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bt-tether is a small script that enables your Jolla Phone to share its mobile internet connection over PAN Bluetooth Tethering. I could not find any software that did that realiably on up-to-date SailfishOS so I tried my hand at it.

Please note: bt-tether most probably only works on Jolla Phone 1 and Jolla C. (because it requires BlueZ version 4)

It is quite experimental and a little hacky. It’s only been tested on my Jolla Phone 1 in developer mode. I’m distributing it here without any warranty, however I’d be glad to receive feedback, bug reports and pull requests; I’ll do my best to improve it.

How to use:

  • Download and install the package
  • Pair your device with the phone (unpair and pair agaiir if it was already paired before bt-tether was installed).
  • On your device, request network from the phone in some Bluetooth menu.
  • Voilà!

The README file contains more information and notes.

Sadly I’m pretty sure this software won’t work with Xperia X phones or any phone that uses Bluez version 5.

I hope bt-tether will work well for you! You can use bt-tether’s GitHub page for bug reports and pull requests.

Application versions: 
File bt-tether-0.1-4.armv7hl.rpm16.03 KB10/03/2020 - 19:04
File bt-tether-0.1-3.armv7hl.rpm15.77 KB13/08/2019 - 00:07
File bt-tether-0.1-1.armv7hl.rpm10.02 KB10/08/2018 - 15:51

Fixed problem when sometimes the phone will not advertize PAN capability to newly paired devices while already paired devices will still be able to use it.