom (limited to 4 times view height and width)


  • fixed: update of search result when searching for the second time with other filetype(s)

harbour-sailphoto 0.2-1

New icon


  • added two coveractions


  • Double click image after resizing results in animated return to screen size
  • Text label as viewplaceholder for image that has filesize zero


  • Image are sorted on time ascending. 
  • Text label as viewplaceholder for image that has filesize zero
  • Fixed: Fileview.height when orientation is landscape and folders are not shown


  • added searchoptions: sort on time and name, ascending and descending
  • search on fileType


harbour-sailphoto 0.1-1

Initial version