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This app is intended for Dutch users

Welkweer is a Dutch app, providing weather info for the Netherlands. The info is mainly from buienradar.nl, but also from knmi.nl.

It currently supports:

  • Current raincloud image
  • Prediction for 1 hour locally
  • 24 hours prediction
  • Wind map
  • Temperature map
  • Wind chill map
  • Drizzle map
  • Visibility map
  • European raincloud map
  • European clouds & thunder map
  • Rainfall graph for coming two hours
  • General weather info for a city (using buienradar.nl)
  • 5 day weather forecast
  • Full textual description of weather coming week
  • Moon phase
  • Dewpoint
  • Weather warnings

Sources on github



Application versions: 
File harbour-welkweer-0.25-1.aarch64.rpm401.18 KB06/03/2022 - 21:54
File harbour-welkweer-0.25-1.i486.rpm401.79 KB06/03/2022 - 21:54
File harbour-welkweer-0.25-1.armv7hl.rpm400.1 KB06/03/2022 - 21:54
File harbour-welkweer-0.26-1.aarch64.rpm401.21 KB30/03/2022 - 00:02
File harbour-welkweer-0.26-1.i486.rpm401.83 KB30/03/2022 - 00:02
File harbour-welkweer-0.26-1.armv7hl.rpm400.11 KB30/03/2022 - 00:02
File harbour-welkweer-0.26-2.aarch64.rpm401.22 KB30/03/2022 - 18:41
File harbour-welkweer-0.26-2.i486.rpm401.81 KB30/03/2022 - 18:41
File harbour-welkweer-0.26-2.armv7hl.rpm400.15 KB30/03/2022 - 18:41
File harbour-welkweer-0.27-1.aarch64.rpm502.97 KB08/11/2022 - 22:22
File harbour-welkweer-0.27-1.i486.rpm503.48 KB08/11/2022 - 22:22
File harbour-welkweer-0.27-1.armv7hl.rpm501.83 KB08/11/2022 - 22:22
File harbour-welkweer-0.28-1.aarch64.rpm500.84 KB16/11/2022 - 23:56
File harbour-welkweer-0.28-1.i486.rpm501.37 KB16/11/2022 - 23:56
File harbour-welkweer-0.28-1.armv7hl.rpm499.71 KB16/11/2022 - 23:56
File harbour-welkweer-0.29-1.aarch64.rpm501.24 KB02/12/2022 - 23:38
File harbour-welkweer-0.29-1.i486.rpm501.84 KB02/12/2022 - 23:38
File harbour-welkweer-0.29-1.armv7hl.rpm500.16 KB02/12/2022 - 23:38
File harbour-welkweer-0.30-1.aarch64.rpm501.36 KB02/01/2023 - 22:51
File harbour-welkweer-0.30-1.i486.rpm501.9 KB02/01/2023 - 22:51
File harbour-welkweer-0.30-1.armv7hl.rpm500.2 KB02/01/2023 - 22:51
File harbour-welkweer-0.31-1.aarch64.rpm499.74 KB15/01/2023 - 12:58
File harbour-welkweer-0.31-1.i486.rpm500.14 KB15/01/2023 - 12:58
File harbour-welkweer-0.31-1.armv7hl.rpm498.52 KB15/01/2023 - 12:58
File harbour-welkweer-0.32-1.i486.rpm513.26 KB26/11/2023 - 16:47
File harbour-welkweer-0.32-1.aarch64.rpm512.72 KB26/11/2023 - 16:47
File harbour-welkweer-0.32-1.armv7hl.rpm511.59 KB26/11/2023 - 16:47
File harbour-welkweer-0.33-1.i486.rpm513.42 KB26/11/2023 - 20:40
File harbour-welkweer-0.33-1.aarch64.rpm512.87 KB26/11/2023 - 20:40
File harbour-welkweer-0.33-1.armv7hl.rpm511.74 KB26/11/2023 - 20:40
File harbour-welkweer-0.33-2.i486.rpm503.25 KB27/11/2023 - 23:06
File harbour-welkweer-0.33-2.aarch64.rpm502.72 KB27/11/2023 - 23:06
File harbour-welkweer-0.33-2.armv7hl.rpm501.57 KB27/11/2023 - 23:06
File harbour-welkweer-0.33-3.armv7hl.rpm501.57 KB10/01/2024 - 00:15
File harbour-welkweer-0.33-3.i486.rpm503.26 KB10/01/2024 - 00:15
File harbour-welkweer-0.33-3.aarch64.rpm502.72 KB10/01/2024 - 00:15
File harbour-welkweer-0.33-4.i486.rpm503.25 KB11/01/2024 - 22:55
File harbour-welkweer-0.33-4.aarch64.rpm502.72 KB11/01/2024 - 22:55
File harbour-welkweer-0.33-4.armv7hl.rpm501.59 KB11/01/2024 - 22:55
File harbour-welkweer-0.34-1.armv7hl.rpm501.5 KB16/01/2024 - 01:45
File harbour-welkweer-0.34-1.i486.rpm503.19 KB16/01/2024 - 01:45
File harbour-welkweer-0.34-1.aarch64.rpm502.66 KB16/01/2024 - 01:45
  • 0.34-1 Replaced all now offline weerslag images with buienradar
  • 0.33-4 fix:wrong if statement prevented code orange
  • 0.33-3 fix: weatheralarm did not change color if needed after a refresh
  • 0.33-2 Small fix for no weatheralarm
  • 0.33-1 Also display weather alarm text itself
  • 0.32-1 KNMI no longer updates its RSS feed weather alarm. Getting info from their webpage for now
  • 0.31-1 Added European air-pressure map
  • 0.30-1 Added European temperature map
  • 0.29-1 Added more buienradar maps
  • 0.28-1
    • Added additional visibilty map
    • Some code refactoring
  • 0.27-1
    • Major layout change
    • Switch from the soon deprecated SilicaWebView to Sailfish WebView
  • 0.26-2 Fix timing of weather notification popup
  • 0.26-1
    • Better alignment icons on 5 days weather prediction page
    • Enable Sailjail now bug is fixed in offically released SFOS 4.4
  • 0.25-1 Optional extra popup message in case of weather warning (thanks mar1ad)
  • 0.24-2 Require SFOS > 4.0 for now because of some qml incompatibility
  • 0.24-1
    • Added images for weather warnings tomorrow and day after tomorrow
    • Display warning symbol in weather-code color spanning next 2 days
    • Option to disable internet connectivity check
  • 0.23-3
    • Added weather warning button on mainpage
    • Moved local map to precipitation part
  • 0.23-2 disable sailjail again, as we need to wait for a fix particular fix in 4.4
  • 0.23-1 Sailjail compliant, need to re-enter location for that.
  • 0.22-3 Fixed Settings page for SFOS4
  • 0.22-2 Require extra dependency
  • 0.22-1 No longer use deprecated statefs
  • 0.21-1 Determine no internet on explicit disconnected state
  • 0.20-1
    • Initial double tap on image to maximize to width/height
    • Change image URL's as most of them changed to static images
  • 0.19-1
    • Replaced 'regen' with the more general 'neerslag' where applicable
    • Changed broken URL for 3 hour forecast NL to 1 hour forecast
  • 0.18-1 Improved zoom function
  • 0.17-2
    • Update moonphase as well after refresh request
    • Show Moonphase even without internet connection
    • Option to show location current weather station on map
    • Pageheading for images in landscape
  • 0.17.1 Added refresh option on rain graph page
  • 0.16.1
    • Mainpage layout changes
    • Continue when humidity info is lacking
    • Workaround for icon color issue in OS 3.1
  • 0.15.1 Replaced visibility map, other small changes
  • 0.14.1 Replaced static by animated version for wind, flurry and temperature map
  • 0.14.0
    • Removed unintended highlight coloring of icon on mainpage
    • Slightly bigger temperature indicator on coverpage
  • 0.13-2
    • Yet another new icon (thanks JSEHV)
    • Dewpoint is now called frost point when below zero
  • 0.13-1
    • Some textual changes
    • Last update info added to cover
    • Added wind arrow symbol to wind direction
  • 0.13-0
    • Added dewpoint
    • Moved weathertext page to 5 day prediction page
  • 0.12-1
    • Scale text in raingraph bigger on 1080p devices
    • 'Could not load image' message bigger and centered
    • More html tag reformatting
  • 0.12-0 Changed now invalid raininfo url
  • 0.11-5 New icon by VanyCat
  • 0.11-4 Switch to other url for local map as current page is gone
  • 0.11-3 Small redesign for jolla 1 with large textfont
  • 0.11-2 Header in forcast page now was wrong size.
  • 0.11-1 Some corrections needed for jolla tablet display
  • 0.11-0
    • Resizing cover image for some devices
    • Error handling when dawn/dusk is not passed
  • 0.10-0
    • More responive websource for rainfall info
    • optimisations for 1080 p. width
  • 0.8-7 - Made 5 day weather prediction in landscape view more compact
  • 0.8-6 - Added moon phase
  • 0.8-5
    • ​​​​Added refresh as cover action
    • Added additional progressbar during loading of images
    • Better code reuse
  • 0.8-4 Show result of changes in settings directly
  • 0.8-3
    • Auto correct some common text layout mistakes in weather prediction text
    • Better error handling when no internet connection is available
  • 0.8-2 Slight improvement in button layout on smaller screens
  • 0.8-0 
    • Scroll weather text on mainpage if too long
    • replace '-' by '0' on min and max temperatures
  • 0.7-1 Now rain changc prediction will show zero instead of a dash
  • 0.7-0 Cache turned on for animated gifs, else they won't loop on SFOS
  • 0.6-3 Buienradar returned to former date format, now support both
  • 0.6-2 Another two icons added and updated a serie of icons
  • 0.6-1
    • Added snow prediction map for the Netherlands
    • Fixes to deal with changed date format on buienradar
    • Added two missing weather icons
  • 0.6-0 Added text to 5 day forecast
  • 0.5-1
    • Increased fontsize in 5 day forecast for small screens
    • Wind map now from knmi
    • two european maps replaced as buienradar changed urls once again
  • 0.5-0
    • Changed 2 hours NL rain map to 3 hours
    • Added maps: 24h forecast NL, drizzle and visibility
  • 0.4-0
    • added two more European maps (clouds/thunder)
    • Added night map, flurry and windchill map Netherlands
  • 0.3-0
    • Improvements in rainfall page
    • date added to forecast page and bigger font for tablet
  • 0.2-3
    • No zoom on phone in local map to center station
    • Added horizontal scrollbars when zooming
  • 0.2-2 Some clearer message if rain data is not provided
  • 0.2-1
    • Added some more busy indicators
    • Added daylength
    • Rewrite of data loading for raingraph
  • 0.2-0 Major rewrite!
    • Replaced yahoo weather data with buienradar data
    • Renewed 5 day forecast page
    • New icons
    • Lots of other small changes
  • 0.1-9
    • Added short en long forecast to text
    • More error handling
    • Moved textual version to PushUpMenu mainpage
    • City name to page header
  • 0.1-8 Added full textual description of weather coming week (to be found under "5 daagse voorspelling")
  • 0.1-7 Had to modify the rainfall url, basic error handling for that
  • 0.1-6 Try to get yahoo data a few times in case of error responses
  • 0.1-5
    • Added humidity
    • Coverpage rework
    • Animated images now also zoomable
  • 0.1-4 Small fixes (eg. last update timestamp was not accurate)
  • 0.1-3 Small translation changes, fix issue that previous icon was shown on mainpage
  • 0.1-2 Made static images zoomable (thanks birdzhang for some code)
  • 0.1-1 Initial version