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Mattermost - is private cloud chat. And this is a native SailfishOS client for Mattermost. 
This is early alpha version. The client is in active (not really in active) development.
What is done:

  • messaging in private, direct and open channel
  • receive and send files, documents and images
  • edit, delete, reply and copy messages
  • connect to server with self-signet certificate
  • email or token authentication 
  • Markdown with Emoji support (partially)
  • add/view reactions to messages
  • add photo directly from app
  • emoji picker supported

Source code: GitLab

Known bugs: 
- for now, when take a photo, on some devices main camera cant focus ( work in progress )

 - Liberapay

Application versions: 
File harbour-mattermost-0.1.0-1.armv7hl.rpm192.7 KB31/05/2018 - 17:26
File harbour-mattermost-0.1.0-2.armv7hl.rpm190.46 KB31/05/2018 - 23:57
File harbour-mattermost-0.1.0-4.armv7hl.rpm191.06 KB01/06/2018 - 13:00
File harbour-mattermost-0.1.1-1.armv7hl.rpm191.92 KB30/04/2021 - 15:43
File harbour-mattermost-0.1.2-1.armv7hl.rpm207.47 KB27/06/2018 - 12:42
File harbour-mattermost-0.1.2-3.armv7hl.rpm215.93 KB07/02/2019 - 09:45
File harbour-mattermost-0.1.3-15.armv7hl.rpm1.5 MB23/10/2019 - 14:43
File harbour-mattermost-0.1.3-15.i486.rpm1.53 MB23/10/2019 - 14:43
File harbour-mattermost-0.1.3-17.armv7hl.rpm1.5 MB19/03/2020 - 16:57
File harbour-mattermost-0.1.3-17.i486.rpm1.53 MB19/03/2020 - 16:57
File harbour-mattermost-0.1.4-11.i486.rpm1.56 MB27/04/2020 - 22:23
File harbour-mattermost-debuginfo-0.1.4-11.i486.rpm2.27 MB27/04/2020 - 22:23
File harbour-mattermost-0.1.4-11.armv7hl.rpm1.52 MB27/04/2020 - 22:23
File harbour-mattermost-debuginfo-0.1.4-11.armv7hl.rpm2.39 MB27/04/2020 - 22:23
File harbour-mattermost-0.1.5-6.armv7hl.rpm1.56 MB01/06/2020 - 01:00
File harbour-mattermost-0.1.5-6.i486.rpm1.57 MB01/06/2020 - 01:00
File harbour-mattermost-0.1.6-6.i486.rpm1.57 MB03/06/2020 - 18:44
File harbour-mattermost-0.1.6-6.armv7hl.rpm1.54 MB03/06/2020 - 18:44
File harbour-mattermost-0.1.6-6.aarch64.rpm1.54 MB17/09/2021 - 16:25
File harbour-mattermost-0.1.7-1.aarch64.rpm1.54 MB05/11/2021 - 18:49
File harbour-mattermost-0.1.7-1.armv7hl.rpm1.53 MB05/11/2021 - 18:49
File harbour-mattermost-0.1.7-1.i486.rpm1.58 MB05/11/2021 - 18:49

version 0.1.6-6
- fix a lot of bugs
- add option to setting log level, or disable it

version 0.1.5-6
- contribute #25 add reactions page
- fix #35 show reactions under message
- fix #25 add reactions to message
- fix #33 add search field on chats view
- Contribute to #24 add optional Emoji keyboard layout
- fix code view in messages ( now code lines are wraped in text )
- partially fix #7 - can make photo from application ( but have some troubles with focus )

version 0.1.4-11
- fix #28 - change cache and data paths (with moving old cache and data to new paths).  
- fix #29 - now teams/channels labels show unread/mentions count.  
- fix #23 - wrong MD parsing, when use double ':' like here `this awesome link:` - link is not clickable... now it fixed  
- fix some emoji recognition, and add some special emojis ( like `rage[1-4] , trollface, godmode and other`  
- fix #27 - show teams icons  
- fix #30 - cant connect to mattermost, if it runs in subdirectory   
- some progress in #6 - recieve `is typing` event from channels.  
- remove staticaly build QWebSocket module
- bug fixes, refactoring, more new bugs!

version 0.1.3-17
- fix OBS build by Slava Monich, add him to contributors list
- fix LoginPage always connectiong state
- some samall refactoring, version up

version 0.1.3-16
- add Chinese translation

version 0.1.3-15
- add Emoji support
- add Markdown support (partially) (settings)
- add dark blob on messages background (settings)
- fix old bugs, add new bugs
- now images are cached, and save to gallery by user
- code refactoring
- improve image viewer

version 0.1.2-3
 - fix issue, segmentation fault #18
 - little bit updated ImageViewr (not finished), but now you can zoom and slide view ;)

varsion 0.1.2-1
- add status icons for users avatars
- open messages dialog when notification activated
- fix some bugs - fix russian translation