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Experimental audio manipulation app for SF. Cut audio files or recordings and apply effects like fade-in, emphasize, echo or denoiser.

Please report bugs and feature requests at:

As of SF 3.3 there is no mp3-encoder included in the OS yet. If you need to save as mp3, you have to install LAME encoder as well. It is available in chum. Using lame, however, requires starting the app from a terminal. wav, ogg and flac export should (tm) just work.

The library dependancies are now all dealt with in this package and pydub is not required any longer.



Application versions: 
File harbour-audiocut-1.4.1-1.noarch.rpm79.38 KB07/01/2023 - 16:42
File harbour-audiocut-1.4.2-1.noarch.rpm80.29 KB08/01/2023 - 19:38
File harbour-audiocut-1.4.3-1.noarch.rpm80.23 KB11/01/2023 - 12:10
File harbour-audiocut-1.5.0-1.noarch.rpm84.17 KB28/11/2023 - 20:30

* Tue Nov 28 2023 Mark Washeim <> - v1.5.0
- Fix: ogg & flac export
- [Feature] experimental chorus effect

* Tue Jan 10 2023 Mark Washeim <> - 1.4.3
- [Feature] add phaser #8

* Sun Jan 08 2023 Mark Washeim <> - 1.4.2
- [Feature] add flanger #9 Also begin component refactoring
- Note: this step is the beginning of a refactoring with components.
- Note: flanger, as with the recent slowdown are ffmpeg on the entire file

* Sat Jan 07 2023 Mark Washeim <> - 1.4.1
- [FEATURE] #5 replace pydub method with ffmpeg
- [FIX] Add noarch flag for build

* Fri Dec 9 2022 1.4
- Move to noarch.
- Bump version for release.
- update pydub to 2.5.1

* Wed May 18 2022 1.3
- Sailjail with Compatibility Removed call to which, not allowed in harbour Bumped the version.

* Mon May 9 2022  1.2.0
- Minor mods for:  Sailjail exclusion and (c) updates and a version bump

* Sat Jan 22 2022 1.1.0
- Added chum meta
- Added build and requires sections for chum installs.
- Modified .cache entries for new sailjail sets.

* Mon Aug 9 2021  1.0
- Removed unused depends.

- some QML restructuring