- You need to enable the repository of rinigus to install this app!
- If you want to use the audio coach you must download the voice files (see link below) and place them under /home/nemo/Laufhelden/voicefiles/
- Please note that I am back to Androd and therefore the future of this app depends on other developers who are willing to step in
Laufhelden is a sport tracking application for Sailfish OS. Laufhelden is german, meaning run heros.
I made this app mainly because Meerun is not maintained anymore. Features are well behind Meerun but there are some little advantages.
Meerun is closed source meaning if the developer won't maintain any longer, the app will die. Laufhelden is opensource so that problem should be avoided.
I am working out a few month with the app and really enjoy it, hope you also will!
To import workouts you can place GPX files in the directory ~/Laufhelden/
GPX files exported from Meerun will be recognized and hopefully workout type as well as a few other things will be imported.
To use the audio coach you can download the voice files here. Then you need to extract them and copy the folder voicefiles to your device under /home/nemo/Laufhelden/.
Current features are:
- recording workouts
- workout types: running, road bike, mountainbike, walking, inline skating, skiing
- view recorded tracks and show statistics
- save track as GPX file
- autosave every minute
- connecting to bluetooth heart rate device (supports Zephyr HxM BT and Polar Wearlink iWL, no BLE)
- show battery level of heart rate device
- use heart rate monitor from another application e.g. Amazfish
- voice coach witch cyclic updates and alarm thresholds
- default music player is paused and resumed when alarm threshold is triggered
- 4 display modes for record screen: AMOLED mode, LCD mode, silica mode, night mode
- automatic night mode
- upload workouts to
- upload workouts to strava
- pebble integration (needs Rockpool 1.4)
- lock page
- metric/imperial units
Please go here for more details of planned features or bugfixing.
Here is the TMO thread.
This application orginates from a fork of Rena by Simoma:
Workout icons are from here: They are under this license:
Messagebox is from: Kimmo Lindholm,
Credits go to:
- atlochowski for polish language
- caballlero for spanish language
- eson57 for swedish language
- martonmiklos for hungarian language
- d9h20f for dutch language
- carmenfdezb for spanish-spain language
- niemisenjussi for finnish language and implemantation
- piggz for strava implementation
This software is open source GPLv3. Sourcecode:
Please report bugs/issues to here:
If you wish you may donate for this project (it might boost my motivation a little bit ;-)):
0.9.0-1, 12.09.2017
- initial release to openrepos
0.9.1-2, 12.09.2017
- fixed a bug, app crashed if a workout type was choosen.
0.9.2-3, 22.09.2017
- added a settings menu page for better overview
- replaced "let's go" button with forward navigation
- grids on record page can be made invisible
- pace is no longer decimal, now it's mm:ss
- added polish language (thanks to atlochowski)
- added spanish language (thanks to Caballlero)
- added padding to texts on record page
- autosave now includes the heartrate
- fixed bugs
0.9.3-4, 26.09.2017
- Added a dialog to resume a broken workout
- fixed localization problems
0.9.4-5, 16.10.2017
- added new feature autosave
- new values for record page: altitude and average heartrate
- value fields on record page are configurable now
- small optimizations and bugfixes
0.9.5-6, 31.10.2017
- Startpage and PreRecordpage will also stay in portrait mode if selected in settings
- new feature/setting: center current position on map or center track on map
- new feature/setting: optimize screen mode for record page if map is viewed
- new feature/setting: automatic night mode
- if workout is not started and map is in full screen mode, scrolling left on map is now working properly
- resolved some unlocalized texts
0.9.6-7, 16.11.2017
- fixed many bugs in pause function
- new value for record page: pause duration
- added map icons (start, stop, pause)
- added skiing as new workout type
- workouts can be uploaded to (thanks to @niemisenjussi)
- added finnish translation (thanks to @niemisenjussi)
- some bugfixes
0.9.7-8, 19.12.2017
- added new feature/settings: Pebble smartwatch support
- added new feature: edit workout name/description/type
- fixed a bug: mediaplayer pause/resume was not working
- optimizations for (thanks to @niemisenjussi)
0.9.8-9, 05.01.2018
- new map plugin MapBox
- allows offline maps via OSM Scout Server
- double tap to zoom in on tap position
- vertical lines bug should be fixed
- different map styles in online mode
- open-gl acceleration
- linear map zoom
- added new feature/settings: imperial units
- complete rework of app cover, values can now be selected
- added lock screen dialog with 3 values (same values as on app cover)
- added voice output for events (pause/resume, start/stop, positioning online/offline)
- automatic night mode is now enabled in darker conditions
- added support for uploading to Strava (thanks to @piggz)
- fixed a few bugs
0.9.9-1, 15.01.2018
- new setting for Jolla 1: switch off map to avoid app crash
- added hungarian translation (thanks to @martonmiklos)
- multiple bug fixing and small enhancements:
- fix app freezing/crashing after long workout
- fix app freezing/crashing after loading autosave
- fix record page didn't change map style
- increase wait time for night mode
- change color of buttons on record page
- imperial units for threshold settings page
- other fixes
0.9.9-2, 16.01.2018
- fixed finnish language translation
- updated swedish language translation
1.0.0-1, 06.02.2018
- new workout type: hiking
- app startup is now much faster
- added dutch translation (thanks to @d9h20f)
- updated translations german, swedish and polish
- many improvements for strava by @piggz:
- browser for activities with map view
- comment view
- kudos view
- segment/achievement view
- fixed bug in upload page
- tidied up the implementation of API calls
1.1.0-1, 04.05.2018
- many improvements for Strava by @piggz
- fixed Strava upload and error handling
- added a 'Segment' view, showing just the segment, and current/best times
- fixed the upload description
- made the display of times better/consistent
- many improvements for Sports Tracker by @niemisenjussi
- added upload option to workout list on main page
- workout name is used for Sport Tracker upload
- file format improvements / other improvements
- added regular announcements for voice coach
- added more settings options for voice coach
- restructuring of settings menu
- updated translations
- added Spanish(Spain) language by @carmenfdezb
- added Belgian language by @d9h20f
- alarm thresholds are triggered less nervously
1.1.1-1, 13.07.2018
- layout changes for main page, workout list can now be filtered
- use heart rate monitor from another application e.g. Amazfish by @piggz
- hide pace in the detailed view if the workout is biking by @martonmiklos
- hide unnecessary fields in detailed view by @martonmiklos
- fixed multiple bugs for voice coach
- translation updates
- other bugfixes
1.1.2-1, 14.09.2018
- view current week workouts and distance on main page
- fixed a bug when uploading workouts to sports tracker by @niemisenjussi
- added russian translation and also voice coach files by @dikonov
- translation updates
1.1.3-1, 24.12.2018
- BLE (bluetooth low energy) integration by @thmichel
- reworked workout analysis pages, added diagrams
- choose pebble if there are multiple ones
- bug fixing audio coach
- lot's of fixed and improvements by @martonmiklos and @trouyer
- added French language by @ncartron and @trouyer
- translation updates
1.1.4-1, 27.10.2019
- added Chinese language by @dashinfantry
- new icons (more Silica like)
- added leading zero to pace string by @trouyer
- enable start of activity when no GPS is available by @thmichel
- removed voice files from RPM. They need to be manually copied to /home/nemo/Laufhelden/voicefiles/
- translation updates
- reset global workgout data on mainpage after modifying a workout by @Karry
- some small fixes
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