Quake 2 (GLESv2)

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WARNING:  Please read How To Play in description

SailfishOS port with onscreen touch controls, based on Thenesis Quake 2 (fork of Yamagi Quake 2)

What is done:

  • touch screen VKB (buttons only) controls (based on glKarins's GLESv1 port)
  • touch screen mouse look and movement ( left screen side for movements, right side for mouse look)
  • native dynamic landscape orientation ( game render to FBO, than FBO draw in landscape orientation)
  • disable screen blanking while game run (for playing it with Game Controller)
  • add brightness control to screen shader (if Quake 2 look to dark on your device, just setup brightness in video/brightness)
  • add in video -> anvanced settings -> rotate render 180 option for GeminiPDA (when you change option, you should rotat divice, becuse option work when rotatescreen event catched)

How to play:

  1. install RPM by clicking on file in builtin File Manager
  2. create folder ( or game create it automatically, when first run, but then it shutdown, because you need original resources for game) on your SailfishOS device
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/harbour-quake2/baseq2
  1. buy original Quake 2 on Steam (or somewhere else)
  2. copy content of baseq2 folder from original game installation to ~/.local/share/harbour-quake2/baseq2 on your SailfishOS device
  3. play this cool game now!!!!


  • Do not enable multitexturing video option, it work really slow, even on SailfishX XA2+
  • for setting up touch look sensivity, just setup in in options/mouse options (linear mouse sensivity, yaw mouse speed, pitch mouse speed)

Donate? doughnut




Application versions: 
File harbour-quake2-1.1-16.armv7hl.rpm960.88 KB22/01/2021 - 15:38
File harbour-quake2-1.1-16.i486.rpm1018.48 KB22/01/2021 - 15:38
File harbour-quake2-1.1-17.armv7hl.rpm960.03 KB24/01/2021 - 13:41
File harbour-quake2-1.1-17.i486.rpm1017.43 KB24/01/2021 - 13:41
File harbour-quake2-1.1-18.armv7hl.rpm959.88 KB01/02/2021 - 13:51
File harbour-quake2-1.1-18.i486.rpm1017.86 KB01/02/2021 - 13:51
File harbour-quake2-1.1-19.armv7hl.rpm960.86 KB10/02/2021 - 12:42
File harbour-quake2-1.1-19.i486.rpm1018.05 KB10/02/2021 - 12:42
File harbour-quake2-1.1-20.armv7hl.rpm960.09 KB12/02/2021 - 10:40
File harbour-quake2-1.1-20.i486.rpm1018.15 KB12/02/2021 - 10:40
File harbour-quake2-1.1-22.armv7hl.rpm960.32 KB15/02/2021 - 13:01
File harbour-quake2-1.1-22.i486.rpm1018.2 KB15/02/2021 - 13:01
File harbour-quake2-1.1-28.i486.rpm925.32 KB16/06/2021 - 21:19
File harbour-quake2-1.1-28.armv7hl.rpm876.3 KB16/06/2021 - 21:19
File harbour-quake2-1.1-28.aarch64.rpm890.27 KB16/06/2021 - 21:19
File harbour-quake2-1.2-8.i486.rpm1.05 MB12/04/2022 - 17:58
File harbour-quake2-1.2-8.armv7hl.rpm1021.65 KB12/04/2022 - 17:58
File harbour-quake2-1.2-8.aarch64.rpm1.01 MB12/04/2022 - 17:58
File harbour-quake2-1.3-3.armv7hl.rpm1019.63 KB22/09/2022 - 17:14
File harbour-quake2-1.3-3.aarch64.rpm1.01 MB22/09/2022 - 17:14

- fixes for SailfishOS >= 4.3