Preview Update14 beschikbaar

Jolla heeft zojuist de preview van Update14 aangekondigd. De update, met versienummer 1.1.6, is beschikbaar voor de ‘early access’ groep. De update zal binnenkort worden aangeboden op je toestel. Heb je geen geduld, ga dan naar Instellingen, Systeeminstellingen, Sailfish OS updates en gebruik daar de pulley om te controleren op updates. Lees vanzelfsprekend wel eerst de release notes en changelog.

Belangrijkste aspecten hierbij zijn wederom dat je voldoende ruimte hebt op je systeem en dat je een paar voorzorgsmaatregelen neemt:

This is the early access release of upgrade 1.1.6 (1.1.5 got dropped early in the RC phase). During this week we will collect feedback, amend this page and fix issues, if necessary, followed by releasing this upgrade to all users.

Please ensure that you have ~1.5GB of free disk space before attempting to upgrade your Jolla. If connected to the internet, and your account is subscribed for early access releases, your Jolla should receive an OS update notification shortly.

As usual,

  • If you use phonehook from OpenRepos, uninstall it before upgrading.
  • If you use patchmanager, revert all applied patches before upgrading.
  • If your device is running software version lower than and have WareHouse app installed (i.e you are using OpenRepos), disable all openrepo repositories before attempting to upgrade your device.
  • Take a backup of your data before attempting to upgrade your device. A successful backup operation is indicated by a green dot in the UI.
  • Do not reboot the device while the update is in progress.
  • The device screen may blank out during the update process, you may waken the display by a short press on the power key to monitor the progress.

Als je, net als ik, vrij veel repositories hebt geactivieerd in OpenRepos/Warehouse, dan kunnen de volgende commando’s handig zijn. Ze worden uitgevoerd als root vanuit de terminal. Dit kan op de Jolla, maar ook via SSH. Mocht je de weg nu volledig kwijt zijn, dan is dat helemaal niet erg, maar dan is het zeker te overwegen helemaal niet in de ‘early access’ groep te gaan zitten.

Alle openrepos repositories uitzetten als root:

for i in $(ssu lr 2>&1 | grep openre | cut -d" "  -f3); do  ssu dr $i ; done

Alle openrepo repositories weer aanzetten als root:

for i in $(ssu lr 2>&1 | grep openre | cut -d" "  -f3); do  ssu er $i ; done

Voornaamste wijzigingen in deze release zijn:

  • Search emails by keyword via the pulldown menu in Mail app
    • Ability to select and mark multiple emails as read/unread
    • Private browsing mode in Browser
    • Detailed new on memory (disk) usage usage via Settings > System > ‘About Product’ page (tap on the Memory usage info circle)
    • Import calendar entries (.vcs, .ical) transferred to your phone via Settings > System > Transfers to Calendar app
    • Option to send read receipts to senders of MMS messages (Settings > Apps > Messages)
    • Show notification if an email attachment cannot be opened
    • View phone number of a contact in the call log via tap-and-hold on the call log entry.
    • Notification on file system getting full in Events view indicating that some data should be moved out from the phone memory
    • Quick launch of CSD tool from Settings > System > ‘About Product’ page > 5 taps on the OS version number (Note: the tool has been translated to English and Chinese only)
    • Voicemail notifications UI – availability differs depending on countries and operators
    • Reset MMS settings to default values from the pulley menu in Settings > System > Mobile network > MMS access point page
    • Better OS upgrade handling
      • OS upgrade notifications update automatically in case there is a newer OS version available
      • Filesystem optimizations prior to installing OS upgrades. This will be effective from the next upgrade onwards.
    • We’ve recently received approval from Facebook on our new implementation. The account should now work after a re-login.

De volgende beveiligingsupdates zijn doorgevoerd:

Daarnaast zijn er een paar bekende problemen met de release:

  • If you have phonehook from OpenRepos installed uninstall it before upgrading.
  • Currently, checks on available disk space happens very late during the OS upgrade process and will fail in the installation phase if the disk space is low. Normally there should be an error note asking you to free some disk space and try again, but in some marginal cases it might not be shown. Should this happen, free some disk space and try to install the OS update again.
  • OS update may fail due to some other reasons too, for example it may have installed some packages from the new release and still have something left from the old. If the device can boot up, you can try to recover by doing the following. If not, you can attempt to recover the device using the recovery mode.
    • Delete the file /home/nemo/.cache/store-client/os-info
    • Stop the store-client process (for e.g. pkill store-client)
    • Reopen Settings app, check for updates again and attempt to install the OS update again
  • We have also noted that if the OS update is attempted while there is long queue of installation of apps from the Store, the system may end up in mixed state (for e.g. select all the apps from startup wizard, and start the system update already while the apps are being installed).
    • In such cases, the OS update appears to be stalled, however it is just waiting for the installations to complete before attempting to upgrade the OS. Just wait patiently, the worst thing to do here is to reboot the device!

Zoals gezegd, deze update is enkel beschikbaar voor zij die actief hebben aangeven in hun Jolla profiel dat ze gebruik willen maken van deze vroege releases. Wil je dit niet, wacht dan rustig af.


Jarno is oprichter en bijdrager van Daarnaast in het dagelijks leven druk bezig met internet als Frontend Developer.

3 reacties

  1. André Koot schreef:

    Ik ben wel benieuwd of er lezers hier Early Access hebben geactiveerd. Doe ik zelf niet, want mij Jolla is mijn primaire telefoon, enige stabiliteit heb ik dus wel nodig 🙂

  1. 15 juni 2015

    […] Jolla is zojuist begonnen met de uitrol van update14 naar alle gebruikers. Daarmee is de update niet meer alleen beschikbaar voor de early access groep. Zie voor meer informatie over update14 de eerdere blogpost ‘Preview Update14 beschikbaar‘. […]

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