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Ever forgot about your parking disk in time-restricted free parking zones commonly found in Europe? Use this little app to get a reminder. Depending on your country, set the interval first by clicking on the [i] symbol. For instance Swiss and Germany have 30min intervals, Austria 15min.

How to use this app:
Look out for permitted parking duration, swipe down the app to set it there. Total parking duration will be calculated and a countdown will be displayed. An alarm will sound when it is time to head back to your car. Also don't forget to place your onboard parking-disk visible to your dash as usual. A little hint on how to set the parking-disk is shown in the app.

Application versions: 
File harbour-parkingtimer-0.3-0.i486.rpm38.68 KB30/11/2020 - 00:45
File harbour-parkingtimer-0.3-0.armv7hl.rpm38.43 KB30/11/2020 - 00:45