A Sailfish app to read https://news.ycombinator.com/ HackerNews Stories and Comments.
The source is located at: https://github.com/poetaster/harbour-hackernews
This is beta release software. And it's my first 'proper' QML project so expect rough edges.
First view is a list of stories/links, these are linked to comment views and the comment views themselves drive down to comments on a specific comment.
This is how I like to read threads :) It may not be the way you like it ;)
I'm going to start with arm only, since I can't test outside of the ports I own. Tested on: Vollaphone and FP2 ports.
-- Roadmap --
- rework loading of threads to take advantage of caching (silica) DONE
- rework rough GUI elements
- modal elements?
- show number of replies in comment thread
- view author submissions?
- post stories
Attachment | Size | Date |
harbour-hackernews-1.0.1-1.0.armv7hl.rpm | 19.57 KB | 21/03/2021 - 18:26 |
* Sun Mar 23 2021 Mark Washeim <blueprint@poetaster.de> 1.0.1
- Added conditional on Loading of entries to keep flickable cached
- Made a small layout change to see if this would make long comments/replies easier to read
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