VaiDroid Icon Theme

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To be used with Jolla's Android Support and UI Themer. The theme only replaces Android app icons.

This unique theme pack includes over 110 custom-made icons and replaces many popular Android icons with Sailfish-styled ones. See screenshots for some of the available icons in this theme. 

  • Re-apply the theme whenever you update it or Android applications. UI Themer offers an auto-update feature (optional).
  • 'Lite'-versions of apps like Skype, Facebook, Messenger, LINE are supported.

Donations are very welcome since I put a lot of time into designing the icon pack. Thanks a lot for your support! :-) Please use:

Application versions: 
File harbour-themepack-vaidroid-1.2-1.noarch.rpm3.69 MB11/03/2018 - 02:49
File harbour-themepack-vaidroid-2.2-1.noarch.rpm1.47 MB22/02/2019 - 15:10
File harbour-themepack-vaidroid-2.3-1.noarch.rpm1.49 MB01/05/2019 - 19:54
File harbour-themepack-vaidroid-2.4-1.noarch.rpm1.52 MB09/05/2019 - 23:37
File harbour-themepack-vaidroid-2.6-1.noarch.rpm1.63 MB18/12/2019 - 00:29
File harbour-themepack-vaidroid-2.7-1.noarch.rpm1.6 MB26/12/2019 - 22:30

* Thu Dec 26 2019 2.7
- Fixed Aurora Store icon;
- Added icons for Aurora Store and Aurora Droid (F-Droid).

* Tue Dec 17 2019 2.6
- Comptability fixes for icons;
- Small fixes for supported icons.
Some icons were missing in the 2.5 release - please update to 2.6.
Big thank you to Rudi_Timmermans for his help with the Sailfish SDK and fixing incompatible icons.

* Thu May 09 2019 2.4
- Comptability fixes for icons;
- Updated Deezer icon, added KeePassX, microG-Settings icons.

* Wed May 01 2019 2.3
- Compatibility fixes for icons;
- Khan Academy icon.

* Fri Feb 22 2019 2.2
- PayPal icon;
- Fixes for icon names.

* Wed Feb 11 2019 2.1 
- high res 192px icons;
- reduced filesize by 65%; 
- added 16 overlay icons;
- fixed broken icons (if there are more, please report);
- New icons, Deezer, Steam, Brave, Pinterest, Shazam, Linkedin, Cryptolitycs, FaceSlim, Waterfox, Silence, WPS Office, FeedMe, MuPDF viewer, Argenta Bankieren, Aftershock, Xodo, Bats HIIT, Privacy Friendly Sudoku, Windy.

* Sun Mar 11 2018 1.2
- Several new icons, Pocket, Revolut, AirBnB, OneDrive, Lightroom, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Draw, Hangouts, Altcoin Prices, Skype Lite, Facebook Lite, Messenger Lite, LINE Lite;
- Snapchat, Spotify, OsmAnd icon fix;
- Remove duplicates with wrong file names.

* Tue Jan 16 2018 1.1
- Several new icons.

* Thu Dec 21 2017 1.0
- Public release.