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- this is considered a test package, it won't alter your original package,
if everything goes good, all functions will be migrated to fork of original
version, translations not adapted to "testing" version, everything in English
- I am in contact with original author

GitHub: https://github.com/Bobsik/harbour_webpirate_test

* Sun Jan 19 2020 Petr Skoumal <-willbeupdatednexttime> 2.4-1

-in certain cases disappearing of MiniMenu's Stop/Refresh button

-Dialog for links with opened image showed "tab" instead of "Image"


* Tue Nov 19 2019 Petr Skoumal <-willbeupdatednexttime> 2.3-1
- several functions and things, two small menus (one in TabView, second in
BrowserWebView), both can be set to (g)old ways in settings
- some proxy agents
- Loading screen on start, mainly because of QuickGrid loading  

- Smaller UI
- BUG: Closing the tabs in TabView crashes no more
- TabView changed to GridView, on Landscape  there are two columns
- added possibility to lock tab from being closed
- TabView changed to GridView, because of GridView context menu did not work
properly, Context menu recreated to different style
- possibility to be able to open link with WebPirate as MIME

- AdBlock is partly broken
- Translations


* Sun Jan 19 2020 Petr Skoumal <-willbeupdatednexttime> 2.4-1



-in certain cases disappearing of MiniMenu's Stop/Refresh button


-Dialog for links with opened image showed "tab" instead of "Image"