Imageworks is the most complete photo editor and image manipulation app for SailfishOS to date. It provides a huge amount of functions, effects and editing possibilities.
Please report bugs and feature requests at:
IMPORTANT for versions prior to 1.0-1:
This app furthermore requires python3-pillow, which can be downloaded here or here,
From version > 1.1.3 the libs are included.
For version > 1.2 and SFOS > 4 simply insall python3-imaging on the cli if it isn't installed automatically.
devel-su zypper install python3-imaging
pkcon install python3-imaging
- add crop ratios
- add invert ratio function
- new layout.
- permissions for Removable media added
- fix translations, German still incomplete.
- test moving to qml only. with newest version.
- version for 3.4 arm/i486
- fix translations
- sailjail for compatibilty
- still no sharing (sigh)
- metadata fro chum.
Testing a new build with only use of internal, sfos, python libs (PIL, python-imaging).
The arm and x86 builds had a 3.4 target. It should be fine for 4.1. with aarch64. This is a bit of a mess, but it's getting there. pleae let me know if if works. Or doesn't.
Fixes include Fixes from tobias:
Also, the aarch64bit version contains support for sharing.
- minor QML updates
- packaging.
- moved the pillow library to a local include
- added another, untested build
v0.6.3: "final version"
- minor bugfixes and UI changes
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