24.04.2019 – Firmware Update (Hossa) – Early Access

HOSSA! Ein weiteres Update wurde für die Early Access eingetragenen Benutzer freigegeben worden. Das Update hat die Versionsnummer und trägt den Namen „Hossa“. Wie immer, erfährt ihr hier, was das Update alles mit sich bringt. Laut Changelog wird das nächste Update einen Versionssprung auf 3.1.0 geben.

Die Highlights

  • [XA2] hoher verbrauch bei WLAN Nutzung behoben.
  • [XA2] Proxymeter Bug wurde behoben.
  • [XA2] NFC Funktion wurde hinzugefügt.
  • [XA2] Android 8.1 – Mobile Daten funktioniert nun mit beiden SIM Karten.
  • [XA2] Android 8.1 – kürzlich hinzugefügten Dateien werden nun sofort unter Android angezeigt.
  • [XA2] Android 8.1 – System-UI-Benachrichtigungen von der Android-Seite werden jetzt ausgeblendet.
  • SD-Karte wird jetzt als Speicheroption für die Sicherung der Daten zuverlässig angezeigt.
  • Webbrowser nutzt nun die Gecko engine esr45.
  • IMAP Push in idle wurde behoben.
  • einige Sicherheitslücken wurden behoben.
  • GCC wurde auf 4.9.4 GNU C Library auf 2.25 aktualisiert.
  • uvm

Original Changelog:

Update version history

  • 2019-04-24 : will be released to Early Access subscribers (Jolla devices and Xperia X/XA2).
  • 2019-04-dd : 3.0.3.x as an OTA update to be released to all subscribers (Jolla devices, Xperia X/XA2, Gemini PDA). Installable images for Xperia X, Xperia XA2 and Gemini PDA devices will be available at https://shop.jolla.com/downloads/ .

Size of update

The download size of the update depends on the device type and on the OS version currently in the device. Some typical values below:
– Jolla 1 from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3: about 360 MB
– Jolla C from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3: about 400 MB
– Xperia X from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3: about 360 MB

Release Highlights

This list contains examples of new features (and some bug fixes) added to Sailfish OS, compared to the previous public release 3.0.2. The release notes of 3.0.2 can be found here

The instructions for installing Sailfish OS to Sony Xperia X and XA2 devices are here – covering Windows, Linux and macOS.

The supported Sony Xperia XA2 models are (they are the same as in update 3.0.2 – no change here):

  • XA2 single SIM H3113 (also H3123, H3133)
  • XA2 dual SIM H4113 (also H4133)
  • XA2 Ultra single SIM H3213 (also H3223)
  • XA2 Ultra dual SIM H4213 (also H4233)
  • XA2 Plus single SIM H3413
  • XA2 Plus dual SIM H4413 (also H4493)

The supported Sony Xperia X models are (no change here, either):

  • X single SIM F5121
  • X dual SIM F5122

Sailfish OS 3.0.3 is compatible with Gemini PDA variants x25 and x27.

Xperia XA2

  • High power drain while using WLAN fixed
  • Issue with proximity sensor is fixed – now the display does not go blank during phone calls
  • Preliminary support for NFC added


  • Network connection checked before proceeding to account creation.

Android™ App Support

  • Android 8.1 App Support Beta for Xperia XA2 devices improved:
    • Mobile data works with both SIM cards for Andoid apps on XA2 devices now
    • Files recently added to Sailfish side appear now on Android side immediately
    • System UI notifications from Android side are hidden now (Sailfish OS to handle)
    • Notification handling improved, not to repeat grouped notifications on new notifications
    • SSH file transfer no longer crashes alien
  • No changes for other products


  • SD card now shown as a storage option reliably


  • Gecko engine upgraded to the latest esr45 version
  • User agent string updated to reflect engine version
  • User-agent override data craeted and updated for new engine


  • XA2: the issue with proximity sensor is fixed – now the display does not go blank during phone calls


  • Status of connections over mobile data now shown correctly on dual-SIM devices

Device Management (MDM) [Corporate API]

  • Cellular policy API introduced
  • Data counters policy API introduced


  • IMAP push in idle fixed. Email synchronisation works now even if the internet connection should change


  • Flashing script of XA2 devices for Windows PC fixed


  • Busy indication added to USB mode selection; this helps in setting up the MTP connection with devices acting slowly
  • PIN input view backspace visibility improved for Light Ambiences
  • Two-column layout created for PIN query and Device Lock views in Lock Screen for narrow landscape devices


  • Support for hardware keyboard layout variants of Gemini PDA added
  • Heuristics for using Escape key as Power key (e.g. Gemini PDA) without requiring also Fn key press adjusted to reduce chances of interfering with system dialogs


  • Show full width remorse item when deleting playlists


  • Issue in sending SMS to multiple recipients fixed


  • Call UI recovers better from subsystem crashes

Power management

  • Don’t set battery warning notifications twice when passing low battery level
  • XA2: High power drain while using WLAN fixed

Security – vulnerabilities fixed:

  • glibc-2.24: CVE-2016-3075, CVE-2016-1234, CVE-2015-8779, CVE-2015-8778, CVE-2015-8777, CVE-2015-8776, CVE-2015-7547, CVE-2015-5277, CVE-2015-1781, CVE-2015-1473, CVE-2015-1472, CVE-2014-9761, CVE-2014-9402, CVE-2014-8121, CVE-2013-7423, CVE-2014-6040, CVE-2014-4043
  • glibc-2.25: CVE-2017-15670, CVE-2017-15671, CVE-2017-15804, CVE-2017-1000408, CVE-2017-1000409, CVE-2017-16997
  • gcc-4.9.4: CVE-2015-5276
  • openssh-7.9p1+git2: CVE-2019-6111, CVE-2019-6109, CVE-2018-20685
  • zlib-1.2.11: CVE-2016-9843, CVE-2016-9842, CVE-2016-9841, CVE-2016-9840
  • ncurses-6.1: CVE-2017-13734, CVE-2017-13733, CVE-2017-13732, CVE-2017-13731, CVE-2017-13730, CVE-2017-13729, CVE-2017-13728, CVE-2017-11113, CVE-2017-11112, CVE-2017-10685, CVE-2017-10684
  • pcre-8.42: CVE-2016-3191
  • cpio-2.12: CVE-2016-2037
  • util-linux-2.33: CVE-2017-2616
  • icu-55.1: CVE-2013-1569, CVE-2013-2383, CVE-2013-2384, CVE-2013-2419, CVE-2014-6585, CVE-2014-6591, CVE-2014-7923, CVE-2014-7926, CVE-2014-7940, CVE-2014-9654


  • XA2: the issue with proximity sensor is fixed – now the display does not go blank during phone calls


  • Ensured that a notification to change the WLAN password is shown always after an incorrect one was typed – also when the password had been changed on the WLAN base station
  • Backup settings failing to offer memory card option fixed

UI components

  • Many text editor and menu view autoscrolling regressions fixed
  • Disabled text fields now look disabled

T.J.C: Issues reported by the community and fixed in this update

All of the links below may not open up for everyone, sorry.

Technical changes


Detailed changelog is available here. – Several fundamental components upgraded such as the browser engine Gecko (esr45) , tool chain GCC (4.9.4) and the GNU C Library (2.25) – Gemini PDA: memory fix to allow booting from Android 8 bootloader.

Behavioural changes in Sailfish OS

  • /home is no more mounted at init – it is handled later by systemd; this is to avoid problems when the /home directory is encrypted

For those porting Sailfish to other devices

  • (no particular news this time)

Updating your device

Your device must be connected to the Internet and signed into your Jolla account. If your Jolla account is registered for Early Access releases you should receive an OS update notification when an update is available. If you have decided not to take the Early Access registration then you will get the OS update typically one week later.

We warmly recommend making some 3-4 GB of free space to the internal storage of your device before starting the update. Move your pictures and videos to the SD card (or to your PC or cloud service). After the upgrade turn on the option to save pictures and videos directly from the camera to the memory card (Settings > Apps > Camera). This is important particularly in case of „Jolla Phone“ devices (product name „Jolla“ in Settings > About product).

This is the usual drill before attempting to update your devices:

Take a backup of your data before attempting to update your device and save the backup to an SD card or to some other off-device location (PC, your cloud service). Note that videos and images are not included in cloud-based backups. Do not reboot the device while the update is in progress. Do keep the phone connected to a battery charger during the whole process. Device screen may blank out during the update process; you may waken the display by a short press on the power key to monitor the progress.

For detailed instructions on updating software, read our help article in Zendesk:

Notification concerning apps from Open Repos

  • If you use Phonehook or Callrecorder from OpenRepos, uninstall it before upgrading
  • If you use oFono from OpenRepos, revert to the official oFono before upgrading
  • If you use Patchmanager, revert all applied patches before upgrading.

About SD cards

  • Encrypted cards must be unlocked by the user to make them available for Sailfish applications.
  • Non-encrypted cards are mounted automatically when the device is turned on.
  • Encrypted cards can be formatted only when they are locked. Formatting removes the encryption in this case (the card becomes unencrypted and unmounted). You can then format it again with the option to encrypt, if needed.

Known issues

  • Bluetooth pairing and audio connections may still fail in some circumstances
  • Some Facebook services (syncing FB events to calendar; uploading pictures to FB from gallery) do not work (independent of your OS release) due to some changes at the FB end.
  • Light ambience concept of Sailfish 3 needs polishing and tuning up. There are still issues with the colours of different objects when using the ambiences that have light background colours.
  • Disabling a calendar account does not necessarily prevent the appointments from alerting.
  • The chacha20-poly1305 cipher is not currently working, which is often chosen for SSH. It has been disabled in the sshd configuration file, but if you have manually modified it then it will not automatically update. You can ssh into your device using ’ssh -c aes128-ctr‘ and check the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file against its ‚rpmnew‘ version if present.

Known issues specific to Xperia X

  • Not implemented features: NFC, FM radio, double-tap, step counter
  • Issues with mobile data persist on some SIM cards. Turn the Flight mode on and off to reset the network setup. Reverting the device to Android and re-installing Sailfish X has often helped. See our support article.
  • Manual network/carrier search lists all networks by the same name (the name of the SIM provider). Use automatic search. If not possible, you need to try several items in the manual search results, unfortunately. The top most item is not necessarily the one that can serve you (still valid with most SIM cards)
  • [camera] Force autofocus mode for photos, and continuous for video. After this, camera focus is still not ideal – as the camera stays out of focus when it starts until you either tap or try to take a shot – but the pictures seem to be better focused now
  • If device is powered off alarms are not functional
  • Bluetooth: problems with some car equipment, some audio devices and computers may appear
  • Loudspeaker volume level cannot be adjusted very high
  • Not all SD cards are recognised and mounted.

Known issues specific to Xperia XA2

  • Not implemented features: fingerprint detection, FM radio, double-tap
  • Bluetooth: there are problems in connecting to some peripheral devices
  • XA2 does not power up when alarm time has elapsed
  • Flashing Sailfish X to XA2 might still fail (so far seen to happen on Ubuntu 18.04 when using USB3 port). Please read this article.
  • With v17B Sony vendor image we observed a decrease in the perceived signal strength of the 5GHz WLAN access points (investigations ongoing). Version v16 may work better in this respect. Therefore we would not recommend flashing v17B for the time being if you use WLAN networks in the 5GHz band. You can reflash the vendor image of your choice by following the instructions in here.

Known issues specific to Gemini PDA

  • Gemini Screenshoot Button Fn + X does not work
  • Not possible to answer calls when Gemini is closed with side button
  • Some 3rd party apps have issues in Landscape mode.

Detailiertes Changelog

Packages obsoleted:


  • 52.1+git6-1.4.1.jolla obsoleted by icu – 63.1+git5-1.1.6.jolla
    • 52.1+git6-1.4.1.jolla obsoleted by libicu – 63.1+git5-1.1.6.jolla
      • 52.1+git6-1.4.1.jolla obsoleted by libicu-devel – 63.1+git5-1.1.6.jolla

      Packages removed:


      • icu52 – 52.1+git6-1.4.1.jolla, libicu52-devel – 52.1+git6-1.4.1.jolla, libicu52 – 52.1+git6-1.4.1.jolla, libicu52-doc – 52.1+git6-1.4.1.jolla
        • libav-devel – 12.2+git1-1.3.2.jolla, libav – 12.2+git1-1.3.2.jolla, libav – 12.2+git1-1.3.7.jolla, libav-devel – 12.2+git1-1.3.7.jolla, libav-tools – 12.2+git1-1.3.7.jolla, libav-tools – 12.2+git1-1.3.2.jolla
          • nemo-control-panel-applet-power – 0.1.2-1.2.6.jolla, nemo-control-panel-common – 0.1.2-1.2.2.jolla, nemo-control-panel-applet-power – 0.1.2-1.2.2.jolla, nemo-control-panel-common – 0.1.2-1.2.6.jolla
            • trousers-devel – 0.3.13-1.2.2.jolla, trousers-doc – 0.3.13-1.2.2.jolla, trousers-devel-doc – 0.3.13-1.2.2.jolla, trousers-devel-doc – 0.3.13-1.2.6.jolla, trousers – 0.3.13-1.2.6.jolla, trousers-devel – 0.3.13-1.2.6.jolla, trousers-doc – 0.3.13-1.2.6.jolla, trousers – 0.3.13-1.2.2.jolla

            Packages modified:


            • Updated : 1.1.9+git3-1.6.7.jolla — 1.1.9+git5-1.8.1.jolla
            • [cache] Manage cache symlink for all operations using zypp.

            Move normal cache dir to /home too.

            This is Android 8.1 apps support for Xperia XA2 devices.

            NB: the list of changes below contains all changes so far, not just after – this is because we are getting alien under the normal change practises now.

            Updated : —

            [notif] Don’t forward group or media notifications, and add extra passed parameters.

            [alien] make sure we detect the old storage location properly.

            [alien] remove droid-src symlink workaround.

            [alien] add ofono-alien-binder-plugin dependency.

            [alien] new simplified mobile data patch.

            [alien] remove some unecessary logging in surfaceflinger/hwcomposer.

            [alien] add a fileobserver to alien for receiving notifications from tracker.

            [alien] make sure alien notifies systemd properly.

            [alien] add a function to figure out if this app is being launched as part of another one.

            [alien] Add alien.applications and alien.contacts to whitelist.

            [alien] add alien.connectivity to the package whitelist.

            [alien] add AlienFakeHome to alien build.

            [alien] add alien.native_call to package whitelist.

            [alien] add alien.notifications to package whitelist.

            [alien] add android.hardware.telephony.gsm.xml permission file.

            [alien] add android makefiles for wayland.

            [alien] add and use AlienConnectivityService for reporting the wifi status.

            [alien] add a simple alien binder service which can be used to start apps and query some information about them.

            [alien] Add audio policy configuration.

            [alien] add a WaylandPollThread to not need to wake up the VSyncThread every 10ms.

            [alien] add a whitelist for hwbinder services from sfos.

            [alien] Add basic binder output.

            [alien] add binder call to surfaceflinger for suspend handling.

            [alien] add getPrettyName and getPackageName to alien service for app covers handling.

            [alien] Add GPS permissions.

            [alien] add missing media patches.

            [alien] Add missing permission files.

            [alien] add native_call interface.

            [alien] add native call packages to the build.

            [alien] add patches for obs build.

            [alien] add predefined config.h for android build.

            [alien] add repo build symlinks.

            [alien] Add sensor support.

            [alien] add some information to the wifi info and add support for getActiveNetworkInfo.

            [alien] add Source0 for obs builds.

            [alien] add wayland, libffi and libxkbcommon dependencies.

            [alien] allocate a seperate window for the settings app.

            [alien] Allow android.hardware.drm to be acquired and registered.

            [alien] Allow android.hardware.gnss to be registered on the alien slot.

            [alien] allow android.hardware.radio to be registered on the alien slot.

            [alien] Allow android.hardware.sensors to be registered on the alien slot.

            [alien] Allow android.hardware.vibrator to be registered on the alien slot.

            [alien] allow app to be moved to foreground even if another one is already active.

            [alien] allow dns requests to work.

            [alien] allow loading egl blobs from odm folder.

            [alien] allow loading extra properties from /vendor/alien.prop which can be autogenerated.

            [alien] apply patches in the correct order.

            [alien] avoid building userdata.img.

            [alien] build systemimage only.

            [alien] change libinput into .mk in order to fix dependencies.

            [alien] Change protocol versions to work with both current and new wayland.

            [alien] change the open-settings button into an allow button for allowing untrusted apps.

            [alien] close windows if not needed (e.g. home moved to front and app closed).

            [alien] convert Android.mk to Android.bp for android 8 based build.

            [alien] copy system.img and configs from the correct path.

            [alien] define target cpu for obs builds.

            [alien] disable access to some hwbinder services from java.

            [alien] disable access to some sfos hwbinder services.

            [alien] disable dhcp requests.

            [alien] Disable filesystem trim.

            [alien] Disable hardware keyboards.

            [alien] disable hwbinder service which is already started on the host.

            [alien] disable hwservicemanager for now (host version will be used until we need to have our own on android < 7 devices).

            [alien] disable jack properly.

            [alien] disable last restorecon in installd.

            [alien] disable lockscreen which would interfere with sfos/alien window handling.

            [alien] disable media.omx service.

            [alien] disable messing with iptables from android.

            [alien] disable messing with rndis.

            [alien] disable messing with the network from alien.

            [alien] Disable NetdHwService.

            [alien] Disable NetlinkManager.

            [alien] disable RescueParty factory reset.

            [alien] disable rild in alien.

            [alien] disable SELinux for now.

            [alien] disable SELinux in installd for now.

            [alien] disable SELinux in service_manager for now.

            [alien] disable selinux properly.

            [alien] disable some animations for app transitions.

            [alien] disable touch input to the status bar.

            [alien] disable uevent handling for power management in healthd. This is handled by the host.

            [alien] disable usage of hw modules from odm (only gpu blobs are allowed) and make sure we don’t wait for hwservicemanager since it is already started on the host.

            [alien] display statusbar in black.

            [alien] do not allow changing the wifi interface state.

            [alien] do not enable SMALLER_FONT_FOOTPRINT/MINIMAL_FONT_FOOTPRINT for more font support.

            [alien] do not override the mobile data information with the wifi information if there is no wifi network.

            [alien] do not pad the squashfs filesystem since that would increase the size unecessarily and causes build errors as well.

            [alien] do not read host fstab, because alien should not mount any host partitions itself.

            [alien] do not show crash or app not responding dialogs.

            [alien] don’t allocate a window for the keyboard.

            [alien] don’t fail if SELinux is disabled.

            [alien] don’t open settings when requesting to install packages from an untrusted source.

            [alien] Enable ethernet for LXC networking.

            [alien] fix condition timeout for not using too much cpu when reading input.

            [alien] Fix default keyboard setting.

            [alien] fix fullscreening windows.

            [alien] fix memory leak in thumbnail handling.

            [alien] fix sf binder calls.

            [alien] force audio volume to 1.f, it is controlled by the host.

            [alien] forward additional parameters for the mpris player.

            [alien] GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_FB would allocate buffers on the framebuffer and cause graphical glitches – make sure it is never used.

            [alien] handle app transitions better, to allow aptoide to install apks, and handle rendering on top of other apps better.

            [alien] hide the recents and home buttons.

            [alien] Hide virtual keyboard when suspending or changing app.

            [alien] if a frame doesn’t have an associated window do not immediately minimize all windows since it might be a temporary animation frame.

            [alien] if an activity stack is moved to the background see if it needs to be removed.

            [alien] Implement AlienContacts service.

            [alien] implement app switching and (un)suspend handling.

            [alien] Implement basic input stream support.

            [alien] implement getAllPackages and installPackage in IAlienService.

            [alien] Implement native contact support.

            [alien] Implement sync-on-start in AlienContacts.

            [alien] implement wayland support and input handling.

            [alien] import AlienFakeHome from old aliendalvik with obsolete things removed.

            [alien] import AlienMediaControlService from the old aliendalvik.

            [alien] import AlienNativeApp from old aliendalvik.

            [alien] import vendor and device repos.

            [alien] improve app handling a bit by removing the need for task id storing during suspend.

            [alien] Improve package name query when launching apps.

            [alien] Initial content – AlienRemoteKeyboard from myriad.

            [alien] Initial dhs packaging.

            [alien] initial dummy alien keymaster module (based on android

            [alien] initial dummy audio module.

            [alien] initial hwcomposer module.

            [alien] in order to enable lxc.net.0.type = none we need to remove these unused features completely.

            [alien] install apps as owner user, system is reserved for privileged processes.

            [alien] load modules with alien in it’s name first and do not load default modules at all.

            [alien] make init work in an lxc container (disable SELinux, fix mounts, …).

            [alien] make mobile data connections work by aligning the state machine.

            [alien] make statusbar 1px as in old alien.

            [alien] make sure apkd can call setListener.

            [alien] make sure app transitions don’t cause a suspend in alien.

            [alien] make sure device and vendor are extracted properly on obs.

            [alien] make sure generated (from host) persist properties are loaded after we have read the local persist properties from /data.

            [alien] make sure hardware services are disabled, in case some get pulled in due to mandatory dependencies.

            [alien] make sure home is moved to foreground when an app is minimized, even if no other app is launched.

            [alien] make sure no module is defined twice.

            [alien] make sure system.img is installed properly.

            [alien] make sure that in this version of alien we do not render the 1px statusbar at all.

            [alien] make sure the language settings from the generated properties are not overridden.

            [alien] make sure the window map is not accessed from multiple threads at the same time.

            [alien] make sure windows stay minimized by moving the request to minimize after the thumbail render step.

            [alien] move back button to the middle.

            [alien] move keymaster to /system/lib/hw, because /vendor/lib/hw needs to be from the host.

            [alien] NetworkPolicyManagerService is not used, but it needs to notify system_server that it’s not doing anything, otherwise it delays for 30s.

            [alien] prepare for fake home and remove PowerManagerService wakelocks.

            [alien] prepare for fake home and simplify/fix state handling.

            [alien] properly extract extra sources.

            [alien] pushed_while_minimized doesn’t solve anything, only causes problems.

            [alien] query dhcp info from alien connectivity service.

            [alien] Re-enable Alien Keyboard Service.

            [alien] Relax default keyboard checks to make RemoteKeyboard default.

            [alien] Remove default vibrator implementation.

            [alien] remove homescreen and make sure apps start fullscreen, make sure apps can be maximized properly and make sure they don’t pop up unexpectedly.

            [alien] remove most of the app specific code which has been obsoleted.

            [alien] remove Requires(pre) from audio, nativecall and keyboard services.

            [alien] remove some prebuilts which are unneeded.

            [alien] remove some uneeded binaries from the build and image.

            [alien] Remove some unneeded packages from Alien build.

            [alien] remove unused rendering on top of other app code, implement app closing, fix window hiding.

            [alien] remove unused tasks, and fix suspending rendering, implement app closing.

            [alien] remove WaylandPollThread and poll events on the main thread using the MessageQueue Looper.

            [alien] report failure on zygote restart.

            [alien] REVERTME: disable calls to IAlienService for now since that is not implemented yet.

            [alien] rework the mobile data connection patch. do not ask for pin/puk.

            [alien] set network available state before passing NetworkInfo to the apps.

            [alien] set PATH and other variables in mkshrc to get a shell faster.

            [alien] showing thumbnails here and hiding windows doesn’t help, it just breaks app relaunching, it was useful in the beginning but now it isn’t.

            [alien] start surfaceflinger service as part of system_server to be able to use input in inputflinger.

            [alien] support launching one app from another.

            [alien] support loading blobs from the odm directory.

            [alien] support odm and host_vendor dirs in aliendalvik.

            [alien] support reading media configuration files from host_vendor.

            [alien] SurfaceFlinger wayland support: use more consistent function names and variables.

            [alien] switch to alien.native_call.IAlienNativeCall package.

            [alien] update alien configs.

            [alien] update configs and scripts to the latest versions.

            [alien] update patches for android-8.1.0_r53.

            [alien] Use alien.applications.IAlienService in surfaceflinger.

            [alien] use alien connectivity service to get info about the wifi network.

            [alien] use a substitute uid for the settings app, otherwise it will appear as a system process.

            [alien] use get_package_name instead of get_class_name to get a better idea about whether this is a homescreen frame.

            [alien] use package name for the window name to make sure lipstick knows the correct cover. Use pretty name for the window title.

            [alien] with recent changes forcing fullscreen is not necessary and causes issues.


            write 1 to /data/alien_boot_completed when alien is ready for operation.

            Updated : —

            [notif] Keep track of closed notifications. Suppress kbd notif.

            [notif] Reduce duplicated notifications. Extra parameters in incoming notifications. Don’t reuse cached notifs.

            [notif] Add package blacklist for notifications. Hide systemui notifications.


            forward tracker notifications for new files to alien.

            Updated : 1.94.3-1.16.1.jolla — 1.105.1-1.17.2.jolla

            [l10n] Branched apkd from version 1.105

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation (revert to last known good one)

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 35 of 45 strings translated (0 need review).

            [tpl] translation templates update for 0.8.7

            [tpl] translation templates update for

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 45 of 45 strings translated (0 need review).

            [tpl] translation templates update for 0.8.7

            [tpl] translation templates update for

            [tpl] translation templates update for

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 35 of 46 strings translated (0 need review).

            [tpl] translation templates update for 0.8.7

            [tpl] translation templates update for

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 40 of 45 strings translated (0 need review).

            [tpl] translation templates update for 0.8.7

            [tpl] translation templates update for

            [tpl] translation templates update for

            [tpl] translation templates update for

            [tpl] translation templates update for

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 37 of 48 strings translated (0 need review).

            [tpl] translation templates update for 0.8.7

            [tpl] translation templates update for

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 31 of 45 strings translated (1 need review).

            [tpl] translation templates update for 0.8.7

            [tpl] translation templates update for

            [tpl] translation templates update for 0.8.7

            [tpl] translation templates update for

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 45 of 45 strings translated (0 need review).

            [tpl] translation templates update for 0.8.7


            translation templates update for

            Updated : 5.47+git10-1.7.1.jolla — 5.47+git11-1.7.3.jolla


            Add option to autodetect HIDP type.

            Updated : 3.16+git1-1.4.7.jolla — 3.16+git2-1.5.1.jolla


            Fix build against latest e2fsprogs.

            Updated : 0.8.25-1.3.4.jolla — 0.8.26-1.4.1.jolla

            [buteo-sync-plugins] Remove Qt4 support.

            [Packaging] Remove Qt4 support

            Updated : 0.8.17-1.6.6.jolla — 0.8.18-1.7.1.jolla


            Build each test case in own folder.

            Updated : 3.1.0+git1-1.4.2.jolla — 3.1.0+git4-1.6.1.jolla

            [calligra] Sync with upstream.

            [calligra] Remove locale setting deletion from sheets patch.


            Update to current upstream master.

            Updated : 1.32+git61-1.22.1.jolla — 1.32+git65-1.25.2.jolla

            [connman] Don’t create directory for counters/history.

            [connman] Remove directories with post-install script.

            [connman] Fix firewall failsafe. Empty config is not error.

            [connman] Add developer mode tracking/query plugin.

            [connman] Add device status changed notify functionality.

            [connman] Enable firewall for device using status notification.

            [connman] Explicitly set device managed status for notifications.

            [connman] Ignore not managed devices in eth plugin.

            [unit] Add unit test for sailfish devmode plugin.

            [unit] Implement unit tests for device status notify.


            Test device status notifications in firewall test.

            Reverted : 1.2.17-1.11.4.jolla — 1.2.16-1.10.1.jolla

            Updated : 2.11-1.3.1.jolla — 2.12+git1-1.3.4.jolla

            [packaging] Rename cpio-docs to cpio-doc.


            Update to cpio 2.12.

            Updated : 4.8.3-1.2.2.jolla — 4.9.4-1.2.8.jolla

            Updated : 7.6.2+git4-1.3.1.jolla — 7.6.2+git5-1.3.4.jolla

            Updated : 4.8.3-1.2.3.jolla — 4.9.4-1.2.9.jolla

            Updated : 7.6.2+git4-1.3.3.jolla — 7.6.2+git5-1.3.6.jolla

            Updated : 2.19+6.13.1-1.2.1.jolla — 2.25+git5-1.1.11.jolla

            Updated : 2.19+6.13.1-1.2.1.jolla — 2.25+git5-1.1.11.jolla

            Updated : 2.19+6.13.1-1.2.1.jolla — 2.25+git5-1.1.11.jolla

            Updated : 4.8.3-1.2.1.jolla — 4.9.4-1.2.3.jolla

            Updated : 7.6.2+git4-1.3.1.jolla — 7.6.2+git5-1.3.4.jolla

            Updated : 3.12.66-1.2.2.jolla — 3.18.136-1.1.7.jolla

            Updated : 1.7.5+git3-1.3.1.jolla — 2.1.0+git1-1.3.5.jolla Binaries added : integritysetup – 2.1.0+git1-1.3.5.jolla


            Upgrade to 2.1.0.

            Updated : 7.63.0-1.8.1.jolla — 7.64.0+git1-1.8.5.jolla


            update to version 7.64.0 fixes MER#2006

            Updated : 1.2.1-1.10.15.jolla — 1.2.6-1.12.5.jolla

            [rpm] fix local build.

            [configs] Set profile changed notify flag for bluez5.

            [configs] Update QtQuick config for dpi scalable use.

            [bluez5] Autodetect HID protocol handling type by default.

            [bluez5] Enable HID protocol handling in userspace by default.


            Use POSIX compatible argument for find.

            Updated : 1.2.1-1.10.16.jolla — 1.2.6-1.12.3.jolla

            [rpm] fix local build.

            [configs] Set profile changed notify flag for bluez5.

            [configs] Update QtQuick config for dpi scalable use.

            [bluez5] Autodetect HID protocol handling type by default.

            [bluez5] Enable HID protocol handling in userspace by default.


            Use POSIX compatible argument for find.

            Updated : — 0.2.19-1.4.5.jolla

            [configs] Set profile changed notify flag for bluez5.

            [configs] Update QtQuick config for dpi scalable use.

            [bluez5] Autodetect HID protocol handling type by default.

            [kickstart] switch to Planet Computers filename scheme.

            [bluez5] Enable HID protocol handling in userspace by default.


            Use POSIX compatible argument for find.

            Updated : — 0.2.29-1.8.5.jolla

            [flashing] correctly escape Windows batch special chars.

            [common] fix OBS promotions to 3.0.3.

            [configs] Set profile changed notify flag for bluez5.

            [configs] Update QtQuick config for dpi scalable use.

            [bluez5] Autodetect HID protocol handling type by default.

            [mce] Enable on-demand proximity sensor activation.

            [sw-binaries] note about revision letter in the archive file name.

            [camera] use the highest available resolution for 16:9.

            [patterns] Enable NFC.

            [sw-binaries] strict version check and make links future-proof.

            [rpm] refactor into a common spec include.

            [rpm] use publicly available system and vendor binaries.

            [kickstart] tidy up the resulting archive.

            [bluez5] Enable HID protocol handling in userspace by default.


            Use POSIX compatible argument for find.

            Updated : — 0.2.29-1.7.4.jolla

            [flashing] correctly escape Windows batch special chars.

            [common] fix OBS promotions to 3.0.3.

            [configs] Set profile changed notify flag for bluez5.

            [configs] Update QtQuick config for dpi scalable use.

            [bluez5] Autodetect HID protocol handling type by default.

            [mce] Enable on-demand proximity sensor activation.

            [sw-binaries] note about revision letter in the archive file name.

            [camera] use the highest available resolution for 16:9.

            [patterns] Enable NFC.

            [sw-binaries] strict version check and make links future-proof.

            [rpm] refactor into a common spec include.

            [rpm] use publicly available system and vendor binaries.

            [kickstart] tidy up the resulting archive.

            [bluez5] Enable HID protocol handling in userspace by default.


            Use POSIX compatible argument for find.

            Updated : — 0.2.29-1.6.4.jolla

            [flashing] correctly escape Windows batch special chars.

            [common] fix OBS promotions to 3.0.3.

            [configs] Set profile changed notify flag for bluez5.

            [configs] Update QtQuick config for dpi scalable use.

            [bluez5] Autodetect HID protocol handling type by default.

            [mce] Enable on-demand proximity sensor activation.

            [sw-binaries] note about revision letter in the archive file name.

            [camera] use the highest available resolution for 16:9.

            [patterns] Enable NFC.

            [sw-binaries] strict version check and make links future-proof.

            [rpm] refactor into a common spec include.

            [rpm] use publicly available system and vendor binaries.

            [kickstart] tidy up the resulting archive.

            [bluez5] Enable HID protocol handling in userspace by default.


            Use POSIX compatible argument for find.

            Updated : — 0.2.29-1.8.5.jolla

            [flashing] correctly escape Windows batch special chars.

            [common] fix OBS promotions to 3.0.3.

            [configs] Set profile changed notify flag for bluez5.

            [configs] Update QtQuick config for dpi scalable use.

            [bluez5] Autodetect HID protocol handling type by default.

            [mce] Enable on-demand proximity sensor activation.

            [sw-binaries] note about revision letter in the archive file name.

            [camera] use the highest available resolution for 16:9.

            [patterns] Enable NFC.

            [sw-binaries] strict version check and make links future-proof.

            [rpm] refactor into a common spec include.

            [rpm] use publicly available system and vendor binaries.

            [kickstart] tidy up the resulting archive.

            [bluez5] Enable HID protocol handling in userspace by default.


            Use POSIX compatible argument for find.

            Updated : — 0.2.29-1.7.4.jolla

            [flashing] correctly escape Windows batch special chars.

            [common] fix OBS promotions to 3.0.3.

            [configs] Set profile changed notify flag for bluez5.

            [configs] Update QtQuick config for dpi scalable use.

            [bluez5] Autodetect HID protocol handling type by default.

            [mce] Enable on-demand proximity sensor activation.

            [sw-binaries] note about revision letter in the archive file name.

            [camera] use the highest available resolution for 16:9.

            [patterns] Enable NFC.

            [sw-binaries] strict version check and make links future-proof.

            [rpm] refactor into a common spec include.

            [rpm] use publicly available system and vendor binaries.

            [kickstart] tidy up the resulting archive.

            [bluez5] Enable HID protocol handling in userspace by default.


            Use POSIX compatible argument for find.

            Updated : — 0.2.29-1.6.5.jolla

            [flashing] correctly escape Windows batch special chars.

            [common] fix OBS promotions to 3.0.3.

            [configs] Set profile changed notify flag for bluez5.

            [configs] Update QtQuick config for dpi scalable use.

            [bluez5] Autodetect HID protocol handling type by default.

            [mce] Enable on-demand proximity sensor activation.

            [sw-binaries] note about revision letter in the archive file name.

            [camera] use the highest available resolution for 16:9.

            [patterns] Enable NFC.

            [sw-binaries] strict version check and make links future-proof.

            [rpm] refactor into a common spec include.

            [rpm] use publicly available system and vendor binaries.

            [kickstart] tidy up the resulting archive.

            [bluez5] Enable HID protocol handling in userspace by default.


            Use POSIX compatible argument for find.

            Updated : 0.14.1-1.6.9.jolla — 0.14.5-1.7.1.jolla

            [configs] Set profile changed notify flag for bluez5.

            [configs] Update QtQuick config for dpi scalable use.

            [bluez5] Autodetect HID protocol handling type by default.

            [bluez5] Enable HID protocol handling in userspace by default.


            Use POSIX compatible argument for find.

            Updated : 0.1.1-1.5.1.jolla — 0.1.7-1.8.1.jolla

            [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] add a compat define required for newer version of qcacld.

            [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Cherry-pick patches required for newer qcacld kernel module.

            [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel/drivers/staging/wlan-qc/fw-api] Update to LA.UM.7.3.r1.

            [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel/drivers/staging/wlan-qc/qcacld-3.0] Update to LA.UM.7.3.r1.

            [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel/drivers/staging/wlan-qc/qca-wifi-host-cmn] Update to LA.UM.7.3.r1.

            [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] enable CONFIG_WLAN_TX_FLOW_CONTROL_V2 required for newer qcacld module.

            [manifest] Update qcacld to LA.UM.7.3.r1.

            [dhd] fix OBS promotions to 3.0.3.

            [common] always start sensors

            [dhd][submodule] update to improve local build process. MER#2024

            [kernel] update from upstream

            [submodule] rework helper scripts to allow building multiple .spec files

            [update] changes from upstream between 20190206 and 20190313.

            [libhybris] update libhybris to fix ANDROID_VERSION_MAJOR preprocessor checks

            [libhybris] update libhybris to fix a regression with android 8 adaptations.

            [rpm] use publicly available system and vendor binaries.

            [external/libhybris] Update to upstream.


            Update dhd submodule.

            Updated : —

            [initrd] Don’t mount /home during init.


            Detect legacy android usb properly.

            Updated : —

            [initrd] Don’t mount /home during init.

            [recovery] Detect legacy android usb properly.

            [recovery] support linux 4.4 configfs based ub_gadget mode.


            Remove bashism from log function.

            Updated : 0.0.5-1.2.1.jolla — 0.0.6-1.4.1.jolla

            [defconfig] Add ethernet drivers for gemini hub


            memory fix to allow booting from Android 8 LK.

            Updated : 0.0.86-1.7.1.jolla — 0.0.87-1.8.1.jolla

            [rpm] Update dhd submodule.


            set proper LD_LIBRARY_PATH for glibc bash.

            Updated : —

            [initrd] Don’t mount /home during init.

            [kernel] Relax dependency to droid-config-flashing package.

            [recovery] Detect legacy android usb properly.

            [recovery] support linux 4.4 configfs based ub_gadget mode.


            Remove bashism from log function.

            Updated : 0.1.1-1.6.1.jolla — 0.1.7-1.9.1.jolla

            [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] add a compat define required for newer version of qcacld.

            [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Cherry-pick patches required for newer qcacld kernel module.

            [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel/drivers/staging/wlan-qc/fw-api] Update to LA.UM.7.3.r1.

            [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel/drivers/staging/wlan-qc/qcacld-3.0] Update to LA.UM.7.3.r1.

            [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel/drivers/staging/wlan-qc/qca-wifi-host-cmn] Update to LA.UM.7.3.r1.

            [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] enable CONFIG_WLAN_TX_FLOW_CONTROL_V2 required for newer qcacld module.

            [manifest] Update qcacld to LA.UM.7.3.r1.

            [dhd] fix OBS promotions to 3.0.3.

            [common] always start sensors

            [dhd][submodule] update to improve local build process. MER#2024

            [kernel] update from upstream

            [submodule] rework helper scripts to allow building multiple .spec files

            [update] changes from upstream between 20190206 and 20190313.

            [libhybris] update libhybris to fix ANDROID_VERSION_MAJOR preprocessor checks

            [libhybris] update libhybris to fix a regression with android 8 adaptations.

            [rpm] use publicly available system and vendor binaries.

            [external/libhybris] Update to upstream.


            Update dhd submodule.

            Updated : —

            [initrd] Don’t mount /home during init.


            Detect legacy android usb properly.

            Updated : —

            [git] Update proper submodule urls

            [initrd] Don’t mount /home during init.

            [kernel] Relax dependency to droid-config-flashing package.


            Remove bashism from log function.

            Updated : 0.1.1-1.4.1.jolla — 0.1.7-1.7.1.jolla

            [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] add a compat define required for newer version of qcacld.

            [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Cherry-pick patches required for newer qcacld kernel module.

            [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel/drivers/staging/wlan-qc/fw-api] Update to LA.UM.7.3.r1.

            [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel/drivers/staging/wlan-qc/qcacld-3.0] Update to LA.UM.7.3.r1.

            [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel/drivers/staging/wlan-qc/qca-wifi-host-cmn] Update to LA.UM.7.3.r1.

            [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] enable CONFIG_WLAN_TX_FLOW_CONTROL_V2 required for newer qcacld module.

            [manifest] Update qcacld to LA.UM.7.3.r1.

            [dhd] fix OBS promotions to 3.0.3.

            [common] always start sensors

            [dhd][submodule] update to improve local build process. MER#2024

            [kernel] update from upstream

            [submodule] rework helper scripts to allow building multiple .spec files

            [update] changes from upstream between 20190206 and 20190313.

            [libhybris] update libhybris to fix ANDROID_VERSION_MAJOR preprocessor checks

            [libhybris] update libhybris to fix a regression with android 8 adaptations.

            [rpm] use publicly available system and vendor binaries.

            [external/libhybris] Update to upstream.


            Update dhd submodule.

            Updated : —

            [initrd] Don’t mount /home during init.


            Detect legacy android usb properly.

            Updated : 0.1.1-1.5.1.jolla — 0.1.2-1.5.1.jolla


            update from upstream changes since 20190206.

            Updated : 0.1.1-1.5.1.jolla — 0.1.2-1.5.1.jolla


            update from upstream changes since 20190206.

            Updated : 0.1.1-1.5.1.jolla — 0.1.2-1.5.1.jolla


            update from upstream changes since 20190206.

            Updated : 0.1.1-1.6.1.jolla — 0.1.2-1.6.1.jolla


            update from upstream changes since 20190206.

            Updated : 0.1.1-1.6.1.jolla — 0.1.2-1.6.1.jolla


            update from upstream changes since 20190206.

            Updated : 0.1.1-1.6.1.jolla — 0.1.2-1.6.1.jolla


            update from upstream changes since 20190206.

            Updated : — 0.1.1-1.5.1.jolla


            update from upstream changes since 20190206.

            Updated : — 0.1.1-1.5.1.jolla


            update from upstream changes since 20190206.

            Updated : — 0.1.1-1.5.1.jolla


            update from upstream changes since 20190206.

            Updated : — 0.1.1-1.5.1.jolla


            update from upstream changes since 20190206.

            Updated : — 0.1.1-1.5.1.jolla


            update from upstream changes since 20190206.

            Updated : — 0.1.1-1.5.1.jolla


            update from upstream changes since 20190206.

            Updated : — 0.1.1-1.4.1.jolla


            update from upstream changes since 20190206.

            Updated : — 0.1.1-1.4.1.jolla


            update from upstream changes since 20190206.

            Updated : — 0.1.1-1.4.1.jolla


            update from upstream changes since 20190206.

            Updated : 0.1.1-1.4.1.jolla — 0.1.2-1.4.1.jolla


            update from upstream changes since 20190206.

            Updated : 0.1.1-1.4.1.jolla — 0.1.2-1.4.1.jolla


            update from upstream changes since 20190206.

            Updated : 0.1.1-1.4.1.jolla — 0.1.2-1.4.1.jolla


            update from upstream changes since 20190206.

            Updated : 0.20181119.0-1.13.6.jolla — 0.20190307.0-1.13.7.jolla

            [android8] Add fake SensorManager service.


            Add fake SensorManager service needed on some devices.

            Updated : 0.79.3-1.6.1.jolla — 0.79.4-1.6.4.jolla

            [dsme] Remove statefs dependency.


            Use %license for license files.

            Updated : 1.4.6-1.2.4.jolla — 1.4.7-1.3.1.jolla

            [dtc] Run ldconfig after install and uninstall ;


            Update packaging ;

            Updated : 1.43.1+git2-1.3.1.jolla — 1.45.0+git1-1.3.5.jolla


            Update to version 1.45.0.

            Updated : 1.19.35-1.6.1.jolla — 1.20.5-1.7.2.jolla

            [embedlite-components] Update LoginManagerContent/-Parent/-Prompter API…

            [nemo][embedlite-components] Update LoginManagerContent/-Parent/-Prompter API usages.

            [embedlite-components] Fix regression caused by early user agent overrides init.

            [embedlite-components] Fix highlight element handling upon touch end.

            [nemo][embedlite-component] Don’t open speculative connection upon press.

            [nemo][embedlite-components] Do not capture touchstart, -move, or, -end events.

            [nemo][embedlite-components] Merge esr45 changes.

            [embedlite-components] Initialize user agent overrides earlier.

            [nemo][embedlite-component] Don’t open speculative connection upon press.

            [nemo][embedlite-components] Do not capture touchstart, -move, or, -end events.

            [nemo][embedlite-component] Don’t open speculative connection upon press.

            [nemo][embedlite-components] Do not capture touchstart, -move, or, -end events.

            [embedlite-components] One more runtime errors fix from text selection.


            Fix runtime errors from context menu opening and text selection.

            Updated : 1.3.7-1.3.3.jolla — 1.3.8-1.4.1.jolla

            [fingerterm] Use actual labels in the visual key pressed feedback. Contributes TJC#198062


            Use actual labels in the visual key pressed feedback.

            Updated : 4.8.3-1.2.1.jolla — 4.9.4-1.2.5.jolla Binaries added : libquadmath-doc – 4.9.4-1.2.4.jolla, libitm-doc – 4.9.4-1.2.5.jolla, gcc-doc – 4.9.4-1.2.5.jolla, libgomp-doc – 4.9.4-1.2.5.jolla Binaries removed : libasan-devel, libasan-static, libasan, libmudflap, libmudflap-devel

            Upgrade to Linaro 4.9 2017.01

            Fixes MER#1985

            Add doc subpackages.

            Fix proper dependency for libstdc++-doc.

            Don’t build documentation for cross packages.

            Disable lto for cross build for now.

            Fix build issue with glibc 2.27.

            Updated : 7.6.2+git4-1.3.1.jolla — 7.6.2+git5-1.3.5.jolla


            [gdbserver] [cross-gdb] Add patches to include asm-ptrace.h ;

            Updated : 2.42.0-1.2.1.jolla — 2.42.0-1.2.2.jolla


            Point submodule URL at merproject mirror ;

            Updated : 2.19+6.13.1-1.3.1.jolla — 2.25+git5-1.4.1.jolla Binaries added : glibc-doc – 2.25+git5-1.4.1.jolla

            Added debuginfo handling,

            Apply 2.25.6 patch set from ubuntu.

            Fixes CVE-2017-15670, CVE-2017-15671, CVE-2017-15804, CVE-2017-1000408, CVE-2017-1000409, CVE-2017-16997

            Add glibc-doc subpackage.

            Change pthread configure params

            Added gnu target

            Upgrade to glibc-2.25,

            Update to 2.9

            PreReq libgcc43

            use -march=core2

            exclude i586 from aux arches

            remove dependency on util-linux and procps

            Fixed rpmlint errors in Summary tag

            Updated : 0.2.17-1.2.7.jolla — 0.2.17-1.3.1.jolla

            [grilo-plugins] Point submodule URL at merproject mirror ;

            [Packaging] Fix submodule path


            Point submodule URL at merproject mirror ;

            Updated : 1.0.1-1.2.7.jolla — 1.0.1-1.3.1.jolla

            [gssdp] Update .gitmodules due to gnome git move ;


            Use merproject.org mirror for submodule ;

            Updated : 1.0.1-1.2.5.jolla — 1.0.1-1.3.4.jolla

            [gupnp] Update .gitmodules due to gnome git move

            [gupnp] Update .gitmodules due to gnome git move ;


            Use merproject.org mirror for submodule ;

            Updated : 0.12.10-1.2.4.jolla — 0.12.10-1.3.1.jolla

            [gupnp-av] Update .gitmodules due to gnome git move ;


            Use merproject.org mirror for submodule ;

            Updated : 0.10.5-1.2.5.jolla — 0.10.5-1.3.4.jolla

            [gupnp-dlna] Update .gitmodules due to gnome git move ;


            Use merproject.org mirror for submodule ;

            Updated : 1.6.2-1.3.7.jolla — 1.6.2+git1-1.4.1.jolla Binaries added : hunspell-doc – 1.6.2+git1-1.4.1.jolla


            Add hunspell-doc subpackage.

            Updated : 0.10.8-1.6.9.jolla — 0.10.9-1.7.4.jolla

            [compasschain] Change types of the ‚oldHeading‘ and ‚heading‘ variables inside CompassFilter from int to qreal. Fixes MER#2016

            [compasschain] Fix the compass value calculation. Fixes MER#2016


            Fixed pkgconfig version,

            Updated : 1.6.1+git3-1.4.1.jolla — 1.8.2+git1-1.4.3.jolla

            [upstream] Update to iptables 1.8.2.

            added secmark iptables patches (#201573)

            Updated : 1.49-1.6.3.jolla — 1.49.1-1.7.2.jolla

            [l10n] Branched jolla-alarm-ui from version 1.49


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 20 of 20 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : 0.8.10-1.13.4.jolla —

            [calendar] Correct the reminder combobox not remembering last selected duration.


            Correct the reminder combobox not remembering last selected duration.

            Updated : 1.171.1-1.16.1.jolla — 1.174.1-1.17.2.jolla

            [l10n] Branched jolla-calendar from version 1.174

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 99 of 99 strings translated (0 need review).

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 98 of 99 strings translated (1 need review).


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 99 of 99 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : — 1.0.10-1.11.3.jolla

            [scene] Default exposure mode should now be ‚1‘ (ExposureManual). ExposureAuto means automatic scene detect in the new mapping.


            Default exposure mode should now be ‚1‘ (ExposureManual).

            Updated : 1.158.1-1.15.1.jolla — 1.161.1-1.16.2.jolla

            [l10n] Branched jolla-camera from version 1.161


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 50 of 50 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : 1.104-1.10.3.jolla — 1.105-1.11.1.jolla


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 34 of 34 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : 0.8.14-1.7.4.jolla — 0.8.15-1.8.1.jolla


            Added NFC touch feedback.

            Updated : 0.4.14-1.13.3.jolla — 0.5.1-1.15.1.jolla

            [jolla-email] Tidy up sort and search state.

            [jolla-email] Adapt to MessageListModel changes.

            [jolla-email] Add new error message texts.


            Refactor to avoid global models.

            Updated : 1.210.4-1.22.1.jolla — 1.221.3-1.22.2.jolla

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 205 of 205 strings translated (0 need review).

            [l10n] Branched jolla-email from version 1.221

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 203 of 205 strings translated (2 need review).

            [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.1

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 205 of 205 strings translated (0 need review).

            [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.0


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 201 of 201 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : 1.0.2-1.11.4.jolla — 1.0.3-1.12.2.jolla

            [jolla-gallery] Remove blank space between images in full-screen mode.


            Remove extra-spaces between pictures in gallery. Fizes

            Updated : 1.105.1-1.13.1.jolla — 1.107-1.13.1.jolla


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 37 of 37 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : 1.123.1-1.15.1.jolla — 1.126.1-1.16.2.jolla

            [l10n] Branched jolla-gallery from version 1.126

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 12 of 15 strings translated (1 need review).

            [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.3


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 15 of 15 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : 0.7.2-1.10.4.jolla — 0.7.3-1.11.1.jolla

            [hwkbd] Add Gemini hardware keyboard layouts that we can support.


            Add hardware keyboard layout variants supported by the Gemini.

            Updated : 1.57.1-1.15.1.jolla — 1.60.1-1.16.2.jolla

            [l10n] Branched jolla-keyboard from version 1.60

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 14 of 16 strings translated (0 need review).

            [tpl] translation templates update for 0.7.3


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 16 of 16 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : 1.0.1-1.10.4.jolla — 1.0.2-1.11.1.jolla


            Show a full width remorse item when deleting playlists.

            Updated : 1.105-1.14.3.jolla — 1.107.1-1.16.2.jolla

            [l10n] Branched jolla-mediaplayer from version 1.107

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 62 of 64 strings translated (2 need review).

            [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.3

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 62 of 64 strings translated (2 need review).


            translation templates update for 1.0.2

            Updated : 1.50-1.10.3.jolla — 1.51.1-1.11.2.jolla

            [l10n] Branched jolla-mediaplayer-radio from version 1.51

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 11 of 11 strings translated (0 need review).

            [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.0


            translation templates update for 0.2.1

            Updated : 1.0.0-1.12.3.jolla — 1.0.1-1.13.1.jolla


            Correctly handle channel selection for multiple people.

            Updated : 1.0.0-1.12.6.jolla — 1.0.1-1.13.4.jolla


            Fix building on gcc 4.9.

            Updated : — 0.3.53-1.13.4.jolla

            [google] Don’t talk about deprecated GTalk feature in Google creation disclaimer

            [google] Drop unused plus.me scope.

            [google] Drop unused Youtube scope

            [jolla-settings-accounts] Add oneshot to remove unused Google scopes.


            Don’t talk about deprecated notifications feature in Facebook creation disclaimer.

            Updated : 1.203.2-1.17.1.jolla — 1.212.3-1.19.2.jolla

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 336 of 336 strings translated (0 need review).

            [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-accounts from version 1.212

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 335 of 335 strings translated (0 need review).

            [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.53


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 329 of 336 strings translated (7 need review).

            Updated : 1.92.2-1.14.1.jolla — 1.96.1-1.14.2.jolla

            [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-bluetooth from version 1.96


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 14 of 14 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : 1.102.1-1.14.1.jolla — 1.106.1-1.15.2.jolla

            [l10n] Branched jolla-settings from version 1.106


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 20 of 20 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : — 0.5.37-1.19.1.jolla

            [jolla-settings-networking] Observe cellular technology settings policy.

            [jolla-settings-networking] Observe mobile data access point settings policy.

            [packaging] Fix settings-system dependency.

            [datacounters] Move mobile delegate to separate component


            Respect NetworkDataCounter MDM policy.

            Updated : 1.266.2-1.21.1.jolla — 1.272.2-1.22.2.jolla

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 413 of 413 strings translated (0 need review).

            [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-networking from version 1.272

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 413 of 413 strings translated (0 need review).

            [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.36

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 413 of 413 strings translated (0 need review).

            [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.35


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 395 of 412 strings translated (17 need review).

            Updated : 1.88.1-1.13.1.jolla — 1.93.1-1.14.2.jolla

            [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-sailfishos from version 1.93


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 54 of 54 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : 1.50-1.6.3.jolla — 1.51-1.7.1.jolla


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 23 of 23 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : — 1.0.25-1.25.3.jolla

            [battery] Handle also custom power save mode settings.

            [settings-system] Fix lock code on small screen landscape.

            [jolla-settings-system] Added fade out truncation to IconTextSwitch.

            [spec] Bump up silica version requirement.

            [devicelock] Fix the color of the pin input backspace key with light ambiences.


            Hide encryption if ext4 is not supported.

            Updated : 1.394.3-1.23.1.jolla — 1.400.1-1.22.2.jolla

            [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-system from version 1.400

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 509 of 509 strings translated (0 need review).

            [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.23

            [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.25

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 509 of 509 strings translated (0 need review).

            [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.22


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 509 of 509 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : 1.167-1.15.3.jolla — 1.168.1-1.16.2.jolla

            [l10n] Branched jolla-startupwizard from version 1.168


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 45 of 45 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : 0.5.2-1.5.6.jolla — 0.5.3-1.6.4.jolla


            Check storage model is ready before loading UI.

            Updated : 1.113-1.12.3.jolla — 1.115.1-1.13.2.jolla

            [l10n] Branched jolla-vault from version 1.115

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 85 of 85 strings translated (0 need review).


            translation templates update for 0.5.2

            Updated : 1.15.3-1.3.1.jolla — 2.0.4-1.3.4.jolla

            [kbd] Add version 2.0.4 as submodule.

            [kbd] Move man pages to doc subpackage.

            [kbd] Move spec and patches to rpm folder. Update to new version.


            Remove old sources.

            Updated : —

            [sbj] Fix perf compilation with gcc 4.9.


            Disable gcc warning about uninitialized variables.

            Updated : 3.12.66-1.2.1.jolla — 3.18.136-1.2.3.jolla

            Backport patch for overlapping definitions.

            Update to 3.18.136

            Updated : 1.9.39-1.5.4.jolla — 1.9.40-1.6.1.jolla


            Add RecentContactsModel missing property change signals.

            Updated : 1.0.6-1.3.2.jolla — 1.0.7-1.3.4.jolla

            [dbusaccess] Clean better after debian build

            [dbusaccess] Silenced annoying error message.


            Updated comments and license

            Updated : 0.66.0-1.4.1.jolla — 0.66.1-1.4.4.jolla

            [packaging] Use %license for license files.


            Fix compilation error due to undeclared writev().

            Updated : 1.0.2-1.3.3.jolla — 1.0.5-1.3.1.jolla

            [gbinder-radio] add HardwareConfig types.

            [gbinder-radio] Fixed death handling.


            Added RADIO_APN_AUTH_TYPE enum.

            Updated : 0.13.3-1.3.4.jolla — 0.13.3-1.4.1.jolla


            Point submodule URL at merproject mirror ;

            Updated : 0.20.0+git1-1.3.7.jolla — 0.20.0+git3-1.4.1.jolla


            Point submodule URL at merproject mirror ;

            Updated : 1.0.26-1.7.2.jolla — 1.0.29-1.9.1.jolla

            [libgrilio] Drop requests which don’t expect a reply.

            [libgrilio] Added separate coverage build

            [libgrilio] Revamped request id generation.


            Expose GRilIoTransport object macros.

            Updated : 0.2.15-1.2.3.jolla — 0.2.15-1.3.1.jolla


            Point submodule URL at merproject mirror ;

            Updated : 1.14.36+git1-1.2.7.jolla — 1.14.36+git3-1.3.1.jolla


            Point submodule URL at merproject mirror ;

            Updated : — Binaries added : libhybris-tests-upstream-devel –

            [libhybris] update submodule for jb/mm debugging support.

            [libhybris] update submodule.

            [libhybris] update libhybris to fix ANDROID_VERSION_MAJOR preprocessor checks.

            [libhybris] update libhybris to fix a regression with android 8 adaptations.

            [libhybris] build release builds in release and devel builds in devel.

            [libhybris] enable arm tracing in arm debug builds.

            [libhybris] support android_headers outside of /usr/lib/droid-devel/droid-headers for legacy adaptations.

            [rpm] add provides libsf-devel to libhybris-libsf-devel.


            update packaging for android 8 aware libhybris.

            Updated : 0.19.9-1.2.4.jolla — 0.19.10-1.3.1.jolla

            [libiodata] Fix compilation with gcc 4.9.


            Use %license for license.

            Updated : 1.9.4-1.3.4.jolla — 1.9.4-1.4.1.jolla

            [libmediaart] Point submodule URL at merproject mirror ;

            [Packaging] Fix submodule path

            Updated : 0.6.16-1.2.4.jolla — 0.7.0-1.3.1.jolla

            [libmlocale] Remove icu extradata.

            [mlocale] Disable data/coll/zh.txt for now.


            Fix build againts ICU 63.1.

            Updated : 0.3-1.2.1.jolla — 0.4-1.2.4.jolla

            Update to 0.4 version.

            Clean up building and packaging.

            Updated yaml file

            Updated : 1.111111.9-1.4.3.jolla — 1.111111.10-1.5.1.jolla

            [packaging] Drop Qt4 support.

            [packaging] Properly link package and .pc version.

            [quillmetadata] Mark variables in setjmp() equipped method as volatile.


            Cleanup packaging and fix license in .spec.

            Updated : 0.7.12-1.3.7.jolla — 0.7.12-1.4.1.jolla


            Point submodule URL at merproject mirror ;

            Updated : 1.7-1.3.5.jolla — 1.8-1.4.1.jolla

            [packaging] Update usb-moded build dependencies

            [qusbmode] Clarify commenting about „event“ vs „state“ USB modes


            Expose target state as property.

            Updated : 17.3.1-1.6.1.jolla — 17.3.1+git4-1.6.2.jolla


            Relocate /var/cache/zypp to /home/.zypp-cache.

            Updated : 1.1.25-1.20.6.jolla —

            [lipstick-jolla] Break unresponsive app dialog.

            [lipstick-jolla] Fix unresponsive dialog not showing.

            [lipstick-jolla-home] Allow nfc user to call NDEF handler.

            [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix a few compilation errors and warnings

            [nfc] Non-graphical feedback on touch.

            [lipstick-jolla-home] Center bluetooth dialog in landscape views.

            [ui-lipstick-jolla-home] Center bluetooth dialog in landscape views.

            [lipstick-jolla-home] Request a specific tab for captive portal login.

            [homescreen] Show blurred dialog backgrounds on top of the lock screen.

            [lipstick-jolla-home] Set autoConnect when enabling mobile data.

            [lipstick-jolla] Add animation to USB icon when busy.

            [lipstick-jolla-home] Add busy notifications for usb-mode selection.

            [homescreen] Don’t display the ambience title at startup.

            [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix building on gcc 4.9.


            If WLAN password is wrong, show notification to allow user to change it.

            Updated : 1.305.3-1.21.1.jolla — 1.318.3-1.22.1.jolla

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 236 of 236 strings translated (0 need review).

            [l10n] Branched lipstick-jolla-home-qt5 from version 1.318

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 235 of 236 strings translated (1 need review).

            [tpl] translation templates update for 1.1.32

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 219 of 236 strings translated (0 need review).

            [tpl] translation templates update for 1.1.29

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 236 of 236 strings translated (0 need review).

            [tpl] translation templates update for 1.1.28

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 221 of 221 strings translated (0 need review).

            [tpl] translation templates update for 1.1.27

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 218 of 218 strings translated (0 need review).


            translation templates update for 1.1.25

            Updated : 0.33.0-1.9.5.jolla —

            [lipstick] Stricten D-Bus policies.

            [lipstick] Don’t send low battery notification twice.


            Add busy notifications for usb-mode selection.

            Updated : 1.78.2-1.14.1.jolla — 1.81.1-1.14.2.jolla

            [l10n] Branched lipstick-qt5 from version 1.81

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 16 of 16 strings translated (0 need review).

            [tpl] translation templates update for 0.33.1


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 28 of 28 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : 4.86+git1-1.3.1.jolla — 4.91+git1-1.3.4.jolla

            [lsof] Include some changes to upstream2downstream.sh from Fedora.


            Update to version 4.91.

            Updated : 0.7.2+mer1-1.2.4.jolla — 0.7.2+mer2-1.3.1.jolla


            Fix deprecated readdir_r usage.

            Updated : 0.99.1-1.3.3.jolla — 0.99.1+git4-1.4.1.jolla


            Don’t disable optimization on debug builds as it’s required for _FORTIFY_SOURCE.

            Updated : 1.99.8-1.14.2.jolla — 1.100.2-1.16.1.jolla

            [common] Remove unused EXIT label

            [event-input] Do not trap Escape key in interactive state.

            [tklock] Add missing prototypes

            [tklock] Filter interaction expected notifications from lipstick

            [dbus] Stricten org.nemomobile.compositor D-Bus policy.

            [display] Ignore unblank D-Bus requests when p-sensor state is unknown

            [display] Wait for p-sensor state before acting on D-Bus requests

            [doubletap] Do not enable doubletap detection when proximity state is unknown

            [doubletap] Normalize naming of variables used for datapipe tracking

            [examples] Add config file to enable on-demand proximity sensor use

            [fingerprint] Do not enable fingerprint wakeups when p-sensor state is unknown

            [powerkey] Do not reset p-sensor override when sensor state is unknown

            [powerkey] Do not treat ngfd request datapipe as having a state

            [powerkey] Normalize function naming

            [powerkey] Wait for p-sensor state before executing powerkey/gesture actions

            [proximity] Do not assume unknown sensor state equals not-covered

            [proximity] Normalize code style

            [proximity] Normalize datapipe tracking setup

            [proximity] Normalize settings tracking

            [proximity] On-demand proximity sensor activation.

            [tklock] Do not allow display wakeups when p-sensor state is unknown

            [tklock] Keep p-sensor active while handling proximity locking

            [tklock] Wait for p-sensor state before acting on fingerprint unlock

            [tklock] Wait for p-sensor state before acting on keyboard slide open

            [datapipe] Add enablers for logging datapipe value changes

            [datapipe] Make datapipe_t structure opaque

            [dbus] Fix peerinfo tracking on mce startup

            [tklock] Do not act on initial tklock request datapipe value.

            [tklock] Do not deactivate lockscreen on mce restart.


            Try to avoid reporting negative suspend time.

            Updated : 0.2.7-1.9.2.jolla — 0.2.13-1.10.1.jolla

            [mer-core] Remove kernel-headers from Support.

            [mer-core] Fix Ignore line.

            [mer-core] Break dep with ca-certificates and openssl-libs.

            [core] Drop Preinstall nss, nspr, sqlite-libs and icu.

            [icu] Remove preinstall of icu52.


            preinstall openssl-libs, needed by rpm.

            Updated : 0.4.6-1.7.5.jolla — 0.4.7-1.8.1.jolla


            Fix false return. Fixes MER#2025

            Updated : 0.2.24-1.3.7.jolla — 0.2.25-1.4.1.jolla

            [mlite] Fix build in some non-standard environments. Contributes to MER#2014

            [mlite] Fix pkgconfig file reference

            [mlite] Fix tests linkage

            [mlite] Use lupdate from the Qt bin installation path


            Use qdbusxml2cpp from the Qt bin installation path

            Updated : 1.0.63-1.5.4.jolla — 1.0.64-1.6.1.jolla


            Fixed decoding of Content-Disposition header.

            Updated : 20131125+git66-1.3.1.jolla — 20131125+git68-1.3.2.jolla


            Point submodule URL at merproject mirror ;

            Updated : 6.0-1.3.1.jolla — 6.1+git1-1.3.5.jolla

            Update to ncurses 6.1.

            Updated : 0.4.10-1.12.3.jolla — 0.5.1-1.13.1.jolla

            [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Expose number of sending accounts, rename properties.

            [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Clean up message list sorting.

            [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Refactor API.

            [nemo-email] Add ConnectionIssue error code.

            [nemo-email] Remove EmailAgent::m_sendFailed


            Reorganize error codes.

            Updated : 0.4.10-1.10.22.jolla — 0.5.1-1.12.8.jolla

            [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Expose number of sending accounts, rename properties.

            [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Clean up message list sorting.

            [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Refactor API.

            [nemo-email] Add ConnectionIssue error code.

            [nemo-email] Remove EmailAgent::m_sendFailed


            Reorganize error codes.

            Updated : — 0.5.11-1.18.1.jolla

            [systemsettings] Reload the AboutSettings storage models when items are added/removed.

            [nemo-storage] Mount an external storage with fs type that block device has.

            [systemsettings] Update plugins.qmltypes.

            [systemsettings] Fix building on gcc 4.9.


            Accept a partition even if it’s not mountable or encrypted.

            Updated : 1.0.4-1.4.7.jolla — 1.0.9-1.6.1.jolla

            [nfcd] Added nfc_tag_new() and nfc_tag_init_base()

            [nfcd] Improved plugin warnings

            [nfcd] Run nfcd under nfc user account.

            [unit] Added plugins_dbus_handlers_type_generic test

            [nfcd] Fixed parent for NfcTagType2Class

            [nfcd] Got rid of unnecessary memcpy in nfc_tag_t2_cmd

            [nfcd] Make sure transmissions don’t get reordered.

            [nfcd] NfcTagParamT2 -> NfcParamPollA.

            [nfcd] Removed NfcTagType2Class from public headers

            [ndef-write] Added -t, –text=TEXT option.

            [nfcd] Fixed -v option handling

            [nfcd] Normalized include syntax

            [nfcd] Added AlwaysOn setting.

            [nfcd] Fixed dbus_handlers README typo

            [nfcd] add core interface for Text NDEF records.

            [nfcd] NFC_IS_NFC_NDEF_REC_U -> NFC_IS_NDEF_REC_U


            Review Text NDEF record support.

            Updated : 1.0.17-1.10.3.jolla — 1.0.18-1.11.1.jolla


            Remove kbd from core.

            Updated : 0.7.1-1.5.3.jolla — 0.7.2-1.6.1.jolla


            Fix saifish-minui build loop.

            Updated : 3.39-1.3.2.jolla — 3.39-1.3.6.jolla

            [build] Switch to internal sqlite for NSS, to avoid build problems.

            Revert previous change as NSS is no longer in the critical build path.

            Updated : 1.21+git38-1.18.2.jolla — 1.21+git44-1.19.1.jolla

            [test] python => python3.

            [ril] Take TD_SCDMA_SignalStrength into account.

            [ril] Add „modem“ entry to RIL transport parameters.

            [ril] Make UMTS network mode configurable.

            [ofono] Delay sending SMS by 0.1s. Contributes to:


            Interpret , and . as pause in tone string. Contributes to:

            Updated : 0.0.1-1.3.10.jolla — 0.0.2-1.4.21.jolla

            [alien] fake a sim status changed signal if the pin/puk is entered on sfos side.

            [alien] respond to getHardwareConfig requests.


            respond to setupDataCall with a currently active call or an empty one.

            Updated : 0.0.9-1.4.4.jolla — 1.0.3-1.7.3.jolla Binaries added : libgrilio-binder – 1.0.3-1.7.3.jolla, libgrilio-binder-devel – 1.0.3-1.7.3.jolla

            [rilbinder] Handle newSmsStatusReport.

            [build] Fixed pkgconfig build dependency

            [rilbinder] Fixed incompatible pointer types in 64-bit build

            [rilbinder] Fixed setNetworkSelectionModeManual parameters.

            [rilbinder] Add TD_SCDMA_SignalStrength to the parcel.


            Moved binder transport to a separate lib.

            Updated : 1.4.9-1.6.6.jolla — 1.5.0-1.7.1.jolla


            Handle card_info signal.

            Updated : 7.7p1+git4-1.5.1.jolla — 7.9p1+git2-1.5.4.jolla

            [openssh] Include CVE patches.

            [security] CVE-2018-20685: disallow empty filenames or ones that refer to the current directory.

            [security] CVE-2019-6109: sanitize scp filenames via snmprintf.

            [security] CVE-2019-6111: check in scp client that filenames sent satisfy the wildcards specified by the user.

            [sshd] Disable chacha20-poly cipher as a workaround.

            [sshd] Update to upstream openssh-portable 7.9p1.


            Explicitly disable chacha20-poly cipher as a workaround.

            Updated : 1.0.2o-1.4.1.jolla — 1.0.2o+git2-1.4.5.jolla


            Disable installing man pages just to remove it.

            Updated : 0.23.12-1.3.1.jolla — 0.23.12+git1-1.3.5.jolla


            Drop dependency on NSS by using internal hash implementation.

            Updated : 1.0.17-1.10.4.jolla — 1.0.18-1.11.1.jolla


            Remove kbd from core.

            Updated : 8.31-1.3.1.jolla — 8.42+git1-1.3.5.jolla

            Update to pcre 8.42.

            Add doc subpackage.

            Updated : 0.7.7-1.6.3.jolla — 0.8.0-1.7.1.jolla


            Set bluetooth override based on card profile state.

            Updated : 0.65.0-1.4.6.jolla — 0.74.0+git1-1.5.1.jolla


            Update to 0.74.0.

            Updated : 11.1+git5.1-1.7.1.jolla — 12.2+git1-1.7.4.jolla


            Update to PulseAudio 12.2.

            Updated : 11.1.76-1.10.4.jolla — 12.2.77-1.11.1.jolla


            Update to support PulseAudio 12.2.

            Updated : 11.1.3-1.5.5.jolla — 12.2.4-1.6.1.jolla


            Update version to match PulseAudio 12.2.

            Updated : 11.1.76-1.9.2.jolla — 12.2.77-1.10.2.jolla


            Update to support PulseAudio 12.2.

            Updated : 11.1.25-1.5.7.jolla — 12.2.26-1.6.1.jolla


            Update to support PulseAudio 12.2.

            Updated : 11.1.38-1.6.4.jolla — 12.2.39-1.7.1.jolla

            [policy-enforcement] Implement card profile changed notification.

            [policy-enforcement] Remove support for pre-1.0.0 libpulse.


            Update for PulseAudio 12.

            Updated : 2.7.15+git1-1.3.2.jolla — 2.7.15+git2-1.3.7.jolla


            Remove nis module from build.

            Updated : 3.7.2+git1-1.3.2.jolla — 3.7.2+git2-1.3.5.jolla


            Disable nis and _tkinter.

            Updated : 0.3.4-1.9.5.jolla — 0.3.5-1.10.2.jolla


            Fix more/less button state handling.

            Updated : 1.34-1.12.4.jolla — 1.35.1-1.14.2.jolla

            [l10n] Branched qmf-eas-plugin from version 1.35

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 68 of 68 strings translated (0 need review).


            translation templates update for 0.3.5

            Updated : 4.0.4+git108-1.8.8.jolla — 4.0.4+git111-1.10.2.jolla

            [messagingframework] Sync with upstream.

            [qmf] Rebase on upstream after fix to decrease count on EXPUNGE.


            Sync with upstream.

            Updated : 5.6.3+git8-1.8.4.jolla — 5.6.3+git9-1.9.2.jolla


            Build ICU test with c++11.

            Updated : —

            [hwcomposer] Block in swap waiting for the swap to actually complete.

            [hwcomposer] Don’t block on fences from a layer with no associated buffer.

            [hwcomposer2] build hwcomposer2 backend only if hwcomposer2.h header exists.


            include inttypes.h to avoid build failures.

            Updated : 5.6.3+git5-1.4.3.jolla — 5.6.3+git7-1.5.1.jolla


            Support DPI aware configuration.

            Updated : 0.1-1.2.6.jolla — 0.2-1.3.3.jolla


            Disable AE events if they are not supported.

            Updated : 5.6.2+git7-1.4.3.jolla — 5.6.2+git8-1.5.1.jolla


            Fix build with recent ICU.

            Updated : 0.2.29-1.4.4.jolla — 0.2.30-1.5.1.jolla


            Allow , and . as DTMF pause. Contributes to:

            Updated : 1.13.31-1.3.2.jolla — 1.14.2-1.5.4.jolla

            [qtmozembed] Use new ScheduleUpdate API.

            [nemo][qtmozembed] Merge esr45 changes.


            Fix JSON message serialization.

            Updated : 4.14.1+git7-1.6.1.jolla — 4.14.1+git9-1.5.7.jolla

            [build] Switch the rpm-python build from nss to openssl too.


            Switch crypto from nss to openssl to reduce build loops.

            Updated : 4.14.1+git7-1.5.1.jolla — 4.14.1+git9-1.4.4.jolla

            [build] Switch the rpm-python build from nss to openssl too.


            Switch crypto from nss to openssl to reduce build loops.

            Updated : 0.32.1-1.2.7.jolla — 0.32.1-1.3.3.jolla

            [Packaging] Fix submodule path


            Point submodule URL at merproject mirror ;

            Updated : 1.17.13-1.11.6.jolla — 1.18.7-1.13.7.jolla

            [browser] Guard capture grab ready for active web page.

            [browser] Maemo back for google UA (gecko esr45).

            [browser] Return back „Maemo“ for google.com domain UA override.

            [user-agent] Update preprocessed user agent overrides

            [browser] Add means to open specific tab with url.

            [ua-overrides] Add ua-overrides for Gecko esr45.

            [ua-overrides] Update user-agent overrides.

            [user-agent] Update preprocessed user agent overrides

            [sailfish-browser] Merge esr45 changes.

            [browser] Update user-agent override for facebook.com.

            [browser] Update user-agent overrides

            [rpm] Bump up requirements

            [sailfish-browser] Cleanup SelectAsyncHelper.js loading.

            [sailfish-browser] Fix verkkokauppa.com to load.


            Suppress error from the sync message response.

            Updated : 1.137-1.12.3.jolla — 1.141.1-1.14.2.jolla

            [l10n] Branched sailfish-browser from version 1.141

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).

            [tpl] translation templates update for 1.18.5


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : 1.62.1-1.10.1.jolla — 1.64-1.10.1.jolla


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 11 of 11 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : 1.68-1.8.3.jolla — 1.69.1-1.9.2.jolla

            [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5 from version 1.69


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 34 of 34 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : 0.2.19-1.11.4.jolla — 0.2.20-1.12.1.jolla


            Hide context menu for recent contacts on selection page.

            Updated : 1.121-1.12.4.jolla — 1.123.1-1.13.2.jolla

            [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-contacts-qt5 from version 1.123

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 119 of 119 strings translated (0 need review).


            translation templates update for 0.2.19

            Updated : 1.52.2-1.18.1.jolla — 1.56.1-1.18.2.jolla

            [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-filemanager from version 1.56


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 60 of 60 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : 1.113.1-1.14.1.jolla — 1.116-1.14.1.jolla


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 49 of 49 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : 1.24-1.8.4.jolla — 1.26-1.9.1.jolla


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 14 of 14 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : 0.1.0-1.6.4.jolla — 1.0.2-1.7.5.jolla

            [sailfish-webengine] Drop maemo from the user-agent string.

            [sailfish-components-webview] Merge esr45 changes.

            [sailfish-webengine] Update version for user agent string.


            Fixed pkgconfig version,

            Updated : — 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla

            [suspendplugin] add TESTMODE suspend command for gen3 wmtWifi drivers.

            [suspendplugin] print an error if neither method of entering the suspend mode worked.

            [suspendplugin] set power save mode on bootup (same as in android).


            remove NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_ANY.

            Updated : 1.44.1-1.13.1.jolla — 1.45-1.13.1.jolla


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 24 of 24 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : 0.4.15-1.12.6.jolla — 0.4.17-1.12.1.jolla

            [sailfish-eas] Use new Qt signal/slot format.


            Remove unused function.

            Updated : 0.3.15-1.13.5.jolla — 0.3.16-1.13.4.jolla


            Add ‚mdm_tool –datacounters query‘ option.

            Updated : 1.14-1.10.4.jolla — 1.16.1-1.12.2.jolla

            [l10n] Branched sailfish-mdm from version 1.16


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 4 of 4 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : 1.16.1-1.7.1.jolla — 1.17-1.7.1.jolla


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 9 of 9 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : 1.4.3-1.11.4.jolla — 1.4.4-1.12.1.jolla


            Silence debug unless explicitly asked with -d.

            Updated : 1.103-1.14.3.jolla — 1.104.1-1.15.2.jolla

            [l10n] Branched sailfish-office from version 1.104

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 52 of 57 strings translated (0 need review).


            translation templates update for 1.4.4

            Updated : 0.2.8-1.8.4.jolla — 0.2.9-1.9.1.jolla

            [sailfish-secretscrypto] Cipher session implementation. Contributes to:


            Ensure that authentication plugin are installed with GnuPG plugins.

            Updated : 1.19-1.10.4.jolla — 1.20-1.11.1.jolla


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 49 of 49 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : 1.22.1-1.10.1.jolla — 1.24-1.10.1.jolla


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 54 of 54 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : 1.63-1.14.4.jolla — 1.64-1.15.1.jolla


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 87 of 88 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : 0.1.7-1.3.3.jolla — 0.1.9-1.4.1.jolla


            Remove unused function.

            Updated : 1.54-1.8.3.jolla — 1.55-1.9.1.jolla


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 19 of 19 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : 3.0.2-1.10.8.jolla — 3.0.3-1.11.8.jolla


            Change name for 3.0.3 (Hossa).

            Updated : 1.35.1-1.12.1.jolla — 1.37-1.12.1.jolla


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 24 of 24 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : —

            [silica] Avoid visual jumping in TextArea when receiving focus.

            [silica] Don’t autoscroll TextArea’s parent flickable unexpectedly.

            [silica] Improve previous fix for auto-scrolling TextField/Area external flickable.

            [sailfishsilica] Adapt to changed QQuickItemChangeListener private API.

            [silica] Ensure ListItem menu is reassigned correctly for non-component menus.

            [sailfish-silica] Expose label as private property _label.

            [silica] Auto scroll views that don’t change size when a context menu opens.

            [silica] Avoid scroll creep when opening a content menu.

            [silica] Don’t try to keep the containing item in view when a context menu opens.

            [sailfishsilica] Disabled text field should look disabled.


            Allow overriding search field echo mode toggle button behavior.

            Updated : 1.106.1-1.15.1.jolla — 1.107.1-1.16.2.jolla

            [l10n] Branched sailfishsilica-qt5 from version 1.107


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 47 of 47 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : 1.0+git6-1.3.3.jolla — 1.0+git7-1.3.4.jolla

            Switch icu52 back to icu.

            Updated : 1.0+git6-1.3.2.jolla — 1.0+git7-1.3.2.jolla

            Switch icu52 back to icu.

            Updated : 4.0-1.2.2.jolla — 5.0-1.3.1.jolla

            [packages] Drop qt5-qmake from packages_in_tools for armv7hl


            Re-introduce qt5-qmake in packages_in_tools,

            Updated : 4.0-1.3.2.jolla — 5.0-1.4.1.jolla

            [packages] Drop qt5-qmake from packages_in_tools for armv7hl


            Re-introduce qt5-qmake in packages_in_tools,

            Updated : 0.2.7-1.3.3.jolla — 0.2.8-1.4.1.jolla


            Fix IMEI fetching in flash script.

            Updated : 2.3.90+git15-1.5.1.jolla — 2.3.90+git17-1.5.3.jolla

            [gates] Remove libc-lock.h related code from system_gate.

            [gates] Add missing flags to remove gates. MER#1997

            [gates] Remove gate lacks the flag to avoid resolution of last part of path


            Use glibc system directly.

            Updated : 1.2.49-1.17.1.jolla — Binaries added : sdk-resize-rootfs –

            [zypp] Redirect the new zypp cache location in /home back to /var/cache.

            [packaging] Require connman-tools from sdk-vm.

            [sdk-manage] Fix reserving first target snapshot.

            [resize-rootfs] Do not require reboot.

            [resize-rootfs] Repackage and enable the service.


            Do not use symlinks under vboxsf mounts.

            Updated : 0.10.8-1.8.4.jolla — 0.10.9-1.9.1.jolla

            [compasschain] Change types of the ‚oldHeading‘ and ‚heading‘ variables inside CompassFilter from int to qreal. Fixes MER#2016

            [compasschain] Fix the compass value calculation. Fixes MER#2016


            Fixed pkgconfig version,

            Updated : 1.9+git1-1.4.1.jolla — 1.12-1.4.4.jolla


            Update to version 1.12.

            Updated : 3.13.0+git2-1.4.2.jolla — 3.13.0+git3-1.3.6.jolla


            Conflict with older rpm.

            Updated : 0.107-1.6.1.jolla — 0.108-1.6.1.jolla


            Remove maintainer check from adaptation repos.

            Updated : 1.0.1-1.14.6.jolla — 1.0.2-1.15.4.jolla


            Release cover image for 3.0.3.

            Updated : 1.147-1.15.4.jolla — 1.149.1-1.16.2.jolla

            [l10n] Branched store-client from version 1.149


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 142 of 142 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : 225+git12-1.4.1.jolla — 225+git13-1.4.4.jolla

            [systemd] Create and own /etc/crypttab.


            Enable cryptsetup.

            Updated : 0.7.4+git1-1.3.3.jolla — 0.7.4+git2-1.4.1.jolla Binaries added : telepathy-rakia-doc – 0.7.4+git2-1.4.1.jolla


            Add telepathy-rakia-doc subpackage.

            Updated : 2.5.4+git1-1.3.3.jolla — 2.5.4+git2-1.4.1.jolla


            Allow use of , and . as pause. Contributes to:

            Updated : 1.0.6-1.2.3.jolla — 1.0.7-1.2.3.jolla


            Fix txei git submodule url.

            Updated : 2017b-1.2.7.jolla — 2017b.2-1.3.1.jolla

            [tzdata-timed] Fix offsets for custom Iso8601 zones;


            Ensure _GNU_SOURCE is defined for ’signature‘;

            Updated : 0.86.0+mer30-1.4.2.jolla — 0.86.0+mer33-1.3.4.jolla

            [dbus] Add Qt specific annotation to usb-moded Introspect XML


            Expose dynamic mode configuration on D-Bus.

            Updated : 2.31+git2-1.4.1.jolla — 2.33+git1-1.4.5.jolla


            Update to 2.33.1,

            Updated : 3.13.0+git2-1.4.2.jolla — 3.14.0+git1-1.5.1.jolla


            Update to 3.14.0.

            Updated : 0.2.9-1.3.3.jolla — 0.2.10-1.4.1.jolla


            Remove Werror from build flags.

            Updated : 7.3.629-1.2.1.jolla — 7.3.629-1.2.4.jolla Binaries added : vim-doc – 7.3.629-1.2.4.jolla


            Add vim-doc subpackage.

            Updated : 0.15.7-1.8.13.jolla — 0.15.8-1.9.9.jolla


            Require sdk-resize-rootfs under VBox.

            Updated : 1.188-1.15.4.jolla — 1.193.2-1.18.1.jolla

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 208 of 208 strings translated (0 need review).

            [l10n] Branched voicecall-ui-jolla from version 1.193

            [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 208 of 208 strings translated (0 need review).

            [tpl] translation templates update for 0.11.15


            Commit from Jolla localisation: 207 of 207 strings translated (0 need review).

            Updated : — 45.9.1+git8-1.8.1.jolla

            [nemo][embedlite] Fix sync message handler call both global and frame message handlers.

            [nemo][embedlite] Switch to use APZEventState (async pan&zoom) for input handling.

            [nemo][embedlite] Schedule update for a view.

            [nemo][embedlite] Cleanup build configuration.

            [xulrunner] Enable system ICU.

            [nemo][xulrunner] Update to gecko esr45.9.

            [nemo][embedlite] Align EmbedLiteViewBaseChild’s RecvSetIsActive to nsPresShell::SetIsActive.

            [nemo][xulrunner] Do not load nsHelperAppDlg.js.

            [nemo][xulrunner] Embedlite doesn’t have prompter implementation.

            [nemo][xulrunner] Merge latest esr45 (45.9.1)

            [nemo][xulrunner] Embedlite doesn’t have prompter implementation.

            [nemo][xulrunner] Do not load nsHelperAppDlg.js.

            [nemo][embedlite] Align EmbedLiteViewBaseChild’s RecvSetIsActive to nsPresShell::SetIsActive.

            [xulrunner] Update media resource state when the playing state changes for any reason.

            [rpm] Update system nspr version and configuration flag.

            [xulrunner] Make fullscreen enabling work as used to with pref full-screen-api.content-only.

            [rpm] Cleanup spec.


            Fix (de)serialization of JSON messages.

            Updated : 1.2.8+git3-1.4.1.jolla — 1.2.11+git1-1.4.5.jolla


            Update to v1.2.11,


            • Binaries added : ffmpeg – 4.1.1+git1-1.2.1.jolla, ffmpeg-tools – 4.1.1+git1-1.2.1.jolla, ffmpeg-devel – 4.1.1+git1-1.2.1.jolla

            Version 4.1.1, with OpenSUSE style encoder/decoder build config.

            Binaries added : icu – 63.1+git5-1.1.6.jolla, libicu-devel – 63.1+git5-1.1.6.jolla, libicu – 63.1+git5-1.1.6.jolla, libicu-doc – 63.1+git5-1.1.6.jolla

            [spec] Be explicit that rpm needs update before this.

            [icu] Make sure rpm is upgraded before libicu, as the old version is dependent…

            [icu] Make sure rpm is upgraded before libicu, as the old version is dependent on the old icu.

            [icu] Obsolete libicu52 and libicu52-devel too.

            [icu] Obsolete old icu52 package.

            [icu] Build 63.1 from submodule.

            [packaging] Fix building on OBS

            [packaging] Remove extra file

            [packaging] Add missing build dependency

            [packaging] Move man pages to doc subpackage.

            [packaging] Add .so version to name to make parallel installs possible

            [packaging] import fedora packaging and adapt to subtree build

            [packaging] make the devel package require the binaries as well

            [packaging] remove fedora’s icu-config wrapper

            [packaging] use –disable-renaming

            [patch] apply icu.7601.Indic-ccmp.patch to icu subtree

            [patch] apply icu.8800.freeserif.crash.patch to icu subtree

            [patch] apply icu.9948.mlym-crash.patch to icu subtree


            import fix-TestTwoDigitYear-test.patch to icu subtree

            Binaries added : nfcd-binder-plugin – 1.0.3-1.2.1.jolla

            [nfcd-binder-plugin] Fixed compilation error in some environments

            [nfcd-binder-plugin] Support for NFC-B Poll Mode.

            [nfcd-binder-plugin] Configure PA_BAIL_OUT and PB_BAIL_OUT.

            [nfcd-binder-plugin] Made NciModeParamPollA a flat structure

            [nfcd-binder-plugin] Return from IDLE to DISCOVERY.

            [nfcd-binder-plugin] Rafactored NCI state machine.

            [nfcd-binder-plugin] Renamed hexdump log category

            [nfcd-binder-plugin] Support for interface selection.


            Initial commit.

            Dit vind je misschien ook leuk...