Patch: Returns pulley menu to email view

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**Version 0.1-2 fixes the delete mail problem when in mail view**

**Version 0.1-3 fixes the blanking/fading problem with main view**

Built for Jolla1, tested only on Jolla1 Pallas

As per a discussion on SFO, some people don't like the new UI for viewing emails, especially the 'Android' like buttons and the loss of the pulley menu, this patch fixes that, but ONLY in the email view. You will still see the 'buttons on bar' in some views of the email client, like when deleting bulk emails.

As for devices other than Jolla1, . . . . .YMMV.

Thanks to user wgs for the streamline code for the pulley menu, which meant I could use less code in the patch!.

Conversation on SFO;

Application versions: 

Version 0.1-2 - Fixes the deleting mail problem in main view

Version 0.1-3 fixes the blanking/fading problem with main view