
Your rating: None Average: 4.9 (162 votes)

Unofficial native client for Sailfish OS

ATTENTION! If you have any troubles with installing, removing or updating packages after the system upgrade try to run devel-su pkcon refresh in the terminal app.

WARNING! Storeman is at its early stage of development and can be unstable! Application name does not affiliated to any other software.

Current features:

  • List recently updated applications
  • List installed applications
  • List, add/remove, enable/disable repositories
  • Show applications info similar to the official Jolla store client
  • Install/remove applications
  • All lists are scrollable, data is loaded in the background
  • Search for applications
  • Tap on the "Reply to" label on the comments list to navigate to the original comment
  • List categories and apps by categories
  • Comment, reply to comments, edit and delete own comments for apps
  • Use button panel to add HTML tags when typing comments (hint: select text and then click a button to wrap it with a tag)
  • Initial support for apps bookmarks
  • Initial support for backups
  • Show categories on the applications page - tap a category label to show all related applications
  • Rate applications
  • Find and manage local RPM files
  • Hide some categories of applications

Supported locales:

Report an issue:



Latest binaries also available at Mer Project Open Build Service.

Application versions: 
File harbour-storeman-0.1.0-1.armv7hl.rpm284.88 KB11/02/2019 - 02:02
File harbour-storeman-0.1.0-1.i486.rpm303.96 KB11/02/2019 - 02:02
File harbour-storeman-0.1.1-1.armv7hl.rpm289.1 KB16/02/2019 - 00:05
File harbour-storeman-0.1.1-1.i486.rpm308.07 KB16/02/2019 - 00:05
File harbour-storeman-0.1.1-2.armv7hl.rpm290.28 KB18/02/2019 - 00:19
File harbour-storeman-0.1.1-2.i486.rpm307.95 KB18/02/2019 - 00:19
File harbour-storeman-0.1.4-1.armv7hl.rpm290.56 KB24/03/2019 - 11:02
File harbour-storeman-0.1.4-1.i486.rpm308.84 KB24/03/2019 - 11:02
File harbour-storeman-0.1.5-1.armv7hl.rpm292.01 KB25/04/2019 - 23:10
File harbour-storeman-0.1.5-1.i486.rpm310.71 KB25/04/2019 - 23:10
File harbour-storeman-0.1.6-1.armv7hl.rpm291.36 KB01/08/2019 - 22:09
File harbour-storeman-0.1.6-1.i486.rpm313 KB01/08/2019 - 22:09
File harbour-storeman-0.1.6-2.armv7hl.rpm296.05 KB06/08/2019 - 00:31
File harbour-storeman-0.1.6-2.i486.rpm317.76 KB06/08/2019 - 00:31
File harbour-storeman-0.1.7-3.armv7hl.rpm299.56 KB20/12/2019 - 01:37
File harbour-storeman-0.1.7-3.i486.rpm321.13 KB20/12/2019 - 01:37

2019-12-20 • 0.1.7-1

  • Update translations
  • Add an option to hide particular categories
  • Remove old code

Full changelog.