Screen Usage Monitor

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How much do you use your Jolla's display? With this simple control center module you can discover it!

This package integrates nicely with SailfishOS's control center and has a nice UI that keeps you informed of your display usage.

If you are interested on how this thing works under-the-hood, take a look to the GitHub project page!

The values are resetted at every boot and every time the charger disconnects. Of course the user can also trigger a reset via the UI's pulley menu (or via dbus-send ;) ).


NOTE: After the package installation, you must reboot your phone!


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Application versions: 

- jolla-settings-screenmonitor.qml: Fix show percentages in DetailItems
- jolla-settings-screenmonitor.yaml: Add nemo-qml-plugin-contextkit-qt5 dependency to fix compatibility with Sailfish OS 3.0.3 (Rokua)+
- jolla-settings-screenmonitor.spec: Add nemo-qml-plugin-contextkit-qt5 dependency to fix compatibility with Sailfish OS 3.0.3 (Rokua)+